Today in Genshin Impact we’re doing the new abyss for Version 4.3 featuring a very tough Hydro Tulpa.
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0:00 Intro
0:10 F11 Guide
1:53 F11 Run
5:13 F12 Guide
7:26 F12 Run
12:45 Thoughts
just run nuevi in the sec phase and hutao benny xiangling unga bunga team and its ez
i got floor 12-3 3 star it is first time in forever
i used wanderer instead of yoimiya
Literally first abyss I managed to do without restarting at all and I thought it was so easy but for some reason everyone hated it😭
Brother i did the last chamber with extra 30 secs the thing u can do if u have navia is use her with benny zhong and xiangling
And in the second half you can use hyperbloom I used ayato with kuki yao yao and furina and it did the job easily
Finally got 36star in abyss
This abyss is easy
Tulpa one shotted my zhongli. HE HAD 38K HP WHAT IS UP WITH THIS BOSS
This is really easy with hu tao and mona
Happy new year to you too 🎉
The hydro tulpa fight would be easier for moga if he used 4 characters
Don’t bother using albedo if you’re not going to use him right
This is the easiest abyss we had in half a year… If not longer.
People still making xianling xinq vids…
neuvillette's pump does reach thunder bird and he was quite fast with it.
a nilou nahida neuvillette and baizhu team would work well for f12
Take Navia with Xiangling and Bennet and Tulpa will dissappear
This one is easy
I had a pretty easy time on the Tulpa by using a dendro dps like Alhaitham. Idk but bloom/spread/quicken reaction is really good for me.
This abyss cycle is the easiest imo.
My actual first 36 star in abyss. The team I used for tulpa was Zhongli with 4pc. Deepwood, Nahida, Em stacked Raiden, Fischl and I destroyed it in 1:20.
BTW I play on a potato phone.
Least it isn’t as bad as the 3.7 abyss right?
This was the easiest abyss for a while stop lying 😂😂
When I use my Zhongli I feel nearly invincible for the most part but I don’t think I have him built properly bc I want him to do decent dmg (65kish w/ult) but I also want his shield to be sturdy af. All that aside though when I bring out Albedo with Zhongli it’s like a whole new ball game. His pillars smack and both characters ults return so quickly it’s ridiculous. People down Albedo but he’s top tier in my book for sure.
“This floor was definitely made for Navia”
uses anyone but navia
i decided to run nilou bloom first half and neuvillette with zhongli 2nd half on floor 12, quickly cleared all of abyss in about 30 mins.
Out of floor 12 abyss, I found this new abyss easier than even the previous Abyss (mainly because of prev Abyss Chamber 1 phase 1) but I didnt really trouble much from Hydro Tulpa (probably cuz I have Navia and hydro crystalize) but Hydro Tulpa was harder in the overworld for me while farming furina.
The only thing that I pained through in this abyss is Thunder Manifestation but since its in Chamber 1 its not as bad as a Chamber 3 TM
i love the little boar on the beach just chilling (2:50)
I tried the second half with this exact team as well at first, and didn't get through the last chamber lol. Then I switched out Furina to double Pyro with Bennett Xiangling and gave my Navia a 4pc gladiators and had absolutley 0 problems. Navia is rlly good for this abyss, just not with Furina lmao
This abyss is so easy. Idk why ppl say it’s hard. My friends attacked me for saying that 😅
I used lots of teams for fun but my fav teams are
1st half: Alhaitham Koki baizhu furina
2nd: hutao yelan xinqui zhongli
We all have almost the same characters so don’t atk me for using 5* 😂
Definitely better than the previous abyss tho
For me the last abyss was easy i got 34 or 35 star but this time because of toppa or whatever the name is i only got 30 star and also because of the f ing electro bird 💀
The summoners die in seconds once you stun them. The warcraft hydro elemental is the hardest by far.
Sucrose national if that's even a thing, sucrose national being one of the most satisfying team 🙂