They made the new Abyss IMPOSSIBLE | 1.5 Spiral Abyss | Genshin Impact

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23 thoughts on “They made the new Abyss IMPOSSIBLE | 1.5 Spiral Abyss | Genshin Impact”

  1. Floor 11 still felt easy. Floor 12-2 made me switch my team up because the flies were annoying me. 12-3 was fine, but I feel like I am fighting the electro guys wrong. But I was still able to 36 star fine.

  2. Imagine they brings 3 primo geovishap in first half and another 3 primo vishap in 2nd half of floor 12 chamber 1. Chamber 2 first half they bring 4 abyss lectors and second half is 4 abyss heralds. Chamber 3 first half is azhdaha and second half is osial

  3. 11-2 crybabies: why is this chamber so hard? Mihoyo is so bad at making floor 11

    Mihoyo: oh what was that? You want harder floor 11 and floor 12? I got you fam

  4. It would be great if they let us choose the difficulty of the spiral abyss similar to the event domain, the higher the difficulty the better rewards, by doing that will satisfy both casual players and the try-hard players.

  5. I never attempted past floor 8 but now that i reallly realllllly need zhongli (as i got qiqi as my 1st 5 star on his previous banner) i have started to sttempt the spyral abyss and floor 9 and 10 were ez but ohh boy i can't get past floor 11 we might need a guide for spyral abyss by envi


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