F2P Advice for 1.4 Venti Rerun & Weapon Banner – Genshin Impact Recommendation

Cover some goods and bads of the rate-up characters and weapons in the first set of 1.4 banners.

Check out the Boss and F2P Character Guides in my channel.

0:00 Overview
0:34 TL;DR
1:19 Weapon Banner
3:19 Character Banner


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20 thoughts on “F2P Advice for 1.4 Venti Rerun & Weapon Banner – Genshin Impact Recommendation”

  1. can you please make a guide video how to fight lawachurls and how to avoid their attacks?
    you are the best guide youtuber I can trust and I'm really struggling to avoid the lawachurl's punch attack

  2. Might want to add on some caveats:
    1. F2P players should focus on the 4 star pool instead of the 5 star pool when looking at banners, and only bother considering the 5*s if they are approaching soft pity, or actually intend to pull until 5*. This applies to both character and weapon banner alike.
    2. Razor and Noelle are awesome even at C0, but they are both selfish DPS units. Unless you intend to hyper-invest into them as your core DPS units, they should be avoided. This is why I personally don't like this banner, because the only 4* worth pulling in my case is Sucrose since I already have other units as my DPSes. Venti is really good, but aside from that, the 4*s on this banner is either really good or really bad depending on the player's current team builds.
    3. The weapon banner is not very good for an F2P player. The 5* weapons are pretty mediocre (a lot of whales and analysts alike have harped on how subpar the Elegy is), and there are 2 event exclusive weapons which are both pretty meh (the secondary stat for The Alley Flash is a pithy 55 EM at Lv90). You only want the Alley Flash on a support Bennett to exploit that high base damage. There are better non-event exclusive alternatives for burst units like Albedo (Harbinger) and XingQiu (Sac sword), and the Wine and Song isn't good enough to justify the F2P investment; we're looking at a 2/5 – 3/5 chance (from the pool of rate-ups) to pull a 4* weapon we'll actually use; pretty bad odds.

  3. I was looking for a video like this, thank you so much!
    I have a question though: I mamaged to pull Venti (still can't believe it) and before that I managed to get C1 Razor and C4 Noelle. As a F2P, is it worth it to keep pulling in this banner in order to get more constellations for Razor (he is my only main dps for the moment) and possibly max out Noelle? Or I should just start saving for the next banmer I'm interested at (I don't really like Childe tbh)?
    Again, thank you very much for the informative update, gonna warch you Venti guide now 🥰

  4. you only need venti if you suck at the game tbh end game players do not use him that often at all I have venti and I don't use him because he just makes the game boring and braindead, devoid of anything interesting

  5. I really love how organized your explanations are; it helps me take in a lot of information at once while it not being too overwhelming, in a short amount of time. Thanks for covering the pros and cons of the characters and weapons!


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