This Artifact has HIDDEN POTENTIAL | Start Saving it For Future Builds! | Genshin impact

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35 thoughts on “This Artifact has HIDDEN POTENTIAL | Start Saving it For Future Builds! | Genshin impact”

  1. Shortly, if you have a different mean to consistently reach about 50% elemental dmg bonus, relying on Atk% Goblet might be a better choice, as it increases the "base value" multiplied by different multipliers.

    I saw this coming when they released Kazuha, but there is a problem with him, being that there is an order by which swirled elements are prioritized: Pyro, Hydro, Electro Cryo…
    The second and the third might be inverted, I'm not sure… as I end up seeing only Pyro being swirled, even if the closest enemy is debuffed by Cryo or whatever… a torch nearby is all is needed for Pyro to be the one to be swirled instead.

  2. I stopped the video when you said "KAZUHA AND MiSTPlitter" so basically. that goblet is for whales ok. ty understandable.

    ALSO I think it was already known. for this because of diminishing returns. .I thought everyone already knew about this… specially for elemental def reduction… it goes the same for elemental dmg… 😐 .. but in the end this is still Whale territory unless you got multiple stuff that dumps you that much Elemental dmg

  3. Who destroys atk%??
    It is literally better than crit in most instances. No wonder I do way more damage than the people I co op with even though the have refined 5 star weapons

  4. Whether it's HP%, Def,%, Atk % as long as they have great substats, it's always a great idea to keep 'em. You'll never know when a character comes out that scales on that stat. Take Hu Tao for example, back then, people would be throwing HP% Crimson Witch artifacts only to end up having shot themselves in the foot when they realized she scales on HP. Same with how most people treated Def% Noblesse and Petra pieces before Albedo came out. If substats are great, always keep.

  5. EHE i've been doing atk% goblet on kazuha since i've decided to main dps kazuha c0 when inazuma release.. since my bennett is c6, and how hard it is to get 4set vv, plus mistsplitter, he has no probs in abyss with benny. i got Fun, plus good result in combat with him as my core. we just need to know what we're doing.

  6. Eula also is one that can utilize all atk% as well if you use a physical dmg sword (like sword of broke-ass pines)

    But the dmg is almost the same.

    So if you have a crap sub stat physical vs a good sub stat atk% cup. Its actually better due to getting more crit dmg/chance% and ER%.

    Or be like me and took forever to get a good atk% sands……… 🙄

    Results may very.

  7. i have to say you have a point. i tested this on chongyun since i main him as a dps, and apparently he would do as high as 15k per slash on his elemental burst and 14k on his elemental skill on the 2.0 spiral abyss. i also use atk% goblets on xiangling, xingqiu, and yanfei for months now and yet the same thing, so i don't see why people complain about atk% goblets nowadays 😏

  8. But the percentage of players that could make their ratio better by running atk% goblet is so small and the extra overall DMG you get is also extremely small so it's not gonna be worth it at all if I have to farm for it again when I already have good substats on my elemental DMG goblet. said, 6×6 = 36 and 7×5 = 35.
    The increase in DMG would only be 1. That for me is way too small.

  9. Weren't people already talking about this when Eula came out? That Eula can hit the point where she has too much Physical Damage bonus and needs to stack Atk instead?

  10. I was actually laughing at my Rosaria since she had 50 percent crit base,100 cdmg,109 physical bonus,46.6 cryo, 140 ER and 1.7k attk. I'm on the verge of saying "Balanced, as all things should be "

  11. You can say the same thing for crit DMG, you can technically gain damage from switching from crit DMG circlet to ATK% circlet. Ayaka as crit dmg ascencion, if you use misplitter you gain even more crit dmg, and with very good rolls you can have a load of crit dmg without the circlet. if you have 180% CD without the circlet, you don't need the 60 that it give, ATK% will give you more damage.

  12. Heck i've switched to ATK% circlet recently and it remedied my damage issues. (there was no use of the highly-advised "mandatory" CRIT headsets with bad substats so i swapped them for ATK% with good substats instead)

  13. I never got a Phys Damage Goblet for my Eula so I eventually levelled an Attack Goblet with both Crit Substats…all rolls went into the Crit stats. I slapped a "good enough" sticker on that and farmed artifacts for other characters. xD


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