I Played Genshin Impact For The First Time in 2023

So… I got to explore a whole new world…

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46 thoughts on “I Played Genshin Impact For The First Time in 2023”

  1. This is great! I would be greatly curious to see from you a "mid-game video" and a "late-game video" of your adventure in genshin im sure it would bring a lot! Also i'm happy with a lore video of any game so don't hesitate, even theory videos are great, i've been a viewer before watching your videos on league lore and i'm happy you're trying yourself at some other stuff here and there, Hope you have a good time friend

  2. My opinion on Genshin's story was always good characters, good lore, awful plot. But Sumeru and Dainsleif's quests really changed that. I'm lowkey excited for Fontaine because if the writing keeps improving it could be a damn iconic story

  3. I stopped playing the game after the first anniversary when I already ran out of content with it. The endgame content is not fun but the new player experience gets better and better it seems, but knowing that once I've completed all that the game has to offer, it loses all replayability and I DO NOT want to invest more time into something like that unfortunately. Don't need to be negative but I felt the need to speak about this when he mentioned the resin and how it's designed to keep people from "burning out", but all it really does is limit what you can do once you completed all the exploration content, it does not refill fast enough for people who want to grind at endgame :/ glad people are enjoying the new genshin impact content but I don't want to experience that again

  4. If you are into lore, then Genshin is the perfect game for you. Its universe, its history, its mythology is absolutely massive and we seem to have only scratched the surface.

  5. to avoid grinding hell, do not ascend characters above Level 50. The world level 5 (max Adventure Rank 45) is suitable for characters at L50 .. enemies being in range Level 53 .. 73. At AR 45 all aspects of the game are available. By this time you'll have the skill and resources to deal with these enemies without needing to tediously grind to level up characters.
    ps: "no one gave them notes on proper pronunciation" .. so, just like re real life, then. Pronunciation varies by region. The only time this is seen as an error is in fiction.

  6. 4 of the 8 skins are free, they're lore related outfits. they cannot release them out of nowhere, they release like 2 skins a year. the patch we are right now got two skins, and we will probably get two more in summer too. it's not because it's unsuccessful, it's successful and that's probably why they're slow with skins, the game is already popular and successful so playing all their cards now would be unwise

  7. i've been playing for a year already… every day, for a few hours. and i'm not bored yet. a miracle? maybe. i've spent a little more than 20 dollars at this point. most of it is for diluc's skin because i am a simp 😭 btw the game really only gets better. the new areas are very beautiful, the new quests have better plot. i literally cried like a baby for the last 20 minutes of act 2 of sumeru archon quest. and there's no power creep. the characters from 1.0 can be as strong as the new characters (xiangling, sucrose, xingqiu, fischl are still meta)

  8. Just a correction (and I'll clarify that this correction is only for the purpose of sharing information because this video is amazing and can help a lot of people start playing, and as I love this game, I'll leave it here). At minute 36:09 you say that all 4 star characters share the same action animation and this is luckily not true, characters like beidou who is 4 stars has an extremely different moveset linked completely to her character design, she swings her sword drunk and very different from any other character in the game, that goes for everyone. This also applies to all users of bows, buffs, spears, etc. For example, heizou fights with his bare hands and has a close range combat mode compared to other buffs. When you get more characters and try them out, it will become clear.

  9. im so delighted to see one of my longtime fav league creators branch into my current fav game, its heartwarming to hear you talk about the game as a newbie and makes me nostalgic for discovering genshin back in 2020… im glad youve given genshin a chance, theres so much more to it than the gacha mechanic and again im so happy that youre discovering it and articulating for your audience why genshin is actually a good game (most of us are not gacha addicts, seriously theres 60+ million players, why do people think were ALL addicts?!) ANYWAY i look forward to when you learn more and start covering the deeper lore and character stories!!
    welcome to teyvat and ad astra abyssosque necrit!

  10. If you're interested in getting into Genshin's Lore in greater detail I'd very much recommend the channel Ashikai, she makes very well written and well done videos about Genshin

  11. A part of the skin system is the fact it was implemented like i think on a summer event where they made the first 2 skins basically putting them in a more swimsuit fashion, the skins seem like just a pointless cosmetic that you can get if you truly wanna show off how much you care for a character… like the weapons on the gacha too… not worth just pulling randomly… but i cared enough to try twice and get a weapon for my main… it didnt go anywhere

  12. oh hell no ahahaha didn't expect you to try this game. after Playing league of legends mobile I switched to genshin because of the stories and lore 🥹 I'm glad you tried it to

  13. Watched three Minutes. Watched the part where u introduced the abilitys.
    Searched for playing free, got the answer, and donwloaded it. Now im keep watching ur video, while i can play it in 2 and a half hours.
    Necrit, ur personality is so….awesome. Funny and calm. Love watching u. Keep it up !

  14. Lisa's english voice actor isn't the only one sharing a genshin and a league character! If you come across them, pay closer attention to Zhongli (same voice as Shen) and Yelan (same voice as Ahri)!

  15. Cant wait when he realizes there are more regions than Liyue and Mondstadt, find out more lore (especially "We Will be Reunited" and all the Khaenri'ah) and overall sink into GI lore…


  16. Playing Genshin for the first time is an amazing experience.
    When you get to just explore the world without caring about endgame or meta.
    But sadly, the more you play, the closer you get to that endgame and meta stuff, and Genshin endgame is a very different game.

  17. The one thing that scared me off genshin were the rates for Gacha Pulls and i didn´t know how many 5 five stares you could get being f2p. Would probably loved and thorwn way to many hours into it but instead i found arknights which i will probably play forever.


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