Yelan's Biggest Weakness | Genshin Impact

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49 thoughts on “Yelan's Biggest Weakness | Genshin Impact”

  1. I dunno I had to make a new account just to get her and I did and I love her. I wish I could get her on my main account but the wishes I have there are only for Kazuha.. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️

  2. Hu Tao and Yelan works its just not as consistent. Best way to make it work is to have another character applying another element or the same. Like I use Ganyu so I’ll always either melt of vape. I’ve seen someone use Fischl which works too

  3. I think because you don’t use Hutao it’s harder for you but I have no problem using her with my Hutao lol
    I actually cleared faster with Yelan than with XnQ 😅

  4. I actually think her biggest weakness is her novelty of scaling with HP because as of 2.7 I feel like she would just benefit more as a DPS if she scaled off of attack or even scale like Hu Tao. To my knowledge she can't benefit much if at all from a weapon's base attack at all and she can't benefit from buffs from artifacts, weapons, or characters that boost ATK. That means no 4p Nobless, no 4p Tenacity, no Bennett, no Sara, etc. and she can only really utilize 2/3 of any weapon since none have base stat of HP. But that's not to say she has no supports because she does still benefit from other buffs and debuffs. Like you can directly buff her damage with C2 Barbara, C2 XQ, C6 Sucrose, Raiden's E, Kazuha's elemental buff, 4p Archaic, Hakushin Ring, etc. but you could've still used those and in addition to ATK buffs if she scaled off of ATK at least a little bit.

    I feel that it's more of an overall loss than if she were compatible with ATK as a stat since really it kind of seems like her power is more reliant on her own personal multipliers more than any of the other units so far since we just don't really have HP buffing sources and there aren't as much f2p friendly ways to boost her own damage if that's what you wanted to focus on.

    But I guess the tradeoff for her is how cheap and easy she is to build like she's lowkey kinda like nice a thrift store bargain deal XQ in the sense of artifacts, weapons, and general resource investment lol

  5. I would like to have yelan for my yoimiya.
    But not spending money on summons means that you need to be very selective on who you summon on.

    Still saving for dendro.

  6. I hate when people make this out to be a fatal flaw. “She doesn’t work with Hu Tao so she’s a meh unit.” Yelan is great for every team except Hu Tao. That’s… still a fantastic unit? Idk what goes through people’s heads. They make up some imaginary purpose new units are “supposed” to do and then when they don’t do that they say it’s bad and ignore the real benefits the unit offers.

    Like, people fixate on what Yelan can’t do, but then on other units ignore huge limitations, just boosting their own biases.

    For example, there’s been a lot of discussion on Kazuha vs Yelan and people always bring up Yelan’s average hydro application and then ignore the fact that Kazuha doesn’t buff physical, geo, anemo, nor probably dendro.

    (Not that Valk is saying that in this vid, just came to mind.)

  7. Wow, I am surprised you don't know that Hu Tao cannot vape consistently even if you N1C from far away because of the Blood Blossom procs. In Raiden National, Electro application every 0.9 seconds resets the pyro application from XL or Bennett and thus XL can vape every Pyronado hit because Electro co exists with Hydro

  8. This would matter only if the game is hard enough but the game is a complete joke. Just Unga Bunga because nothing matters in this game. In a game where HP% and DEF% gives damage boost to certain chars pretty much tells you all you need to know about this game's nonexistent difficulty.

  9. heres the full explanation:
    yelan can be enough for hutao's charged attacks if u play perfectly but there is few problems
    1st if u miss a single hydro application from yelan u screwed up and u cant recover
    2nd if hutao's blossoms hit in a bad time u will also screw up
    3rd even if u play perfectly yelan applies just enough hydro to vaporise the charged attacks but is very likely to not be able to vaporise the burst
    4th if u add other characters to the team popular examples such as zhongli albedo or thoma they will also consume the hydro making it more likely to screw up
    but with all that yelan isn't much behind xinqiu simply because of how much damage yelan can do on her own plus the 50% damage increase she gives
    yelan isn't a good replacement for xinqiu in hutao teams but she can be used WITH xinqiu as a double hydro hutao team ull benefit from xinqiu's defensive abilities and yelans offensive onss and having 2 hydro will also lower the energy recharge needed which will make the team even stronger

  10. If ur not a hu tao main u do t need to worry about it lol this only applies to a specific team diluc and yoimiya are Gucci but again it’s only hu tao with rational u miss a few vapes due to Burt’s windows that’s all

  11. I heard from Theory crafters that C-0 Yelan was going to be a bit clunky with Hu Tao because Yelan does not apply enough units of Hydro. That is until you get Yelan's C-2. And yes Hoyoverse WERE planning to put Yelan's C-2 as part of her "ORIGINAL" kit but, you know, $$$$$$

  12. From my testing using Hu Tao, I found using both Yelan and Xingqiu with your choice of Xiangling, Kazuha, or Beidou will delete the Primo Geovishap within seconds. I assume Zhongli, or Raiden would work too via buffs but I neglected to even think of trying them when I saw the sheer slaughter my team was capable of. Easily the most/fastest damage I've been capable of in a long time.

  13. This is why I dont really use one shot character like Hu Tao or Childe. Just too much calculation. Just go OogaBooga with Xiao or Itou, even Diluc being powercrept still really flexible.

  14. Yelan's not applying enough Hydro for Hu Tao to vaporize so what just use Yelan and Xingqiu together so Hu Tao can vaporize all her attacks this team also gives the benefits of both Yelan and Xingqiu's passives as well

  15. LUL! It doesn't even matter, even you partner with Hutao. Just build your Yelan with good stats and it will not matter who's vaping who, you clear abyss just fine.

  16. you could also do both Yelan and Xingqiu with Hu Taao but then you run into the issue of well it's 3 of your slots in that team so you can't have geo resonance or Kazuha/VV. well i guess you could have Kazuha but that means Xingqiu's healing has to be enough if others that are no Hu Tao get hit because sure so long as Hu Tao is not dead her burst heals. also her skill can't kill her outright because it's a percentage of her current HP meaning it can never take all of it.

  17. Idk why people are still caught up with forcing Yelan to be a Xq replacement on Hu Tao teams when you can add her on many other new teams. Other than double Geo Hu Tao reverse vape teams all other teams she's better and you can even put her in teams you usually won't add in Xq.

  18. just don't use yelan instead of xingqiu with hu Tao, she just doesn't apply enough hydro, and even if she did xingqiu would still be irreplaceable because of the dmg reduction on his E and Q which is especially useful for someone as squishy and Hu Tao. it's actually better to use double hydro + kazuha if you want to use her with hu Tao, it's actually a really good team

  19. I’m waiting to test Yelan with Yoimiya because I’m curious about them together but I’m also loving Yelan so much with Raiden it almost doesn’t matter who else she’s good with. People who haven’t tried them together are missing out!

  20. To be honest I love how there's always so much discussion about hydro characters and their ability to vape off of one single unit. Like, I get it hu Tao is strong but every new hydro unit seems like it has to be her slave to be good

  21. 100% wrong about diluc
    Perfect ? Not even close

    You vaporize with his E but without his Q so it is not a surprise that you vaporize right if your normal atks are physical…
    If you use the Q of a C0-C1 yelan with diluc's normal + E after his Q yelan is to slow to apply hydro for diluc so he miss some vaporize

    About hu tao yes you can stay away from the enemies but you waste more time doing this that it is not worth

    If yelan is not C2 or you have a other character that helps with the hydro apply diluc and hu tao have no need for yelan if you want to vaporize with them

    I dont have hu tao because my favorit character is diluc so for next thing i can only speak for him :

    If your yelan is not C2 dont use her with diluc, yes i say you could if you use a other character that helps with the hydro BUT its still a waste
    why ?
    Because you could just use melt diluc this way so it doesnt make sense anyway in terms of dmg so yelan only replace C6 xingqiu if she is C2 otherwise use melt with him

    For everything else like freeze, electro charge and the new dendro reactions yelan C0 is better for the team than xingqiu because it doesnt matter with this reactions that yelan apply less hydro than xingqiu

    Its not the same but similar with sucrose and kazuha,
    C6 sucrose is better for vaporize, melt and some electro charge teams and kazuha is better for everything else BUT after kazuha hits C2 he is better for everything than sucrose


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