The Lore Behind Kaveh's Suitcase… | Genshin Impact February 25, 2023 by DaddyWohn Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Use my Codashop link: Join my Channel Membership now: … source
I think he has the same like the mysterious hilichurl but he heals when he drow something like that Reply
Honestly, pandora's box in Dmc 4 was too good, and I hope we get something like that in Genshin. Reply
Wait, no, what game was that clip from? The machine gun suitcase, I mean. Not Kaveh and Genshin (lol) Reply
We got Diluc 2.0 which sucks 👀 didn't expect to get a Unusual Hilichurl 2.0 👀 what's next Dvalin 2.0 Oceanid bitch long ass speech 2.0 👀 Reply
Okay so it’s assumed that he’s going to be a dendritic claymore what if he just whips out the claymore from his suitcase instead of it appearing out of nowhere Reply
If Hoyoverse give a cut of what he earns from his banner, he’s never have to worry about rent again. Reply
Lmao imagine kaveh just casually pulls out a minigun out of his briefcase while using the burst and starts shooting seeds 💀 Reply
Kaveh art sauce:
Suitcase Impact
I’m wheezing 😂
I think he has the same like the mysterious hilichurl but he heals when he drow something like that
Kaveh: Bye-bye Alhaitham, I’m going to move out
Oh yeah the good old pandora box it's a shame we couldn't use it on DMC5 as well
he's just moving in
Honestly, pandora's box in Dmc 4 was too good, and I hope we get something like that in Genshin.
me as a tokyo ghoul fan:😃
I guess the Hoyoverse is a big fan of DMC.
Kaveh Briefcase: Auto targeting mechanism, inspired by a certain bald assassin
I am actually looking forward to smack the sht out of abyss mages
Is Kaveh’s burst isn’t similar to that I don’t want him..
I hope he swings this suitcase like a babygirl he is.
It's impressive how much vergil we have in genshin impact.
Wait, no, what game was that clip from? The machine gun suitcase, I mean. Not Kaveh and Genshin (lol)
We got Diluc 2.0 which sucks 👀 didn't expect to get a Unusual Hilichurl 2.0 👀 what's next Dvalin 2.0 Oceanid bitch long ass speech 2.0 👀
so……… we can finally play as Wei?
I feel like kaveh looks like the traveler(aether) and alhaitham kinda xiao look a like
I'll take all three.
That guy destroyed whole 3 bathymsal vishaps with a machine gun💀
Is it bad to admit i clicked this video just Cause of Dante XD
Kaveh: behold, my final move
Okay so it’s assumed that he’s going to be a dendritic claymore what if he just whips out the claymore from his suitcase instead of it appearing out of nowhere
Why is this so accurate 💀💀💀
Kaveh the almighty suitcase user!
If Hoyoverse give a cut of what he earns from his banner, he’s never have to worry about rent again.
Lmao imagine kaveh just casually pulls out a minigun out of his briefcase while using the burst and starts shooting seeds 💀
Just wait until you find out Kaveh is secretly an unusual hilichurl
İs this game Devil May Cry?
Agent 007
I mean either way I will love his gameplay XD
"Wait, what? How cum ?"
Alhaitham suddenly kicks Kaveh out
As a DMC fan, I can exactly feel kaveh with the machine gun briefcase in gameplay be like XD