The Zhongli Controversy In Genshin Impact

The Zhongli Controversy In Genshin Impact



I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!


#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #miHoYo


40 thoughts on “The Zhongli Controversy In Genshin Impact”

  1. To be fair, Zhongli was underwhelming across the board when he came out. No interruption resistance or pillar when holding E, no HP scaling for attacks, etc. And this was after a ton of hype—all the lore about him being a literal god of war and the trailer making him look like one too.

    Imagine if Raiden came out with Keqing's kit. Is the kit trash? No. But is it acceptable for an Archon? Also no.

  2. 18:30 as a day 1 zhongli haver, this crap is a mistake. Like, you have no idea how much this crap ruin my gameplay, just from elemental reaction stand point or just basic movement. To someone that thought this is a good idea, scr*w you

  3. People knowing Zhongli leaks then experiencing the released version = community exploded due to disappointment. Chinese players, even more. And you know Hoyo, they listen to them. But this is for the good. They buffed Geo as a whole

  4. I have him and even though people keep complaining about him, he's one of my mains. I built him so that he could shield but also do damage and I'm not disappointed at all!
    I will c6 him for sure

  5. ive had him since his first run. i started playing again recently after two years, and now he’s carrying my team <3 i love zhongli, he’s like a grandpa who saves me the trouble of having to dodge lol

  6. I remember pulling him on his first banner cause I thought he was cool and everyone was shit talking me in multiplayer when I was farming geo artifact’s with him.
    Like “HAH you actually wasted money on this guy?” (I was f2p)
    Some time later people were getting jealous of me having him

  7. good thing yae miko was balanced on release, same with dehya. tbh its always better to release a op character over one thats just broken tbh one reason why i dont play genshin anymore is partially due to this reason, ofc aside from the other issues in the game,

  8. Diluc was legit THE guy back then i remember i wanted him soooooo bad and i lost the 50/50 and got jean, which was nice i guess but i wanted him so bad man

  9. At that time when he got released I literally didnt care about what was happening on all those social platforms.
    Just imagine happy music with me enjoying my daddy and the game to its fullest.
    And then one day they buffed him and I was like: "Wa? A Buff? Why though? He's strong enough in my opinion. Mhh guess I'll take it."

  10. The thing with Zhongli shield is, it did not gave buff to other character, even 4 star shielder give one, Diona with Stamina Reduction and Move Speed, Xinyan with Physical Dmg increase and Noelle is heal. While Zhongli only have shield.

    Diona literally have basically zero cooldown if you have Sacrificial Bow, that what make her a greater shielder at the time, plus heal.

    So he having those 20% RES Shred is literally the life saver for him as a character.

  11. Dehya situation was much worse. Zhongli drama was crazy because the community had a different view of the game. Venti is to this day broken its just that specifically in abyss mihoyo makes an effort to keep him weak by introducing enemies that cant be grouped, while he himself never got nerfed, the game got changed to nerf him instead because he was that broken 🙂

  12. This sentiment is what i saw on kokami's release too. But iv been using her since release and shesxalways been good. She got better with the new artifacts but it seem like everyone wants every character to be a dps monster instead of havong actual utility an unique play styles.

  13. i hear so many things about a nerf on this or that but they not out yet so how can it be a nerf it is only a nerf it it comes out and they nerf it

  14. dehya getting frozen and it making u cancel the burst is fine cuz she needs a weakness but they should have gave it more dmg like that weakness if she was doing like 100k to 200k each hit of her burst or something like that the freeze thing would be an ok weakness

  15. Zhongli is the actual Archon that did his job, he went to Da Wei at Mihoyo HQ and told them to not just buff him but Geo as a whole. The rest of the Archons did not stand up to the tyranny of Da Wei.

  16. ok one of the main problem that i remember is
    1. his hold e doesnt make a pillar, only a shield (which makes energy particles v scarce)
    2. his shield was MUCH weaker
    3. his pillar didnt make particles on every pulse
    4. his petrify was much shorter (when this is like his main niche)
    5. stagger res was lower
    6. oh right no elemental shred 🙏


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