The Battle Pass Trailer Is More Important Than You Think| Genshin Impact Theory Time

The Genshin battle pass trailer we see every six weeks, holds more clues to the world of Teyvat and the Travelers purpose here than many realize and I intend to show you how.

Note: I realize after recording that I said Paimon met the traveler two months after he woke up but that’s incorrect. He told her the story of his origin two months later but it doesn’t invalidate the theory.

TLDW- Aether and Lumine are the two heirs in the trailer who were sent to retrieve the genesis pearl. They were sent by Hoyoverse and when the interference by celestia and the abyss order derailed the plan, Hoyoverse gives you Paimon to help you finish the job.

Genesis crystals show that Hoyoverse is present in the world(origin of the universe) as a entity that can give you the means to create stars (primogems) to wish for your fate to be intertwined with others of this world to fight back the Abyss and get the pearl.
Lumine is the first heir and the Abyss brainwashed her and that’s why she thinks its her home.
Thats why they never break character and the in game mail is called P.A.I.M.O.N.

Paimon’s not the mascot for no reason. She was designed by P.A.I.M.O.N to guide you through the world and find the genesis pearl.

The whole thing is The Matrix and Aether just hasn’t been Red Pilled yet.


7 thoughts on “The Battle Pass Trailer Is More Important Than You Think| Genshin Impact Theory Time”

  1. There are many issues with identifying the Travelers as the heirs. But here's one you may not have heard of: it's called the "Gnostic Chorus" so it involves Gnosticism. The devs have said Gnosticism is in the game as a sort of theme (not to over sell it). We have "Archons" and so on. If we relate the Gnostic Chorus to Gnosticism it is clear that the most obvious parallel of the true god is the "king" of the "heavenly kingdom" whereas the demiurge (false god, created being who thinks they are the real god) would be the first heir who "is deceived" and "forgets their noble origin" and instead comes to think THEY are the real king. Therefore the first heir is the demiurge of Gnosticism and so the archons were created by and serve the demiurge. That doesn't sound like the Sibling to me. You could argue the Sibling thinks they are a king – I'd argue not even that since the Abyss Order has king Irmin or whoever the one eyed god is that those statues depict. But you can't argue that the Sibling created the archons or is the archon's boss. That would be Celestia not the Abyss. That suggests Unknown God as first heir maybe, and that would tie in with how Dainsleif talks about rescuing a female person regardless of your choice between Aether and Lumine.

  2. For some reason I think the princess is somehow paimon the hair is more similar to hers then the sister’s especially with the one strand just going in a whole different direction

  3. I see what you are saying that Lumine has been deceived. The only thing I am confused about is Dainslief’s mission. He is the Boughkeeper and that means he has understanding of dreams and the information of Irmensol. I believe he had something to do with wiping Lumine’s memories and wiping the Kan’rian’s memories. He is Kan’rian as is the Jester. I believe the Jester was a royal mage in Kan’riah. Could it be Danslief is the 12th Harbinger undercover to the Jester or the Jester and the Tsaritsa? I don’t believe he is a “good” guy at all. Somehow when he was traveling with Lumine she began to remember bits and pieces of what happen hundreds of years before and that is why she turned him away. Also The Wanderer told her he knew her a time before and her brother had lived with the Jester in Kan’riah. Could the Wanderer have known her when he was Kunikuzenshi? This would have been the time after the little boy’s death and before he became Scaramouche the 6 Harbinger? If she began to remember things differently than what Dainslief lead her to believe, maybe she figured out he was there to watch and confuse her, not help her. Love this story! It is so wonderfully twisted and convoluted! The game and story is not even a half of the way through! Your thoughts are super interesting! Keep up the good work!


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