Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!

Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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► Memes sauce: r/Genshin_Memepact/
► BackGround Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud

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26 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #789”

  1. #GIM

    Girl: i bet he thinks other girl

    Me: I just realized that the most of the weapons with the highest base attack have the less sub stat pourcentage and the most less base attack having the most highest sub stat pourcentage was it always balanced like that?

    Thanos: Always has been

  2. #GIM
    Tighnari: Cyno always makes horrible jokes.
    Alhaitham: wow, i've never heard one
    Tighnari: Really? How do you prevent him from saying them? You choke him before he does?
    Alhaitham:no, (insert alhaitham theme) i don't need to fight, only to think.
    Tighnari: So how do you do it?
    Alhaitham: i don't go around with Cyno
    Tighnari: surprised Pikachu face

  3. #GIM
    Loki: I have an army.
    Tony Stark: We have a Hulk.
    Jean: We have a Klee.

    Cyno: (Tracks down Tighnari and Collei to Port Ormos) What comes after USA? (Flashes an USB drive) USB!
    Collei: (Dies of cringe)
    TIghnari: (Choking intensifies)

  4. The joke is I'm not sure any of the archons so far are worse off for it. The Fatui can't afford the resources to do anything more to Venti, and until it happened there was always the chance they'd be able to actually kill him trying to take it. Zhongli almost certainly got some assurances regarding the ultimate fallout – whether the Tsaritsa wins or loses – that I can't begrudge him given what we now suspect and that really couldn't be bought with anything less. Ei… aside from already not using it for anything, we know Scaramouche would have been reckless enough to go after her if he somehow made it out of Sumeru, and it's hard to imagine that wouldn't have ended with her casually cutting him down and handing the Gnosis off again. So if she ever became aware of the matter, it wouldn't have been important to her. Nahida had to save our life, and her own as well, and while we don't know what else she got out of that it's quite likely the beginning of being able to completely change the game being played.

    Of course, we might be the worse off for all of it. It's hard to say when we don't know how many different intersecting games are being played, for what stakes, and who all the players are.

  5. Everyone: talking about "no eula?", "dehya's kit is trash" "y standard"

    Me who just want to be able to pull for mist splitter reforged on second half for my dendro traveller: …


  6. I have respect for the people who are going to pull Dehya anyway even after all the 'probably very justified doomposting' about her kit. And knowing they are going to get in standard eventually anyway. Some say its crazy, but do it for your waifu!

  7. #GIM
    Hoyo in 5 years: im going to make the final boss of genshin so difficult that players will have to take a long time and actually try to beat it

    Meanwhile some sweat: casually 1 shots it no sweat

    Meanwhile some other sweat: * casually kills it with 1 hp dodge every attack


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