The Problem With Events In Genshin Impact

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Genshin Impact, despite its supposed lack of content, has some of the most enjoyable, engaging and creative events I’ve ever seen from a gacha game. But there’s several problems with how they structure these events and incorporate them into the game, especially in relation to what is permanent and temporary. Today I want to discuss Genshin’s events, and a major issue I and probably many players have with them.

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42 thoughts on “The Problem With Events In Genshin Impact”

  1. The three events I would choose are both of the Albedo event quests and Unreconciled Stars. The Albedo quests were really important character development for a character who has yet to appear in the game outside of events (unless he has a story quest I am forgetting about) and they give lore for people like Rhinedottr and Durin. Unreconciled Stars dropped a major lore bomb that players that have joined since will never get to experience unless they look for old youtube clips.

  2. It's pretty tragic as from a personal perspective I simply don't have the luxury of time to pour into Genshin freely… So I'd say I've missed 99% of all events simply because of time issues and the fact I've not finished the Archon questline. This isn't for a lack of wanting to but… We have to pick and choose what we have time for you know? So being under pressure to play more and more just to keep up isn't all that appealing.

  3. I too missed Unreconciled Stars as I haven't started with Genshin back then. Missing out on the rewards is a given (even if I really wanted an extra Fischl back when I started) but there is literally no reason to not add the story of the event into the main game. In the end I've watched all the cutscenes on youtube as I wanted to see every exposure Fischl got.

  4. Labyrinth Warriors and that Vibro-crystal-whatever are the ones I'd love it if they kept it. Literally makes no sense to develop an entire functional and engaging game mode only to toss it in the trash later.

  5. Yeah, I stopped playing due to missing so man Events. I just feel like I'm missing to much context t osome sences or miss whole characters thats to not beign around for them.

  6. I just think they should periodically drop new items in old areas like enkanomiya. I was enamored with enkanomiya when I first went there and im sad I dont have much of a reason to go back….damn i already filled out the survey

  7. I just think that every event should rerun. I started playing this game 3 weeks ago and it truly sucks to discover all this amazing content that i missed out on. That fomo-based game design is entirely predatory.

  8. The lack of substance bothered me to the point that the base game feels like just an excuse to build events. I quit and nothing I've seen of the Sumeru update has made me want to come back because none of the gameplay experience seems to be changing, it's just more of the same.

  9. Sumeru is very skimpy on chests almost all are common chests, just think how bad Sumeru will be for new players with no event rewards, the area sucks compared to previous ones.

  10. Idk if start playing GI in a couole if years would be amazing due to the massive content or horrible due to the lack of characters, weapons, ressources, etc. Would be strange arriving where we are in 2 months with 2 five stars.

  11. I'd make the important storyline events permanent and the Inazuma dungeon crawler event (don't remember the name) and make it like the spiral abyss, that you can do it once every 15 days or so for rewards and it changes as frequently as the abyss does, if not more to make it feel more fresh

  12. I think they should make events with story line available in the story tab + you should get the rewards too. Not crown or primogems, just weapon like fading twillight, cin. sparkle or whatever, the fish claymore etc.

  13. The more the video goes on, and the more past events he mentions, it just makes me sad how a lot of players (myself included) missed out on a lot of these, specially if they started even just 6 months ago.

  14. Ive been playing Genshin since ver 1.0 and I missed out on Unreconciled Stars because I wasn't a high enough AR at the time the event was happening and I'm so upset that I didn't get to experience it. I thought it was a permanent part of the game at first and that I'd be able to experience when I got to Mona's story quest but lo and behold I found out the truth…

    Honestly I really hope in the future they'll add a function where you can spend new currency to revisit old events because the temporary aspect of certain events that have important story lore or character lore behind them sucks. So many people who didn't play during the beginning of ver 1.0 miss out on huge lore relating to the story and ver 2.3 you miss out on so much lore regarding Albedo and his character.

    I really feel like events that heavily involve lore should be permanent in some way

  15. Honestly they should just have kept the lore heavy stories permanent like what they did with Perilous Trail and Jade Chamber Rising.

    Other than that, I wish the music events stayed, or some form of it at least. During the Arataki Drumalong event, there was an option to do custom maps, and it was a shame to create a map only for it to be deleted in the 3 weeks. They could have done it so that the system itself stayed and updated with more pieces for players to have fun with.

  16. I play the game at my own pace to experience the world, the gameplay and power up, and I didn't even know most of this stuff ever existed. Plot points just don't exist, like after Liyue all I heard about was everyone preparing for the lantern rite, but then I talk to someone and they'd go 'What an incredible lantern rite' or something of that sort and I was simply confused.

  17. As someone who started playing Genshin this year trying to follow the lore of all the characters feels like a lost cause. It's like someone has taken an indepth novel and torn out multiple pages out and then expecting me to have the same sort of reactions when a character comes on screen.

    I'm nearly 1000 hours in the game and this video is the first time I've heard about Albedo and Dragonspine.

    Mihoyo is screwing themselves over this way, because if I knew about the lore behind all these characters, played their quests and got attached I would be much more incentivised to pull on their banners when they rerun.

  18. you can totally tell me that i'm wrong, but i feel like you have a bias about the community based on a specific group of people you associate with, meaning the male stat-crunching players on reddit. this is a pretty different community than the one i'm familiar with: the more casual female players who like talking about lore and characters over twitter. sometimes you say things like, "everyone likes this," "everyone hated this," and i'm always like, "… no they didn't?" because that's something that the redditors hated/liked while the twitter fujoshi fan-artists i know had a complete opposite viewpoint

    for example, in this video, you talked about golden apple archipelago version 1, and you mentioned klee, jean, and barbara–but i don't really know anyone who cared about jean and barbara in that event; everyone i know cared a lot more about diluc and kaeya's interactions. so that was surprising and felt like an inaccurate portrayal of the consensus from the greater genshin community. another example is when you talked about zhongli and said that everyone was unhappy when he was first introduced–the general sentiment within the community that i observed was people basically saying, "the gamer boys are complaining but who cares, he's handsome and i love him." you also just generally seem to talk about waifus a lot more than husbandos, and you make a lot more videos about female characters over male, but that could just be because there are twice as many female characters than male characters, and maybe the men/boys are just generally better mechanically than the women/girls are (which would be… a weird bias in terms of the developers' end… but maybe just a numbers thing)

    of course, it's impossible to ever accurately say, "this is what the entire community thought" because there will always be different viewpoints within a large group of people. i guess i mostly just wonder if you can keep that in mind when you say generalizing stuff like that and realize that there is a huge group of people out there who don't actually agree with these takes

    you could very well say, "well, that's not my target audience," but i don't think that's true; i think players who care more about lore and characters over battle systems can still enjoy these videos and want to learn more about why some characters are lacking and how they can be better–after all, i'm here. and i've learned a lot from these videos and how to better build certain lower tier characters. there's a gentle middle-ground of players who KIND OF care but don't MEGA care about min-maxing and everything, and idk i guess i think we're valid and that we should be included within the general discussion, too. the keqingmains build website talks a lot about stats and min-maxing, but they still have stuff like, "pros about thoma: he is handsome," and those little details are nice to see so that it doesn't feel like, ok, if i want to be actually good at this game, then i have to ignore this other more character-focused aesthetic-appreciating part of me

    something to consider i guess–but ofc you can just dismiss me completely or not read this comment idk

  19. I've recently been suffering from focal epilepsy (idk if this translation is right since I got my diagnosis in my mother tongue) and the GAA character domains made me extremely sick, same with using the waverider. Yet i forced myself to go through it so I could get the Fischl skin since genesis crystals are rly expensive in our currency (and yeah, I have quite a lot of FOMO). In the span of 5 days I probably threw up more than thrice a day due to the symptoms getting worse while playing. Even though I was feeling extremely unwell, because I pretty much only got the conches I felt like I was missing out on a lot of rewards (before I would always 100% any event including the first GAA). If we had gained permanent content instead I wouldn't have forced myself through it and probably would have saved quite a lot of my meals and throat mucosa health (hello Barrett's esophagus)

  20. scaramouche appeared and even though i kinda know who he is cause people keep talking about him, when i first encountered him on an event, i just "who?" 'd him like appearing as if we already met, same with other characters. it just breaks immersion, like why would i care at all?

    i don't mind much missing on the rewards, but if it's lore stuff, it should not be hidden in limited time.

  21. I kinda wish that abyss was more like labyrinth warriors, or at least labyrinth warriors was permanent. The hardest difficulty was hard to beat, but instead of being a simple dps check, it required actual strategy, you had to plan what way to take, you could choose to risk it and do an additional room that could be skipped to get a better reward, but it could also cause you not to have enough hp to beat the final enemy… It was exciting, and you couldn't really beat it by just having a c6 Raiden and Zhongli… You could beat it with underleveled characters, given that you were good at the game and used your brain. I miss that


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