The Truth About Artifacts… (Genshin Impact)

Turns out everyone’s luck is trash (by design).
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0:00 Intro
1:39 Main Stat
4:24 Sub Stats
6:32 Sub Stat Value/Roll Value
8:33 Sub Stat Slot Upgrade Chance
10:45 Outro


47 thoughts on “The Truth About Artifacts… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Well time to spend all my free time on arknights only… Thos probabilities have my nahida and other 4-5 characters stuck without any artifact with crit substat (and i have played the game since first 2-3 days it came out..) so yeah luck based system is trash.

  2. I see wht hoyo was tryna do, increae rng to make players farm more, but they dont give us enough resin, flat hp, atk, and def, and making rolls have either a low or high percent

  3. It’s so annoying and difficult with so many characters to just get what you want. Just get rid of resin use on domains to make it unlimited and keep resin for trounce domains and ley lines. The artifact Rng is one of the main reasons why I kept taking long breaks from Genshin.

  4. The problem with a system like this is that typically with most other game genres a simple boycott and bad PR from consumers would at least swing things in your favor a bit, but with gambling simulators there's next to no repercussions for them installing these shitty playtime extenders. If a reasonable amount of players were to boycott Mihoyo or Hoyoverse or whatever the fuck they call themselves it literally wouldn't matter because a high percentage of their revenue comes from players who would spend thousands on the game regardless of the experience. TLDR: we literally cannot lobby for change because we have almost no brgaining power.

  5. Ofc its a scam, its a gacha :)) the chinese give no shits when they see the money rolling constantly. Milking the shit out of their players unapologetical. Anyway, no point im complaining as long as we keep playing their trash game.

  6. The thing is, those are the stats that we knew about for a long time in theory. But it really feels like in practice, the stats probability is actually way worse. I insta fodder trash artifacts, and I don't keep track of them just to end up disappointed but I swear about 80% of the artifacts I get have a strong focus on DEF stats. I specifically don't build my DEF based characters cause I'm not a fan of them, and it really feels like getting DEF artifacts is actually on purpose from me not wanting DEF stats at all to begin with. I'd love to know if there's any ressource actually keeping track of real world experience with stat probability. I'd definitely toss all my artifacts in there to help find out those true probabilities.

  7. We been known this since the start of the game. These numbers have been there for years.

    Of COURSE it's rigged! That's like being surprised that it's more unlikely to pull a 5* character than a 4*.

  8. Oh yeah, it's definitely not in our favor lol. Since Itto/Kokomi's artefact domaine was available to farm, I still go in there to this day and I'm not satisfied with her hat and goblet. Meanwhile, all the geo characters that scale off of def are done, my Jean is built and I have a set for Qiqi. They all have good Crit rate and I can't get rid of my Kokomi's Crit rate because the game says, here, I will hurt your Kokomi.

  9. I was looking into this before, and here's a fun detail.

    For every single piece you get, it has 7-8 instances of RNG just upon obtaining it.
    1. 50/50 Which set (I guess there is an exception here for strongbox/spiral abyss artifacts, but ignore that)
    2. 20% Which of the five pieces (sands, circlet, etc.)
    3. Variable which mainstat (if not feather or flower)
    4. 3 or 4 substats
    5-8. high/low roll each substat (so that's 3 to 4 more instances)

    Then you can factor in your stat rolls, which could be 4-5. All of which are a 1/4 chance of getting the stat you want, and a variable chance of a high-low roll.

    In total: 11-13 RNG instances for a single artifact.
    So yeah, when you factor in the odds for each stat you want, good luck LOL (help me)

  10. I'm surprised some travelers have not realized this yet, artifacts are RNG within RNG within RNG within RNG…
    1. RNG on the domain – will I get Maiden or will I get VV?
    2. RNG on set – flower? feather? sands? goblets? circlets?
    3. RNG on the main stat (for sands, goblets, ciclets)
    4. RNG on 3-line or 4-line substats
    5. RNG on rolling – will I get the substat I want?
    6. RNG on substat – will I get 70%, 80%, 90% or 100% of max substat
    this is why getting perfect artifacts is almost like winning the lottery – even whales have to experience this, the only difference now is that whales have more chances to keep rolling until they get the artifacts they want.

  11. Hot take but I think it's nice for the game's longevity that the artifact system is so scuffed. In a game where you don't even need good artifacts to clear content, they form as the one symbol of 'elitism' in this game other than dropping large amounts of money for 5 stars and constellations. The value of god-roll artifacts is huge because of how rare they are.
    I will say though that the system desperately needs an artifact reroll mechanic or something to make it slightly more forgiving when you get decent subs/bad main stat or vice-versa.

  12. let's just say after all this we're still going to gaslight ourselves into thinking this is still RNG to make us feel better 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀

  13. I was aware of main stat rng but not the other info at least not that I remembered, and yeah sub stats suck I wanted another blizzard strayer crit dmg crown, I got one and it rolled 20% hp I think with at least one crit line atk% and something else, rng sucks and some way to mitigate that would be nice, although they would probably put it behind a pay wall cause the point of this is to make farming harder for f2p considering there fairly generous elsewhere imo, it just makes it time consumer for the spenders is all

  14. The reason is quite simple from a business perspective. For Whales who often spend primo's on resin refills the harder it is to get "perfect" rolls on artifacts the more they'll spend on resin lol.

    Luckily the game is easy enough that it's a moot point as long as your aren't a perfectionist imo

  15. This has been a discussed problem since 1.1 or 1.2. Genshin just aggressively de-incentivizes discussing any of the issues with the game period. The problems with this game are so easy to solve with some number tweaks and mechanic removals, but they refuse to because "it would hurt their bottom line and make the game retention rate lower."

  16. I do wonder if this is a kinda necessary evil kinda thing for Hoyo's model. Like what would the game balance be like if it was possible to get perfect rolls on everything. You don't have your main with all your best pieces because all your characters are basically perfect. The only way to gain more power from then on is to whale for weapons and constellations. Plus, once you've got perfect artifacts and crowned everyone. What's next? Hoyo still wants you to log in but there's no longer any account progress till the next patch.

    Not saying it's good. Just that it might break something if it was changed.

  17. Yup, it's all designed to keep you coming back and playing for extended periods of time. Quests and events unlocking after real-world time has passed, daily missions and bonuses, only being able to get key resources with Resin, locking weapon mats and talent books by day, it's all made to minimize your time playing on a singular day and spread it out, leading to less burnout and, ideally, more money spent. Even monitarily, the best purchases you can make are Welkin and BP, which both require your time and investment over an entire month to get their full worth, so its no wonder they sabotage artifact stats. They want you playing in short bursts over the longest time they can string you out for.

  18. I wouldn't even mind if they just made goblets a bit more fair. Like at least drop other elements for going onto goblets that don't make sense, like Hydro% main on a Crimson Witch goblet…
    Maybe they should give us an item every couple of events that lets us change 1 substat on an artifact as well. That way we would be rewarded with the chance at 1 better artifact every 3 months or so.

  19. Which is why i just farm the resources for lvl characters and talents only after that i can waist on artifacts. Mind you i haven't touched artifact in 2 or 3 months 😅. Not regretting it tho


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