The Forgetful Genshin Impact Community | Genshin Impact

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30 thoughts on “The Forgetful Genshin Impact Community | Genshin Impact”

  1. Silent (no patch notes) way to buff characters with flawed kits: instead of changing them, release new enemies, support characters, weapon or artifacts to increase the relative performance of the character in question

  2. It's actually quite sad to me cause it shows that nothing will ever be done (balance wise), and that has nothing to do with community not being vocal enough. You cannot seriously expect for community to come up united and push for a change like they did at Anniversary each single time, especially when there are so many players who genuinely believe that as long as you can make the unit work SOMEHOW it is all fine and dandy and everyone else just need to shut up and move on.

  3. I purposefully like to forget most of the community exist in the first place because of their laughable approaches to this game and view of others. I won't list them again, but this community is a joke, but yes I see what you mean because they make older people with memory issues remember things again.

  4. honestly. pretty much all of the characters mentioned are pretty good. to me it kinda seems like the players asking for buffs want the power scaling in the game to be messed up. i like how mihoyo is doing it currently with characters not being too crazy (mostly) but rather filling a certain role.
    only characters like amber or aloy need buffs imho (i mean seriously, at least give aloy some constellations please. no special treatment or anything but at least what everyone else gets)

  5. I think a lot of the "fizzle out" of asking for buffs is just the community figuring out the role of these characters. Kokomi is fine, clam set was enough for her. Raiden was great from the start. Childe is part of one of the best teams in the game and has gotten new artifacts twice. Shenhe is niche but fine as is (she is a huge boosts to some less meta comps). Yae is fine in my opinion as well. Her targeting is getting readjusted in 2.6 and once you realize that she doesn't have to be tied to Raiden, she makes more sense.

    This game has a lot of moving parts when it comes to figuring out optimal use of characters that aren't super straight forward. Often times it takes the community weeks or even months to figure out the best uses of new characters. Just think back to 1.0 and what kinds of builds were advised by content creators. Things like CP Xiangling and that Bennett was a budget Diluc. Hell the notion that Diluc was the best damage dealer in the game was hilariously false but rampant in 1.0.

    The point is, all it takes is a character to be called bad or not meta by a few people on YT and suddenly the community is up in arms for buffs only for that to die out once more nuanced analysis is done and time has been spent on experimenting with enough team comps and builds. Of course there are always people that cling to those initial impressions and stick to calling a character trash. Regardless, this is a game where 99% of the content can be cleared with under leveled and under geared non-meta teams. Understanding meta and the how and why of it is a good thing for making the game more enjoyable but you don't need to play meta comps if you don't want to.

  6. Yeah there's sooo many ppl that still want buffs to characters that have badly designed kits, artifact fixing, tons of other issues that need to be addressed but idk if it'll ever happen because now people have just come to accept that mihoyo will never do anything to make a potential gem from becoming a distaster. The community needs to come together and cut them off at the cash point so they'll listen ;-;(or what happened at the anniversary albeit the few exceptions of bad reviews on other unrelated apps)

  7. the starting squad (they would be decent for earlygame if it was possible to get constellations)…
    xinyan, thoma, ayloy, randen + beidou ult, traveler – anemo E if you cancel it you dont get particles, geo E still fucks up combat and messes up ai, electro is absolute trash, sayu is dogshit aweful, barbara still somehow manages to be the worst character in the game, KEKing is dogshit, fishing and teapot are as dead as ever, hydro resonance is trash… no lategame content… no replayability
    this list just keeps on growing actually 😀 its starting to get difficult to remember all these things…
    one thing i have to give to them – in ~2.2 sucrose ult got fixed – now it gets infused immediately – before it had like 10% chance to infuse… so now she is actually really good

  8. welp, younger ppl do have shorter attention spans, just look at the tiktok users lol
    jokes aside, i think it's the nature of gacha + internet to not care after a while. they really capitalize on that FOMO and suddenly you gotta be in the know-how in something entirely new.

    it's almost like being sad you broke up a relationship or got rejected by your crush, only to find someone else to be your new crush and totally forget why you were sad in the first place, before the cycle repeats again (hopefully you stay with someone in the long run tho lol)

  9. I'm sorry but can we stop with Yoimiya's ICD. It's getting so annoying. If she had no ICD she would never be vaporizing she would be overloading enemies into another dimension and she would just be a melt driver, not that it would help because she is single target. Every character has ICD on some part of their kit

  10. The only way to get Genshin to change is to either make every banner that comes out have extremely low sales (like not even hitting 1M), or getting the CN community involved. Yae Miko sales was just one banner despite what people thought about her, but once Kokomi/Raiden came out, the banner sales skyrocketed. So Mihoyo met their quota anyway. Mihoyo needs to be hit in their wallet, which will be kinda hard to do because they know what characters sell well. Even if the playerbase is leaving they know they will always have new players and casuals. Even if competition comes it needs to make more money than Genshin made im 6 months. People are saying 7ds and ToF could be contenders amd i understand migrating to those games to make them compete, but i just dont see those games even making a fraction of what Genshin makes. Again we need to hit them in their sales.

  11. I think it’s not like people forget, but it’s just after zhongli I think they realized they fucked up. All their new content was wrecked by zhongli’s infinity shield, it made the game too easy. Now they’re a little bit more careful of how they buff characters.

  12. It's a mixture of forgetfulness, the fact that most of this community are teenagers, and how crestfallen the remaining community is by a lack of feedback from MHY.

    I know I defo fall into the last one.

  13. i find it funny but it’s also worth considering that people love calling for buffs the moment a character drops, before TCers get the chance to test out and figure out a character. like it wasnt really well known until months after childe first came out how broken the international team is. and people were saying that childe was “unplayable” without c6 when he first came out whereas now we know not only are his constellations very low value but his c6 is actually useless

  14. u go to all the mains discord server with full of simps and you realize why mihoyo don't care.. most of the genshin players are underaged immature stupid spoiled kids


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