I finally rank the top 20 best characters in Genshin impact characters in the game right now and give my honable mentions in the 2.8 Genshin impact update
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  1. I totally agree with your tier list specially the top 5 char that's my top 5 ranking as well , definately the supports are most valuable in this game

  2. I find it interesting, though perhaps not entirely surprising, that early Ayato impressions suggested he was flat-out better than Childe, yet after a month or so it became clear that Childe simply works better in most team compositions.

  3. Personally, I would swap out Itto's and Yoimiya's position. Farming for Yomiya's artifact set and building her supports provide better value than building a team centered around Itto. Her damage potential as a pyro unit is also better than geo. But that's just my take. Itto has better AOE tho so he has that going for himself.

  4. i agree mostly w/this list but my biggest thing would be to move childe up over eula. he's more flexable than her being able to do both vape and taser and he alsohas the biggest hydro nuke in the game

  5. This is your opinion, I respect that. But there is a lot of copium in this. I think accounting for team selection is important and it doesn’t look like you did that for every character. Also I think taking away a lot of cons for a few 4 stars is bad. Yelan is better than xq in some teams because of her passive. Er isn’t an issue on either of them when you run emblem their best set. Ganyu is better than Ayaka because she has almost equal dmg acces to the same teams and more with her melt build and has range. The consistency with standards doesn’t really make sense to me. I won’t get to into it but I think a lot of characters shouldn’t be up there. The top 5 is accurate tho besides Ayaka over ganyu. I agree xiangling is really busted pyro support and the go to off field pyro applicator so she defiantly deserves to be above Ayaka. And we should factor in cons for every 4 star at the minimum up to c6 even though most ppl don’t have that many cons people will get them over time. I have so many c6 characters because I started liek a year ago. In a year ppl will have many many 4 stars c6 so evaluating them at the minimum c4 or at least on their best con will be the best if ppl are looking to invest in someone. Not many characters can be built in a month so I usually look at things in a semi long term way.

  6. I agree with most of this tier list but I would also suggest perhaps bumping Ayaka down to the top of 6-10 and putting sucrose in that slot, I feel sucrose is an extremely valuable support for any team especially if they use a lot of reactions and I would put her on par with Kazuha(even out supporting him in vape and melt teams) and the fact that’s she’s on his level warrants her to be top 5. I love Ayaka and she’s still my number 1 main DPS but the value of sucrose can’t be under sell on any team that involve reactions

  7. I agree witb almost everything here but I do think some characters are kind of over/underrated:
    1) eula is honestkt not that good of a dps, c0 eula's in abyss can expect to hit like at mosy 400k (which requires a very good build, 5 star weapon and probbaly bennett) however that requires her to build stacks, her burst to crit and for all enemies to be in range to get hit. Without her burst final hit eula loses out on like 60% of her dmg which can be the difference between 3 stars and 2 or even 1. All of this with being physical is why I think she's not even itto or xiao level.
    2) Abyss is really a dps check so characters who provide comfort and not enough else are quite bad. Zhongli really only has 3 meta teams where he is needed: melt ganyu, yoimiya teams, itto mono geo (hutao kinda but double hydro and thoma/amber + anemo gives quite a bit more dmg) and his burst doesn't do enough dmg to be used and not lose overall team damage so I really don't think he (or diona for that matter) can compete in the top
    3) wherever kazuha is sucrose kinda needs to be behind him because there are a lot of teams where sucrose's buff outcompetes kazuha's buffs. And for all the teams kazuha can be used where sucrose would be significantly worse (electro hyper carry, freeze, mono element) sucrose also has teams where kazuha is basically unusable (sukokomon, xiao, sucrose taser)
    4) yelan and xingqiu are easily top 5, yelan is better than xingqiu in every team but hutao (and kinda taser since they usually don't have a healer) but they shine really well together and their hydro application and yelan's dmg bonus and off field dmg honestly to me outcompetes raiden, ayaka and kazuha easily.
    5) itto really shouldn't be above ayato or kokomi or fischl. itto is extremely limited in teams and teammates and although mono geo teams never really are bad due to them being effective against all elements they also are never necessarily strong against any enemies also not being able to react limits potential dps obviously.

  8. Nice Tier list, though I disagree on some placements. The main point I'd like to make is that I don't think Xingqiu is strictly better than Yelan. He works better when a lot of hydro application is needed, but Yelan is still decent at that and is more versatile due to the +25% universal damage increase on average. She works great in team comps where Xingqiu doesn't do much, like in a Eula composition, where she provides a 40%+ damage increase to Eula's burst.

  9. Here are my 2 cents:

    I see xiao/eula/itto as the same power level and at the same tier. Ig eula can be lower since she needs to do more than what itto/xiao can do in order to reach their power level. But she'll always be number 1 in my heart.

    Kazuha and sucrose shouldn't be that far apart. From a meta POV, In a non reaction team kazuha is better, and on reaction teams, sucrose is better. People tend to overrate kazoo a lot

    I'd put Ayato higher than xiao/eula/itto since he's less restrictive. I kinda see both childe and ayato as similar in power level.

    Kokomi should be higher (not sure where but shes under xiao/eula/itto even zhongli and they arent even meta) Ig she's fine there if not using her in tazer freeze or sukokomon (but who plays that lol). Iswtg people either overrate or underestimate her.

    Fischl and yae should be higher around eula/xiao/itto. I find bot fischl and yae to be similar in power level but i'd put yae lower than her since she's harder to obtain.

    Hot take:
    Yoimiya is not that much weaker than hutao and zhongli is overrated.

    Still nice vid. Play who ever you want cuz pulling for a meta unit ain't gonna do much if you don't like them, therefore wasting primos which is funny cuz that's what pulling a meta unit was supposed to prevent in the first place.

  10. I agree that Bennett and Kazuha are neck-in-neck, I'd say a tie. Kazuha is better in freeze and hu-tao teams, bennett works better with a geo or anemo carry. The best teams in the game have both.

    I'd also argue to move Ganyu below Hu Tao who has been buffed by double-hydro (and single dps being valuable in floor 12). Ganyu is outclassed by Ayaka in freeze. And while Melt is super strong, the core of bennet, xiangling, kazuha/zhongli is enough to make any great team, hurting her personal value. Ganyu is replaceable with Childe (childe international), Raiden, xingqiu, yelan, even maybe xiao. Ganyu is probably the best dps at soloing abyss bc of her sustained non-energy-dependent dmg, but few people really play like that.

  11. Tbh Zhongli should be ranked a little tad lower. The common misconception is that he is a universal utility unit, but in reality he is a shielder. Meaning, he isn’t necessarily a must-have for most team compositions aside from a comp that has a specific unit that requires constant protection such as Hu-Tao and Xiao. There are many other units that offer the same utility such as Thoma who works well with both Xiao and Hu Tao in high Consts. Maybe Zhongli deserves the 6-10 spot for players wanting to go the safer route in terms of gameplay rather then maximizing the potency of their team comps rotation and utility output

  12. I don’t think you really need to compare Sucrose and Venti like that. If anything, compare her to Kazuha since their uses overlap more often with each other than with Venti.

    I see Venti as a matchup check that can completely obliterate said matchup while being just solid elsewhere, so on average, his rating should be a notch lower than Sucrose and Kazuha

  13. My yelan hits for 10.8k per sword and my xingqiu hits for 5.3k per sword with op eosf build i mean ofc i have aqua on yelan but yelan just seems way better than xingqiu for me the damage difference is a bit insane


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