Genshin Impact Idle Animation vs Wuthering waves – Who is the best ?!Part 2

#wutheringwaves #genshinimpact #wuthering #genshin
wuthering waves , wuthering waves vs genshin impact, Genshin impact idle animation, Wuthering Waves idle animation, wuthering waves CHARACTERS , wuthering waves gacha, Genshin impact gacha, Who is the best gacha ? , Genshin who is the best ?, Wuthering Waves Who is the best ?, Genshin impact Idle animation characters,


13 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Idle Animation vs Wuthering waves – Who is the best ?!Part 2”

  1. Finaly not just me the one who see the Ayaka vibes in Jinshi. ๐Ÿ˜†
    Same hair vibes, same personality vibes, same sainty girl type vibes. She even praying in her animation now. ๐Ÿ˜… Comeone how is that possible that someone can't see this?
    Well not that it's a problem, a lot of guys like this type of girls. So it was as expected they will make a character like this.

  2. Lingyang leans more into being a junior at Wushou dancing, while gaming is more of a senior. (You can see from the Moves, Iโ€™m not sure this proves anything but the moves Lingyang pulls off are in my PE Textbook. That proves that itโ€™s a more open and commonly known move, as opposed to gamingโ€™s)

    Also, I feel like Miko would be a better comparison for jinhsi (elemental being Transitioning in to eat a bird, and a Dragon blinking in to check on Jinhsi)

  3. Lets be clear, good idea โ‰  good animation. That animation with the dragon had nothing going on for it aside the cool looking dragon. It is a really good idea though. But having almost no mouvement, I can't rate it 10/10


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