The GOOD & BAD Things Of Genshin's 2.7 Delay For AYAKA (Genshin Impact)

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About this video:

So the Genshin Impact 2.7 delay is actually real and Hoyoverse have decided to extend Ayaka rerun banner until the very end of 2.6

This is a pretty unique case we have as a community and I wanna address a couple of things regarding Ayaka rerun banner getting such a long extension since the Genshin Impact 2.7 postponed is now a real thing.

Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that’s available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.

Genshin Impact

All footage produced by Gacha Gamer, certain parts used of Hoyoverse footage to enhance the viewing experience.

We are in no way affiliated to the developers or publishers of the mentioned games. We use the audiovisual footage to create unique content that falls under the fair use rights.


40 thoughts on “The GOOD & BAD Things Of Genshin's 2.7 Delay For AYAKA (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Good for me since Venti got his revenge and sucked my primos up. Now I feel comfortable saving for Kazuha. I just need 50 more wishes and he’s guaranteed

  2. its sad that there is the possibility of ayaka not coming back for a really long time, i've wanted her c2 since i got her but unfortunately i have to skip her this run because of the possibility of kazuha coming back soon…

  3. I think if what you’re saying about a lot of new players getting Ayaka due to her extended banner is true, it will put a lot more pressure on Hoyo to make land locked resources universally available, like talent books/ascension mats. As it stands, getting Inazuma characters as a beginner player is already a drag because it takes a while to get to Inazuma, and this will only become more of a problem as new areas continue to get released. Creating a shop that can be accessed in any nation where you can exchange Mora/other materials/a new in-game resource that can be traded in for those otherwise inaccessible materials would make getting Ayaka as a new player much more worthwhile. I hope they implement something like that soon because this game is getting continually less newbie-friendly as the days go by.

  4. Was hoping for a dilu rate up cause he's the reason I started playing the game..
    I have Mona, Keqing and c1 qiqi but no diluc and Jean…

  5. i spare for dendro character and not for yelan i can now spare more for me is it good but not for every one i can understand that to for ocher pepole sorry for bad english

  6. This delay has truly become a blessing for me and maybe some others too. I'm now able to focus on building characters I already have without worrying about the next new one because I know I'll have enough time to farm for upcoming ones

  7. sorry, it's my fault. I thought i didn't have enough wishes for the redhorn banner so i twisted reality a bit to buy me more time to get more wishes. i want to at least r3 it on the next banner. i think this delay should be enough.

  8. Dude, dropping updates n events every 3 weeks is a standard for most games.. that's not something Genshin is doing n on that note if they don't even do that, the game will become so boring for veteran players.. at this point I'm only doing (apart from the events) my dailies n abbys once 2 weeks n that's it… not that exciting rly… but I still love the game n the characters though

  9. Oh come on… I got C1 ayaka for this banner, I got her from the first banner first, I only spend a little on this game and then she's gonna come back a year later? yea… this is gonna be a problem, plus it seems that Ayaka is their new baby like, they made an animatic for her re-run man, they probably should make a little more special or something, I dunno

  10. is a good chance for picking up other hobbies, retrogaming ( gacha free), learn new skills and, if Genshin still the main game, why not taking the chance to level up units that might have been left behind?

  11. I already have ayaka from last year and both the character and weapon banners are some of the worst I've ever seen in my time playing this game so I find it rather unfortunate

  12. i'm concerned with ayaka next rerun, wonder when she will be back after this over

    and, about delay, the other hoyo title honkai still get update in 2 more days, and then ZZZ, i wonder what really happening there

  13. This is really unfair, I saved for 4 months to get Ayaka so I can get her before banner expires, I skipped Raiden and Ayato. I lost these characters, and now people can pickup multiple characters because of Ayaka banner extension! It’s cheating, I saved my primos for no reason and lost characters because of Hoyoverse.

  14. the only problem with delay is some players don't have enough stardust to redeem the wishes that are in shop and they can't risk pulling on the banner for a character they don't want/already have. That's the only problem I faced due to delay. Had to unwillingly spend my primos on standard wishes to get stardust and redeem the remaining wishes in shop. Other than that its all good but I want Yelan as soon as possible. Also its my 50/50 so I am worried cuz I have been saving for a long time

  15. i got ayaka in the spur of the moment, yoi stole my heart but ayaka never left me and when ayakas banner dropped, my very biased trippled ayaka main bestie who also trippled the other kamisatos) got me to pull, i was low pity and i did a ten pull and skipped expecting to get nothing, i got her. i dont regret it at all, she hits super hard and i love her. as for what im going to fo with this time, i’ll be saving for heizou probably drawing more etc, on heizou holy shit bro he looks so cool, i wont go into leaks too much but he looks so fun and possibly a damage dealer which im very hyped for lmao

  16. No content and kind of a dead game. If you want to force the animal crossing lifestyle on ppl then you can say just live with it and praise hoyoverse. But otherwise, it is just silly that there is nothing to do anymore besides dailies, the occasional abyss, or farming mobs to kill time and stock up on low drop rate mats.

  17. This delay was really good for me because I got more time to get Kazuha and I was about to skip Ayaka and wait until her next rerun next time but because I had more time to wish For Ayaya, I managed to wish for her, get her, and lose my 50/50. The only "bad" thing is literally Kazuha's banner will come even slower than ever and i really want Kazuha since I'm guaranteed from losing to Keqing on Ayaka's banner

  18. I can totally agree with your opinion about newer players. I started playing genshin about a week ago and I'm currently 83 wishes in hard pity. I just hope I'll win the 50/50

  19. There won't be an actual end game for awhile. Do you see the kind of money they make off us? Lol. Mihoyo loves their projects, thet also love the money. So Genshin won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Just like Honkai 👍

  20. genshin should not keep a banner for more than 2 weeks long becuz many new players will not know about the infamous 50/50 and will just waste all those primo though they have lost which is not a bad thing but if they use u all the thousands of primos you can get at the first few weeks of laying genshin plus new players will just continue wishing on ayaka banner even tho they hav gotten her becuz they wont know the most of the charecters can only be obtained through their own seperate banners

  21. At the moment I'm at 69 hard pity (nice) and I still didn't get Ayaka yet, so I'm really hoping that the delay is long enough for me to get her. I feel like I'm really close to getting her though, plus she's really the last possible character I can get that I really want.


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