F2P : Furina HP% vs Hydro% Goblet!! Best Build for Furina?? [ Genshin Impact ]

F2P : Furina HP% vs Hydro% Goblet!! Best Build for Furina?? [ Genshin Impact ]
In this video, we’re testing Furina HP% against hydro% goblet to see which build is the best for her! Let’s see which builds are the best for her and how her stats affect her performance!

If you’re looking for the best build for furina HP vs hydro goblet, be sure to watch this video! We’ll compare her ATK% and Crit dmg% stats against the boss in game, and see which build is the best for her. Let us know which build you think is the best for her in the comments below!
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31 thoughts on “F2P : Furina HP% vs Hydro% Goblet!! Best Build for Furina?? [ Genshin Impact ]”

  1. Here’s me wondering how the hell did you get 90% crit rate while also having relatively high crit damage. You people spend so much time farming for artifacts. My Furina can only crit half the time with my measly 50% crit rate. I actually use a freeze team with her just cause I really don’t want her almost 200% crit damage go to waste since with Blizzard Strayer, I too can reach 90% crit rate if she attack a frozen enemy.

  2. Since the damage output appears to be similar I wonder what the damage bonus difference is for the other characters in your party. Could you redo this test against the hydro mimic mini boss using another character to test the bonus damage. Of HP over Hydro damage. And mayby Hp over crit?


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