Who Is The Biggest YAPPER In Genshin Impact?
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#Shorts #GenshinImpact #BranOnline
It sounds random but what if is eula using a arlecchino mask imagine.
Well nahida is a god that watches everything 👁👁👁.
Kinda strange how it 32 likes🙃
Can't blame sara kujou for spiking his burritos with beans.
Bruh these sexual intellectual bots are everywhere
Imagine lisa in the crucbena outfit 😊.
The story quest first dialogue👀
man if zhongli appeared more in events he'll probably be the 1st runner up yapperer lol
How has no one done raiden shogun in different anime art styles video.
Navia surprises me the most ngl
I bet cyno yaps the most since his bad jokes
Navia is only released a few patches ago
Oh yeah, Every Aeon specifically has the pronouns "they/them" even despite some Aeons looking Masculine (Ex. Nanook The Destruction) and Feminine (changed to THEY/THEM i think during 2.0 for better understanding since the fandom likes call them the wrong pronoun), the reason why they are called THEY/THEM from the player's speculations is that once you've ascended through aeonhood, you have trascended through outside of concepts, meaning your a concept yourself, making them rule out from the Gender Concept
Aeon's follow their concepts and cannot change or they'll cease to exist (from what i heard), Ex. Nanook The Destruction, he can only follow his embodiment/concept, the reason why he ascended to AeonHood, Destruction.
I’m surprised it wasn’t Furina because she only says “justice”
“Justice” justice” “objection”
Paimon is underrated
Sorry.. I yap a lot, huh? 😅
Cap! Definitely Paimon
I can't wait for the day they put Itto in the back burner. Just bring him out for beetle events. It fits him. Otherwise just bench