C0 Nilou Hypercarry & C0 Clorinde Overload | Spiral Abyss 4.7 | Genshin Impact

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0:00 12-1-1
1:23 12-1-2
2:59 12-2-1
3:45 12-2-2
5:04 12-3-1
6:10 12-3-2
7:29 Builds Team Nilou Hypercarry
9:39 Builds Team Clorinde Overload

#genshinimpact #nilou #clorinde #furina #spiralabyss #原神


43 thoughts on “C0 Nilou Hypercarry & C0 Clorinde Overload | Spiral Abyss 4.7 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Nilou is very cute 🥰 It's not fair that she stands in one banner with Navia – I won't have enough pulls for both of them 😭 But thank You for this wonderful video, darling! ❤️

  2. Isn't this Nilou Hypercarry team the same as Nilou mono hydro team? Anyway, it still looks like a good team for Nilou apart from Bloom team 👍 Thank you for always doing your best to give us such awesome videos, I hope you have a nice day 🥰🥰

  3. i tried this, my clorinde was able to clear first half in a minute, but my nilou took too long in the second half😭 even though she does 31k bloom damage lvl 90 c0 69k hp (no sig weapon)

  4. I hope the character u choose (sorry forgot the name) isn't a 4 star 😢😢😢 but I am still working on getting more primo gems 😊😊😊I basically have 15 pity rn and as well I have also made a new account for navia :> unfortunately it's not in the same server as u 😢 but at least I can watch ur abyss runs ❤❤❤ hope you don't find my messages too long 😅😅😅 hope you always have a great day ahead 🎉🎉🎉

  5. Just watched some guy reviewing the next banners. One of the first things he said about Nilou was that she is unusable without Nahida. Way to go proving those Nilou haters wrong!


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