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I demonstrate a maximally invested C6 Fischl. Here’s the expected and relative power level of a very well invested Free to Play Fischl in Genshin Impact Patch 3.0 after dendro’s release. Fischl is using the Stringless throughout most of this video.
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Meet Geralt and Yennefer in AFK Arena, and use bonus codes: thewitcher3 to get awesome rewards!
Does anyone knows, why my GMS soft soft is diffrent ?
We want more F2P UNFRIENDLY builds with best out of best
Quick question, does Oz join attack, either C1 or C6 counted as skill damage or NA damage?
I remember during the game's launch Fischel was considered to be one of the best characters, but then dropped down in opinion almost solely to being an electro type. The Catalyze reaction (Quicken then aggravate) means she is top tier again. I feel she is actually a little stronger than Xiangling now and replaces her as 3rd best 4 star after Bennet and Xingqui.
If we are comparing c6 4*s and c0 5*s, I would put Fischl at the top of electro. Her damage was basically on par with a c0 Raiden before dendro and while she doesn't offer all of the same utility, Fischl has more team flexibility due to her lower field time requirements. Fischl is still the second best electro battery. She benefits from extremely flexible artifact set requirements. Dendro took her from being nearly tied for the over all best electro character to the best. Even at c0, with the addition of dendro I'd put her on par with Raiden (c0).
Fischl is to electro what Bennett and Xingqui are to pyro and hydro respectively.
I use Fischl as sub DPS. I use 4 piece Echoes set with an R5 Alley Hunter. With normal attack at level 9, 2577 ATK, 55/194% crit, I'm doing anywhere from 5K to 11K with normal bow shots. 😀
Personally I like to run my fischl as a physical dps/sub dps since ver. 1.0 she still helps me to do some overworld bosses, trounce domains and even abyss floors 9-11, I think fischl is still great now a days, lately am thinking of farming artifact for a support fischl and seeing this video encourage me more.
haha I have like 6 widsiths & no stringless
I'm not into any meta argument or anything but this is cool. I started playing the game with Fischl back in 1.0 (I got her with beginner's banner) and never in the game she felt weak . Yeah she wasn't always the strongest but was always… always reliable. At any level, I can just put her in the team and she will do good work.
And now I have her tripple crowned for all the services
pretty neat showcase, i actually have a secondary account where i've reached endgame and haven't even wished on it a single time yet, that is to this day i have completely F2p account where i've only gotten event reward characters and only craftable/event weapons and looking at your fishl's stats i would say thats certainley realistic and attainable for an F2P player. most my characters on that account average around 60 Cr-130 CD and between 120-180 ER. I don't have a stringless because i havent wished on that account, but i do have windblume ode, but basically i just want to say -yeah, actually perfectly F2P Friendly performance. 👍
what’s the best genshin discord for information and theory crafting?
Fishcl has been good ffrom release the only downside she and every other electro character had is having conditional, detrimental or selfish reactions.
Overload: pushes the enemy away and no one wants that 90% of the time.
Superconduct is for phys damage selfish.
Electrocharged isn't worth it unless it's a AoE scenario or a extra for a team that happens to use both elements so conditional.
All of that plus not being multiplicative pretty much forced you to use only the units with numbers high enough to be relevant, now Aggravate and Quicken work for the elements involved and deal a decent amount, FIschl got noticeably more since she had a completely dead passive before dendro but now she is using the whole kit, same as Yae and Kuki who got a bump on the EM scaling shenanigans.
TLDR: Electro as a whole got a victory but Fischl pretty much unlocked a whole passive since she wasn't using it before.
I actually just have String, cause the 2 "Less" cancel each other out : , )
Me seeing everyone saying fischl is S tier: ok maybe ill build her
Then i remembered, i only have c1
I got Fischl on my beginner banner pulls so her, oz, and guoba carried me through early content lmao Really happy she’s gotten even better with dendro
Lol I play since the beginning and never got a single copy of The Stringless.. F
I didn't got fishel skin due to exams ,and i am thinking of building her,but really sad about the skin
Lmao I’ve been playing afk arena for years and I was surprised by the sponsor 😂
Need Some support on Channel!! Please🥺🥺
ima get lit now
my god thought i was the only one
Those are still 59817 ticks, no?
The no. Of amos bow you have just give me one of those 😢
Would Yae with Fischl work in a Electro-Dendro team? Been trying to figure out Yae's current standing with dendro teams.
I watch your videos before sleep so much I think if you stop making them I just can't sleep anymore xd
TF better than 2TF 2Glad/Shimenawa?
The intro hurt me because I played this game for 2 years now and I never pulled the stringless. I got rust at r5 + 2 but never the stringless and have mitternachts walts at r2… I also got Amo's Bow but that's for ganyu… but the stringless is very elusive…
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i envy those people who have r5 stringless, cause i only have r2 while i have 3 r5 sacrficial bow.
Fischl main represent, glad to see her getting more and more love from both the GAA story quest and 3.0 Sumeru update 😀
Fischl is amazing with dendro… Can't wait to see her with other dendro characters
shud i go for attack or EM sands?
Hello IWTL I always build my Fischl with Skyward-Harp. Is Stringless R5 better now because of the EM?
Only constellation 6. Mine is constellation 9. Rip collei😢😢😢
fischl has always been the 3rd best 4* behind bennet and xingqiu, dendro just boosted her even more
Is the Gilded Dreams set good for her for support in a Tighnari Spread team?
Kazuha is C6 for your nuke. His C2 is really valuable for the added damage. Not really F2P. Should have used sucrose only. Nonetheless fischl is a great character.
i have NEVER pulled stringless 😭
And I'm
f2p? i dont have stringless xD its evading me like forever
Ok, i HAVE to ask this, bcause i dont really get it. Her passive (undone…hex) does scale only with her attack, doesnt it? so wouldnt it be much better to just increase fischls attack and em for max dmg in an mostly-off-field aggravate team, bcause focusing on crit and electro goblet will result in less overall attack? Also can this passive even crit?
please some artist, give this guy some avatar