The Brutal Truth About Mika & His Role In Genshin Impact 3.5

Genshin Impact 3.5 welcomes a new face Mika. He is known to be a physical DPS buffer but he doesnā€™t work with Eula?


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35 thoughts on “The Brutal Truth About Mika & His Role In Genshin Impact 3.5”

  1. I absolutely agree. Mika is underwhelming and certainly not on par with the likes of gorou in terms of niche supports. Its also real dirty that they placed him in a clearly cryo dedicated banner.
    I also agree Heā€™s far better for other physical comps than he is in eula comps. Probably the best unit to play him with is physical Fischl, since ranged weapons have no hit lag and can make use of atk speed much better than melee weapons. Also fischl is electro so you can trigger superconduct very easily.
    I disagree with your thesis of usage rates as a metric on how to judge the quality of units and artifacts though.

  2. I do not understand, you compared Mika to Gorou or shenhe, like they are bad characters. Just because they are nichƩ it doesn't make them bad. Not every unit needs to be Bennet or Zhong and be placed in every meta comp.
    It is ok to have nichƩ units who are best in slot for specialised teams. Every time people dogshit on a unit because they didn't fit their national comp to clear their daily with.

    I am not saying bad characters are excusable, but Mika is not as critically bad as Dehya, he actually fulfills a role on a team.

  3. Razor gets more value in all honesty and I would say Razor is on par with Eula. Dori is not as bad at healing as people think. Attack speed buff is pretty crucial but if new physical damage characters are coming i am all for it. Full support buffer characters are trash innately. A character that exists solely to elevate another character is an easy pass sorry to say it. Waste of slots imho. Dedicated buffer characters are as big a waste as using primogems to refill resin unless you are a big spender factually aka what people call whales in gaming. If you want to buff a character just give the buff in a patch don't sell a character to provide the buff to a character that is just sleazy.

  4. I wasn't super hype about the character banner, but I did really really really want to get a mistsplitter for Ayaka and Keqing. Instead I got the brick that is Calamity Queller…. sad. I guess this is why you don't wish on the weapon banner unless you want both featured weapons.

  5. First Thoma…

    Then Kuki.

    Then after the atrocious way they handled Dehya they really had the gall to do this again with Mika? Is Hoyoverse trying to kill their own game? Because at this rate it's going to work.

  6. "Hoyo is using meta data to create more ways to hook you in"

    I'm pretty sure if that was the case they wouldn't of made that new abyys boss that no one likes. It kind of ruined the patch for me since I'm an abyys player.

    As far as new characters, The longer you play the game the less you care about them. Mika, Baizhu, new dendro cat girl potential, Dehya they are all not even slightly intriguing to me. I just keep getting rerun characters bc the older characters are more fun. Last patch u got Hutao and she's a blast

  7. Pulled for shenhe. Got C5 mika in 80 wishes :S. If i get an aquila favonia with my (almost) 200 standard pulls before the banner is over (edit: for jean ). I might just be inclined to go for C6 mika. Honestly idk how viable that would be. But 60% extra crit dmg can be pretty huge.

  8. Then they release an electro phys 5 stars dps that doesn't scale off of atk and boom. "Mika is amazing".

    Ps. People keep sleeping on atk speed buffs. I'm using him with ayato/wanderer and yoimiya, and against high mobility enemies he is literally a +100% quality of life. Also, sometimes is good to just have fun. And big numbers appearing super fast = fun (to me).

  9. I have 15000 primo gems and 14 orbs…. I got ayaka and have 4600 primogems left xD…. and I think it was with 80 pulls…… I want to know if the banner reset or with 10 more I got the garanty 50%??

    Also where can I see how much is left for the 50% in a banner?

  10. the sole reason why i wanted him, attack speed..
    I wanted to use him on my ayato team freeze team..
    mika gives him attack speed and heals..

    i know there's diona.. but i rarely use her..

  11. I don't mind having a character like Mika that would give a new perspective of our beloved EULA. But like many time Hoyoverse did, they put this character into a baiting banner, pushing people to pull C6 character on the banner they might not want to. That is too cruel. And not to mention that absurd rate… I spend most of my saving on both Faruzan / Mika, and at this point I still have C minus 0 for both of them. Not gonna go any deeper now that I know he is pretty mediocre too.

  12. People will play Benette until the game dies I guess. Yunjin is so good in what she does…even if it's specific. Why can't they do the same thing for Physical too? I think he was planned for Eula. He is the first Monstadt character after Eula…hes in her same team and has a lot of things the Eula team missed.

  13. Just did my Ayaka/Shenhe pulls, around 150 wishes spent. Got Mika at C4. Sadly, I lost my Shenhe 50/50. Won Ayaka, though.

    You know where I'm having tons of fun with Mika? Using my physical Qiqi meme build. She goes BRRRRRRRRR really hard with Skyward Blade. šŸ˜‚ very good healing capabilities. I might try Zhongli later because it sounds like a lot of fun also.

    Oh and by the way. Walrus is 100% correct. Don't pull for 4 stars if you are not a mega whale. STOP BEING BAITED BY HOYO! It's basic math guys. There is a chance you would spend hundreds of wishes to C6 one 4 star. (If you don't believe me just watch the Heizou C6 video disaster here in YouTube).

  14. The event where we had to perfect counter, specifically the last part when the Traveler got the physical burst ultimate that sent out waves, I could see Mika being really useful for that šŸ˜‚

  15. Face it people, this is the same thing as ā€œYou will own nothing and be happyā€ / ā€œyou will eat bugs and be happyā€
    From now on, we will have these either extremely niche characters or characters that are duds like dehya
    And while yeah, they might be good later on, something already would have power crept them

    ā€œYou will own niche characters and be happyā€


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