The Brutal Reality of Genshin Impact Endgame

The 2.7 delay has gotten me too thinking about Genshin Impact. And it amplified some of the things I’ve thought about for a while now. It might be a product of playing this game for a long time, or because it is simply a gacha game. However there is burnout and in that state you realize what the true genshin impact endgame. And it is a brutal reality

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-Content of the video-
0:00 – 2.7 delay
1:07 – Genshin Burnout
2:43 – Genshin Impact End Game


38 thoughts on “The Brutal Reality of Genshin Impact Endgame”

  1. 5:17 absolutely not. Ive played a few in my life and Genshin is the only one that has (almost) no content for endgamers so the only thing left is the pay to win (without the win) or gambling aspect of the game. Ive left Summoners War because of rng and gocha reasons BUT this game actually has endgame content for everyone.. more than one could play pay day. Challanging too. Genshins non existing endgame… made me create a wow account

  2. I feel like the delay (and 2.7 since it's extremely filler) is a good opportunity either to start/catch up with Genshin if you haven't been playing or to quit/do the bare minimum in the game if you have been playing for a while.

    Please, to everyone if you are burnt out, take a break. You have to realize that Genshin shouldn't be so important. You have to realize that it's just a casual game to pass the time. Once people realize this brutally honest truth, trust me, it will make you enjoy it more.

    As for the lack of endgame, I think the problem lies in Mihoyo not really listening to their playerbase (c'mon, I ask for co-op abyss and endless mode once every month so I would know). Perhaps what would make them notice if we all went on a strike on the game and then demand things but that's too hard to organize myself.

  3. I've learned from other games and people criticizing said games: Leveling is NOT content, and the limited gacha is an attempt to try to hide the fact that there's really nothing else to do in the game aside from grinding the premium currency to pull.
    Genshin got too comfy with its success, and while the situation in Shanghai is horrible, I do hope that Hoyoverse realizes that this game needs more than a shiny new character every now and then, endgame content is a most.

  4. im facing burnout in genshin… because i cant build the characters i want due to their resin system and getting shafted by artifact rolls… genshin is starting to make me think fate grand order is a saint, and that says alot

  5. I think this game has an identity crisis now hear me out. They have some of the highest pricing for characters and weapons compared to other gotcha games they entice you to pull constellations for characters to make them really strong and powerful making you feel like you need that power for future content that’s coming. Then they give you events where you have to take pictures of animals in inazuma and solving puzzles…..

    I feel like this game is trying to please too many people and they don’t have a solid focus on exactly what they want to do is this a dating simulator is this a cooking game is this a combat game they don’t have a specific role and I feel like it’s really hurting them. Why are they charging thousands of dollars to get constellations for a character and then they give us these ridiculous events or were making drinks and solving puzzles does that make any sense? They desperately need to have raids and guilds and stronger content.

    I still don’t understand why don’t we have level 100 domains that give us double the rewards we’re currently getting. They don’t do anything to incentivize other players to build their characters and invest into their characters easily someone can use a level 60 character in a co-op domain and get carried by level 90 players and get the same rewards it doesn’t make any sense if your characters are not strong enough to complete it on your own you shouldn’t be able to get the rewards from other peoples help you need to build your characters level up and try it again I think that’s how normal games work. I really hope with gnu competitors coming out they realize they need to do some thing for endgame content because I used to be a whale in this game and now I have dramatically stop my spending‘s because I don’t see any point I don’t feel like they’re trying to improve anything we haven’t gotten any quality of life changes in the game for over seven months and it’s really sad to see because this has been one of my favorite games of all time and I see so much potential in it but it doesn’t seem like they’re trying to improve anything or listen to their fans

  6. To be honnest that's not my case at all.
    I'm not playing waiting for characters. I'm potentially hyped by everything that is new.
    -> New region. (I was so hyped when I saw the trailer of the chasm, and I don't rush the exploration just to have more time exploring anyway.
    -> New character. (I'm hype by Yelan because her E is so cool for me)
    -> New elements. (PLS DENDRO !!!)
    -> New story. (I love cinematics, univers in general, I want to find out what's going on in Teyvat)

    And I like this game in general by having somewhere to chill in a videogame AND some place to play with my friends. Farm with them, discuss about the game with them…

    So No I'm sorry you're wrong. You say that the endgame is about new characters (worth your time or not ?) and it's wrong. It's YOUR endgame. A Gatcha game is about gatcha, a GOOD gatcha game is not all about gatcha. If this only thing that makes you feel alive in this game is knowing that new characters are coming it's quite sad but please don't put us on the same bag.
    To be clear if the game just continue (story and stuff) but stop releasing new charcaters I will still play it for sure. Because that's just a tiny part of MY personnal fun.

  7. For me I never get burnt out because I don’t need the endgame content. my favorite part about it being on mobile is that you can play it casually, if your waiting for something or have some time to burn you can do of your daily commissions and maybe a domain or two. As a casual player I never really get burnt out. I’ll go on my computer to do story quests and stuff, and if I don’t feel like playing I won’t.

    But Genshin is in a pickle, it’s a game marketed towards both casual and hardcore players. Too much content might overwhelm players looking for a casual fun game, but too little content will make players looking for a grind game they can sink hours into. But the reality is that there are way more casual mobile gamers than there are hardcore PC gamers. I do think they should add more endgame content though, that doesn’t mean new events all the time just something that has replay value.

  8. Just like me fr. I haven't pulled since Raiden's first banner, and to ease the urge I pulled on several weapon banners lmao. I mean, I got some alright stuff, no ragrets, but it really says something about what the game is lol. Now I'm deliberating between Yelan and Kazuha bc I would need a little more primos to guarantee both. I'll pull on Yelan's banner hoping for early, but Idk what I'll do if she doesn't come early. But at least I got my first Sayu off standard to ease my urge for a new character 😂😂😂

    Edit: hell I even downloaded Summoners War to get my gacha fix in. This is a smh moment fr

  9. if you ever did their early surveys you''ll realize what their "endgame" vision is. Things like, "admiring characters" and "optimizing equips forever and ever" things like that. Newer surveys dont ask those these days, but ye go check it out.

  10. For me the vagabond event is what has a hold on me, all I want has a Welkin only player is to beat the next one max point, but if it never comes between now and 3.0 then I move on and the hold is gone.

    Until then I just farm artifacts to get stronger for a possible event, and pull characters o think will be good in the event, and I am at the point where my characters are good enough so I am no longer emotionally invested in artifacts.

  11. Your content and words are so based… I was garenteed albedo and didn't wanted childe but I felt that gacha addiction and pulled on weapon banner..lost to memory of dust then get into that sad state… thinking that i will never play genshin again…but 2 days after i pulled on homa banner again and got homa… again gacha addiction… untill now I also think that's the only thing that's keeping me in this game this fucking gacha addiction. It doesn't matter if I save my primos or not, even if i saving i am saving for gacha again

  12. I realised this 5 patches ago and already stopped playing like that. Now I literally only play when there is actual content in the game so as to not be trapped by the gacha loop. I don't even remember the last time I did my dailies because I no longer really feel the need for primogems. After a few months like this, I feel like even though I play the game less, I have a more fulfilling experience everytime I do.

  13. I think what's missing from Genshin Impact's events compared to other gachas in its events is that some of its events kind of are lacking in its core identity: the exploration and the combat.

    For me, at its core, it's a SEMI-casual SEMI-hardcore exploration beat em up game. You have a combat system, you're asked around to explore things, and you're incentive is to grind for stats to get stronger for some difficult events like Vagabond or energy amp. What other gachas do is make events that pertain to their identities, like how AK is a tower defense, FGO is a grindfest with the challenge quest at the end to test your strategy (or brute force with two OP casters), AS being a grindfest with challenge modes, and etc. It doesn't have to make you play for hours and hours of end endlessly but these events do have some sort of grind and its events promote what the game is all about.

    Genshin does that too with its occasional combat events but I sometimes feel like the combat isn't enough. I understand if we can't do exploration all the time because a region is a lot (though they can try to do something like Golden Archipelago where it's temporary to save up space) but at least make more events be oriented towards combat, it doesn't have to be as complex as an MMO nor does it have to be as hard as Dark Souls, but at least the events that are combat oriented should be made more and with some form of difficulty in mind, not too easy but not too mind numbingly difficult as Souls games.

  14. What u said is so true. Im a kaeya main for a long time. And i just got ayaka, 3 days later, ayaka felt like a waste despite being an abyss killer.
    I still use kaeya more than her.

    Be a character enjoyer.

  15. From the Announcement of Genshin Impact, I already knew how I'm going to play the game.
    By playing it as any other Mobile Game: Log-in, do what I can, use Stamina, Log-out & Life/ Other Games/Stuff.

    Rinse & Repeat

  16. I've been feeling this and thanks for pointing it out. I was hyped for Yelan but the delay got me thinking exactly this. I'll probably still pull for her but it's bittersweet to realize this is 'the' end game.

  17. I have been playing since 1.1/1.2 and I have felt burnout before definitely but what keeps me playing is the excitement of building neglected characters and leveling up that beidou. Honesty even with said end game content would that help the burnout? I’m not sure

  18. "It's just a game" is basically what this video is all about.
    I agree. Genshin has really shown me how dangerous gacha games are when you constantly consume the gacha element in the market. I doubt the game would get better in terms of game mechanics since it would help them have more game time like the artifact system. There is no endgame, just constant primo farming to get the character you want.

  19. I don't feel burnout because I just play this game only for 15 minutes, that's all. I treat Genshin as casual game. I never take a single break from this game. The thing that makes me always play this game because of Hu Tao. I main her since her 1st banner and I want to make her godly as possible, simple motivation but it works for me. I do like bullying enemies 😂

    But there's something that makes me hate this game is artifacts farming. So it's between love hate situation. If artifacts farming is resin free I will build and min max my rosters.

  20. I feel like without having characters or weapons to level, artifacts to farm, or quests to do, there really isn't much to do in the Genshin Impact endgame. And something I noticed is that one of the things that keeps me motivated to explore more is the need for primogems. And as someone who doesn't have 2 full teams for Spiral Abyss, I find it kind of disapointing how Spiral Abyss is one of the few sources of Endgame content.

  21. The worst part is, everything you said is absolutely true. Hoyoverse has gotten drunk off their success and really doesn’t see the need to improve the game with QoL changes and just hides behind pretty layer after pretty layer. The only real reason I keep logging on every day is to do my dailies and use my resin for random reasons, just so I can pull Redhorn Stonethresher for my Itto.
    My whole existence on Genshin, since Kazuha banner, has been saving for a character and waiting for the next big decision to make. I saved for Ganyu from August to her banner, and ended up getting Hu Tao, Itto, Xiao, and Zhongli on the way. After I got her and had my fun, I realized there was an empty hole in my soul. I had spent so long making my purpose for playing the game getting the character that it was the only thing really keeping me going. After that, I targeted Raiden shogun, after I got her, Ayaka, but I ended up skipping and now, it’s switched to Redhorn and Yelan.
    I feel like I move from goal to goal to distract myself from the ever growing void in the game, to stall myself from confronting the truth that maybe I’ve been wasting my time all along, and maybe there was nothing worth staying for to begin with.
    I’m content now, and not really looking to take a break, but I know that burnouts coming, and when it does, I will DEFINITELY feel it.

  22. the real endgame is…. nothing its the same exact things you did since the start and its why I ended up quitting the game after 1st year anniversary. Its a shame a game that is built for pc and marketed towards phones stole so much of my time and money

  23. I just wanna say, burnout and boredom are two different things.

    Burnout is when you are *overwhelmed* and in extreme cases, you get depressed and anxious about things you need to do because it's physically overwhelming, and you can also start to dread doing things because how shitty being overwhelmed feels which also leads to emotional exhaustion, even when it's something you love. Your brain starts to *search for rest* so that it can get away from the stress of being overstimulated. It's very high stress and causes actual physical problems in people that shouldn't be taken lightly. When you are burnt out, you do not search for an endgame to occupy more of your time doing the very thing that is already overwhelming you.

    Boredom is when you are *underwhelmed* by something you're doing (which is uniform and repetitive) to the point where your brain **searches for a replacement**, literally your brain wants something else to do. You are not stressed because of overstimulation, you are stressed because you WANT to be stimulated, but aren't, and therefore cannot achieve the satisfaction you crave. One of the fastest ways to be stimulated and feel satisfied is to try something new, novelty is enough to drive people to start a new show, a new game, a new hobby, buy new clothes, buy a new and faster car, etc.

    BTW, you can be burnt out from being chronically bored (boredout), but for most people, Genshin is a game you play for 20 mins 90% of the time, it's as inconsequential as taking a shower, you do it and move on with the rest of your life which hopefully is more interesting than doing daily commissions. True burnout from being chronically bored comes from doing the same repetitive tasks for hours every day, for months to years. If you're burnt out from being chronically bored, the problem is not Genshin.


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