Genshin Impact 2.1 Update Gameplay – Sangonomiya Kokomi Gameplay & Abilities

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Recorded from official Genshin Impact livestream:

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20 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 2.1 Update Gameplay – Sangonomiya Kokomi Gameplay & Abilities”

  1. I just did the math,
    A lvl 80 ascended Kokomi,
    Talent at 2-2-9,
    With 2 Millelith 2 Maidens, with bad substat roll
    HP% Sands Hydro% Goblet HP% Circlet
    Lvl 90 Thrilling Tales
    With her ult up, her normal attack deal 10k and her charged attack deal 18k.
    With 55k HP.

    She stays on the field, with Beidou, Xiangling, Bennet/Raiden.
    She's like an unkillable Childe or Carry Mona.
    Comparing her to Xinqiu, Barbara, and Diona is wrong

  2. She is super pretty and has really cool animations. But, I really don't want a 5 star Barbara / Bennett… Mihoyo really needs to get their act together and make her DPS insane or they ain't touching my wallet. Sorry not sorry.

  3. Another zhongli…can fit into any team for sustain….put totem and switch out….her E has nice AoE radius too…..just build full hp and have your team unkillable due to the continuous healing instead of shield….just hope her E wont have insanely long cd so we dont have to put sacrificial tome on her.

    The most important thing is, hopefully she dont wet herself like barbara


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