The BRUTAL Truth about Kokomi's Rerun! The MOST Underrated Character! Genshin Impact

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In this video, I go over 39 or so things to consider for Kokomi’s rerun in the 2nd half of the upcoming Genshin Impact version 2.5 update! I discuss the good, the bad, and the mood dampening reality about our favorite fish out of water, Kokomi!


40 thoughts on “The BRUTAL Truth about Kokomi's Rerun! The MOST Underrated Character! Genshin Impact”

  1. I don't think kokomis performance in current abyss is a gud metric as the latest abyss floors really need and favour healers and she's the best at tht. This means tht later on when the meta is taken of healing her usability will drop. Jes a thought

  2. Mona with prototype amber is good enough healer for the freeze team even vs corrosion dogs because you don't take much damage in a freeze team unless you fight bosses and have no clue about their mechanics to dodge well. Kokomi's role as hydro application in a freeze team is purely accedental because she is a good millelith/TTDS bot she works well with Ayaka and Shenhe who needs ATK%.

    This is extremly important because she was ment to be main dps/healer powercreep version of Barbara it was her main role if you look at her weapon and constellations and she is a failure at that role without c6r5.

    Why it's important? Because there is high chance in the future they'll release the actual hydro applicatior/atk buffer support for freeze team (basically limited edition of better Mona) to put with your Ayaka and Shenhe and I gurantee that 5star character specially made for that role will be better than Kokomi who took that team slot by pure accedent. I have no doubt we'll get more op hydro supports eventually but maybe we'll have to wait all the way till Fountain. So if you like Kokomi or don't have Mona then she is not bad pick but otherwise I don't think it's wise to get her.

  3. I won't consider Kokomi being strong or good till I hear it from someone who regretted her pull initially. Rn, it seems like there's only one type of Kokomi players: the ones that liked her. People that didn't just didn't pull her. And now when I hear she's strong or amazing, it's from people that liked her to begin with so there's heavy bias. For retrospect, I absolutely hate Ayaka as a character but I won't deny that she's a top tier dps and is a very good investment.

    Kokomi usage rate is also biased since people that got her only pulled her for the character and not her strength in terms of gameplay. So obviously Kokomi havers use her a lot and are satisfied with her no matter how good she is gameplay wise.

    What I want is the opinion of the people that don't like the character but were still impressed by her performance in the metagame.

  4. i got her by accident LOL (it was unintentional, i was hoping for me to lose 50/50 to make myself guaranteed for ganyu but somehow got hu tao, won 50/50 and after i lost 50/50 on itto but anyways i got ganyu lol)

  5. Back when I first started playing this game and before I knew what I was doing I actually pulled on Kokomi's weapon banner and got the moonglow, thankfully it happened inside of 50 pulls but now I feel a moral ob;igatation to bring home its master after so long.

    I have a garenteed 50/50 and about 40 pity right now so its on.

  6. I love playing Kokomi and I have an amazing Ayaka build ! Ayaka is my fav. Character ! I skipped Kazuha but that’s not gonna happen this time 😎

  7. Youre committing the survivorship bias fallacy with your poll. The only people who are able to answer your poll reasonably are those that own kokomi. But her sale was abysmal due to the state of the game at the time of her release. Hence the only people who own kokomi are those who were already more or less dead set on getting her despite the community opinion. Because of this the sample set you took consists of people who were already "filtered" through. It is therefore not surprising at all that most kokomi owners are satisfied with owning her because if they werent they probably wouldnt have gotten her anyways.

  8. My big brain already saw this the first time she was revealed. She's my Zhongli on my second team in the abyss and worked great. Whoever talks bad about her surely doesn't know her real value. Goodluck Kokomi wanters!

  9. i cannot recommend pulling for kokomi unless your account already very comfortable DPS units. I personally pulled for koko because I thought it would be funny to have her when no one else does. She is a extremely comfortable unit to play with, and a massive utility boost kinda like zhongli, but better in some situations where shielding is less beneficial. Her hydro application is phenomenal and very consistent. if your account however is lacking a hydro applicator or a healer, kokomi is a incredible pull. 10/10, kokomi is great.

  10. I wanted kokomi from the start just because shes cute. but Ive run her with a 4 piece tenacity from the start. that jellyfish keeps the attack buff from it up the whole time and the aoe is bigger than it looks

  11. I am hard-stuck between pulling all three characters in 2.5, I really have no idea what to do. I have enough wishes for one of them, and I want all three. I have both Eula and Mona, so pulling Raiden seems like a no-brainer. However, I want to be able to use Kokomi on my Ayaka + Shenhe team and run Mona on my Eula team. It’s a debacle. Maybe I’ll get insanely lucky and pull both and somehow Yae, but the odds of that are negative basically.

  12. Dang I wonder why 82% of user are happy with her not like only die hard fans of her pulled and wouldnt care about her perfomance that statistik at the start is only missleading. The only reason she is getting play lately is because of her use in freeze teams.With the addition of shenhe you dont use diano as a battery anymore, now either your anemo supp or hydro application has to heal and since kazuha is irreplaceable the role of the healer was left to the hyro application unit in which case there were two options babara or kokomi and kokomi won due to having better hydro application. Kokomi is still the most lacking 5star out there

  13. im happy to see an episode on my favorite hydro high priestess of watatsumi! she is my favorite player i never wanted but now that i have her i dont know how i got to AR55+ without her. im having lots of fun using her to make new elemental reactions.

    im really liking 2 teams (one taser, one freeze) with kokomi: shenhe, eula and rosaria/chongyun (freeze comp) and fischl, beidou, xingqiu (taser). ive got a nice open that goes like: kokomi e, shenhe E, rosaria q, chungyun e then Q and shenhe Q if available. i like swapping Eula for rosaria and start Eula like: E, Q, e, n2, E and more if i have time. i have gotten my largest hit to date with that combo, it was 120k. prior to shenhe, the highest i could get was 65k.

    i just pulled Ganyu so i am trying to get her fully ascended because i would like to see how Ganyu does with Shenhe buffing… i would like to see you do a buff episode, like out the last 2 banners of support players, what is the most effective buffer AND/OR can combining them work (like shenhe, gorou, eula and ganyu versus without gorou and the same with yun jin etc)

    love your channel. get me so psyched to play… even if i am not anywhere close to where you are, it give me hope that someday i will be able to clear the SA with all stars some day.

  14. as a Kokomi haver , i feel cheated she got a Re-Run banner by how low the sales number , at very least let Kazuha or Yoimiya or Ayaka got rerun first becos they introduced first before kokomi.
    I want who ever pulled kokomi be the special player who fight against all odd . kokomi worst ever in history of Genshin Impact in the thumbnail left and right , non-stop review bomb kokomi . i wish these people will not get kokomi .

  15. I had to skip Kokomi during her release because Childe was having his re run in 2.2 and I really wanted to get him. Now after saving up my primos I used it all on getting Zhongli. I can't get Ei in her re run since I'm out of primos and now i'm saving up for venti. I really wish I could get Kokomi since I love her lore and playstyle but being F2p sucks and it can take up to 2-3 months of saving just to get one character Q_Q … I guess I gotta wait for Kokomi and Ei's 2nd re run T_T

  16. Never regret pulling her as I don’t like other healers in the game. I run her with Raiden, Kazuha, and Beidou because why not! Considering how easy the game is, running non-meta team whilst still completing 36 star abyss every cycle is a bliss. Admittedly, she is not a priority pull but once you are done with the priority then pulling for Kokomi provides you with a nice qol.

  17. With kazuha upcoming in 2.6 I'm sorry but I'm gonna pass on Kokomi again since I'm saving for c2 Kazuha. I honestly dont rlly need any healing units either so even if I love her design I'm not gonna roll :((


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