Honestly, I think hoyoverse should put more out of bounds chests around so we have incentive to explore and reward the player for going to extra game breaking mile. It’s kinda like putting those hidden coins somewhere in Mario Odyssey
I feel like this was an oversight, it was probably a leftover and forgotten about design concept. I doubt even Mihoyo knows that this chest exists lol.
What the? How we suppose to know that chest existence? I mean every domain which we cannot climb in a normal way usually don't have anything to explore 😱 But maybe the clue is if we see the enemy on that "roof" area is a proof there is something upthere 🤔😅
I didn't know i could switch element with the travler back then-
atleast I didn't suck in the game unlike you who even had Alheitham but chose to use geo mc to make you struggle in climbing HAHAHA
What in the world IS a chest doing up there
Wanderer is really good for this stuff
How are you supposed to know that as a new player???? 😮
Hohoho, I still haven't done this domain yet
bro this is foul
Honestly, I think hoyoverse should put more out of bounds chests around so we have incentive to explore and reward the player for going to extra game breaking mile. It’s kinda like putting those hidden coins somewhere in Mario Odyssey
Why is this there just why
Is that a glitch? I think the enemies and the chest were supposed to appear down bellow
I bet you’re the Genshin developer who make this chest. But not many people do it in 2 years
Darn… Mhy…
Dang, if i could enter on these domains even after completing the quest…
that's dirty lmao
I can’t see exactly but I think these vines might have been climbable
bestie.. HEAL
i dont remember doing jean's story quest so ill make sure to bring geo lumine with me 🙏 thanks !!!
It bothers me that you missed one of the red flowers, now I won't know if they're a chest for hitting all of those too
I feel like this was an oversight, it was probably a leftover and forgotten about design concept. I doubt even Mihoyo knows that this chest exists lol.
But how can you possibly know — Oh! never mind.
makes me think of the dev chests in Borderlands….. like random way out there in a spot that should be inaccessible
I need to splash holy water into anybody who put the chest on that place
probaly someone will come and say : this is my first chest when i start play genshin. 🗿
I don't even remember this domain. Why would there even be enemies, let alone a chest up there?
you're struggling to reach the top platform means you do not have Kazuha or Venti.
But that Jean, so legit.
2:49 When I saw you immediately turn your camera to the Anemo Slime, I thought you were gonna use it to launch yourself up lol
I'm glad that , only a box and not hidden achievement if there was would be so mad
This is quest story jean ?
I dont realize it bro there is a chest in here,lol
What the? How we suppose to know that chest existence? I mean every domain which we cannot climb in a normal way usually don't have anything to explore 😱
But maybe the clue is if we see the enemy on that "roof" area is a proof there is something upthere 🤔😅
You're telling me, that Hoyoverse took the effort to put a chest and enemies, even lined up those pyro flower mines that nicely…
…and didn't put the effort to make Dehya good?