Why Double Banners Are F2P Friendly | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #eula #albedo

Why the double / Simultaneous genshin impact banners in 2.3 are f2p friendly. eula albedo

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40 thoughts on “Why Double Banners Are F2P Friendly | Genshin Impact”

  1. Despite the fact that i believe this could be potentially more f2p friendly, it is unaccurate that we would have 3 banners each patch. Since if you read the details for the new wish2 system it states that it will only happen when a re-run banner is active, therefore not every patch we are going to get 3 banners, but only when a re-run occurs.

  2. Dual banner is F2P friendly cos saving 180 wishes is less of a requirement now. We ll have every character banner 2 or 3 times a year

    Also, having your fav 5* banner so often will help us getting some c6 on good ol 4*

  3. It's not, the faster the characters get their rerun the faster will have another situation where there's only new character banners Ayaka-Yoimiya-Raiden-Cockomi


  4. It's better in terms of we're gonna see the characters cycle more often, but the huge downside is the saving time is effectively cut shorter. It's obviously easily fixed if Mihoyo's gonna let us farm more primos compared to before but I don't see that happening 🙂

  5. That's because duel banners are for whales so mihoyo can get even more money. I guess being a four billion dollar company is not enough and it will never be enough but there is one thing that won't ever change and that non whales will only get 1800 primogems base a month and that's only 10 pulls with a system that needs a full 180 pulls to guaranteed a single 5 star that takes 2-3 months to save.

    To make this worse if you lose 50/50 you just saved for nothing you lost everything and have to start over. They should be improving there gacha system's or increasing the base primogems. Mihoyo has no excuse at all for the crap they put non whales through. Whales can go ahead and pay my entry fee because if genshin ever added a monthly fee I'll give out my account and quit. Duel banners is yet another slap in the face to all non whales and i will never support them.

  6. so it's great for someone with very low resorces to get their character SOONER than they can actually save for? yea GREAT sounds pretty FREE TO PLAY FRIENDLY TO HAVE YOUR PITY RESET omg… it is only made for people to spend even more money in case they like both characters. no bs needs to be said

  7. have they even confirmed each rerun will have separate 4 stars ?
    Also why do people keep feeling the need to constantly reiterate how this works like we're all monkeys. The livestream already explained it :p

  8. When they announced the double banner, I remorsefully looked at the 10 fates I wasted on the weapon banner to get 2 widsith for Sucrose and Yanfei. I am between regret and satisfaction.

  9. Super happy I will be able to get 4star cons that I want way easier than waiting for that characters to appear in specific banner!
    I'm so close to c6 Xinque and Beidou also Rosa is at C3.
    My c6 are Noelle (My pride), Sucrose (The one I've actually been actively hunting down), and Xianling (Cause I want a C6 international team) This way I'm gonna C6 4stars characters faster and a 5star that pops out is always a welcoming surprise. Even though I want to get the original 5stars cons!!! Have Diluc at C1 already recently got Jean(Finally).
    I just hope for c1 Mona, Keqing and surprisingly Qiqi (I use Qiqi and Noelle alot mainly cause I enjoy playing with them though never on the same team, cause then we are immortals XD)
    Edit: My only complaint is that I have very unlucky account all of my 5stars are at pity 79 min and max 82 XD so, the whole ordeal doesn't technically change much for me, which is why 4stars are my happiness now XD

  10. I literally got all the character I need and want except for Eula which I hope I will manage to get now, so after I get her I will stop saving all together and spend everything I get on the weapons banner.

  11. Hard disagree. I'm gonna skip both Albedo and Eula, but since they are gonna have their rerun consecutively, the amount of primos that I save is almost half. Also, if I were to try for both characters, I won't have enough primos saved up. The concept is good but definitely not F2P friendly.

    Genshin in becoming less F2P with it's new wish system and with the Spiral Abyss difficulty. Therefore, if you are a F2P and you are not in it for the story, exploration or any other generic stuff, you are surely gonna not enjoy it.

  12. honestly as someone who's been waiting so long for xiao's rerun (i joined just a few days after his banner ended) this new two banner system makes it all the faster for characters i want to rerun. while xiao's my #1 priority it'll be nice to be able to have the option to choose which rerun banner i wanna pull on, since the only characters i don't have other than xiao who i'd pull on would be for kazuha's c2 or zhongli.

  13. You only need 8 units, at this point in game many players already have more than enough good characters. At this point cons becomes the best way to become stronger. 2 character banners is my favorite thing to happen in Genshin in a very long time.


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