Here’s a few reasons why the 1.6 character banners could end up in a weird spot!
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In this video, we review all the burning questions a lot of the Genshin viewers keep asking, things like comparison between Klee vs Yanfei or which banner to go for Klee or Kazuha. But besides the usual stuff you can hear about anywhere else, we also delve into more serious speculations like the upcoming 1.7 update and how near is the Inazuma update itself. Even if at the time video goes live, 1.6 update is still not up, from the past experience we’ve seen, there’s a few ways we can prepare before the Kazuha banner ends.

Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that’s available on PC, PS4, Switch and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.

Genshin Impact

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  1. I'm fortunate enough to already be deadset on a banner to pull for upon announcement and even before that. Especially because Eula is the banner that would come before Klee. I have too much anemo and cryo on my abyss teams that I really need as much flexibility in my options as possible. So it was a no brainer that I would prioritize her over Eula or Kazuha. Though I would like to pull for Kazuha but it's more of a I just want to look at him and his aesthetically pleasing burst kind of thing rather than actually needing him but we'll see. I'm guaranteed a Klee already anyway so who knows, if I get her early, I might be able to save a few pulls for kazuha.

  2. waht im doing:
    not saving
    not pulling for klee
    not pulling for samuri guy
    but pull for the 4 stars on samuri guy even if i didnt save
    works everytime
    im serious though

  3. If the Electro Archon comes out much later as I've been hearing, I might wish for Klee and then start building primos for the Archon because the leaked models look good (no spoilers. I'm just saying they look good) and Archon skills have been really powerful even in the cases of someone like Zhongli who needed a buff

  4. I've decided.
    If Ayaka comes after Kazuha, I'm going to get Kazuha and skip Ayaka.
    It's a hard decision to make, but I can't keep bending every time a new character is being hyped up.

  5. Don't forget the fact that the new area as well as the boat is only for 1.6 witch is a waste of the games space our time and our resources especially for those who has other things going on in there lives

  6. My pity' is 100% to be the next 5star character on the banner . But i want another Archon in my team 😗. So for f2p better save your primos and take more time to build your other 5star character . And save more material as much as you can for your next 5star 😌

  7. Anticipating the final release to tell but.
    The pre-release leaks for Kazuha show his atk stat and normal attack % values to be not ground breaking, but high enough that I could run him as main dps if I wanted to, so gonna do that. Will see though if there’s a change to his values full release proper.

  8. As a veteran gacha player, I ususally gonna pull characters that I want, so I'm gonna put aside status and all of that.

    So things that can be considered for people with my kind of mindset, Klee is the obvious choice here, she is on rerun which makes her gonna hard to get cause next rerun would be her 3rd banner, so Kazuha would be at least get rerun 1st before her.

    And from Inazuma preview, clearly Kazuha is the "gate" for Inazuma characters which means more Inazuma coming up, and we gona have much more exciting Inazuma characters (not saying he's not exciting).


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