People Are WRONG About Crit In Genshin Impact

Crit Is Over-Valued In Genshin Impact

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44 thoughts on “People Are WRONG About Crit In Genshin Impact”

  1. I started to value crit stats less when I noticed the yanfei, traveler, and almost all of catalyst dps weren't criting and doing the dmg i expected them to be so i switched their artifacts, focused on atk% more, just barely meeting the standard crit value, and oh boi, did that change everything!

  2. Sure but it’s almost impossible to get only good substats,, if i only rolled pieces with only perfect substats I’d literally only have 1 piece

  3. It's still good if it's the only crit circlet you have. Trust me I am crying all the same about my artifacts but I cannot be picky, it's a miracle if any of my circlets have usable substats at all (except the hp ones but that doesn't count)

  4. when i get bad substats, half my rolls go to them

    and when i get all 4 good substats, all my rolls go into crit so having the good substats feels like it didnt matter 🥲

    that aside, yes substats good, but only if it rolls to them

  5. I mean I wouldnt use it on my main chara but I would still level it up to give it someone just in case
    I mean it's not like I can't switch it again later

  6. crit is good on dps/drivers and some supports but honestly getting enough ER and a good amount of EM are just as good or even more important, and some really good characters literally dont want crit at all

  7. I'm at the point of the game where I'm just going for perfect stat items. Those are few and far between. I do occasionally roll something what Bran got for fun or praying for crit XD.

  8. I always notice that ppl tend to only look at crit or double crit with dead stats and roll those pieces right away and ignore pieces that have lower crit but all stats are good for the character like bruh crit is so overrated tbh. Unless if you already have enough stats that your character scales in like for example your Xiao has already over 2.4k atk and you run him with bennett, then yes you'll start needing more crit because you have more than enough atk, but if your Xiao has like 1.6 atk then you'd definitely want get more atk first than stacking more crit

  9. True! I don't bother rolling circlets with double crit if the other stats are flat or hp%/def%. The odds of rolling crit more than once are incredibly low and, as you said, other stats are important, too. But I guess it also depends how late in the game you are if the circlet is worth rolling.

  10. I got the perfect plume today…then i roll flat def…then i notice i had the wrong plume (one have crit rate, one have crit dmg, the other stats are same). So i roll the right plume…hp flat…

    I went all out anyway because of my luck..i rolled hp flat, hp flat, atk%, atk%

  11. I FUCKING ALWAYS get pieces with both crit rt/dmg thats paired with flats, thats why i always value pieces that has high atk%/atkflat/em/er rolls even with low crt dmg/rt just to even out. My artifact storage is full because of that

  12. I'm jealous of that Yoi goblet, I've spent god knows how much resin and I only have 3 pyro goblets from random domains and best i got was 6 crit rate, I got every type of elemental damage goblet shimenawa except pyro

  13. people forget that if you don't have enough atk/em/def or hp for characters who benefits from those stats, then your 200+ crit would be useless, there's nothing to crit from. my ayaka has atk circlet because she deals more dmg with it. getting as much crit as possible is so useless all stats should be balanced.😭

  14. It still good, but depend on your account. If you're play for sometimes, max out this will never worth it.
    If you want to try your luck just level up to 4 or 8.

  15. I value crit over every other stat unless I already have enough crit on my characters. For example my Yoimiya’s ratio is 81/240. My crit could be better but at that point having attack is more valuable than more crit. My goblet only has 13 cd and 3 cr but 28% attack

  16. Substat is indeed important, but if they matter, afterall not like Eula need EM or kokomi need cc or CD. And if you already have enough atk you don't need to get that more. Otherwise you will be like me and farming 6 month for childe "perfect" artifact 🤡

  17. Is it just me or the Sands Artifact are the hardest one to get a Good Stats than Circlet and Goblet?

    As a Hu Tao Main, I'm having Long Days of Grind to find a Good Sand Stats. While the rest is Good Enough.


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