Summertime Odyssey Part 4 Full Story | Fischl's Mirage Domain Appears | Genshin Impact Version 2.8

#SummertimeOdyssey #Fischl #Part4 #FullStory
After waking up on the other island, Traveler and the whole crew finds that Fischl is still missing, but two strange objects which seemed to belong to her were left in there. After interacting with these objects, Fischl’s Mirage Domain appears and it’s quite a huge castle of sorts. Her Phantasmal Tales story is titled Immernachtreich Apokalypse and this story reveals her true character and identity. This is the fourth part (Part 4/Part IV) of the Summertime Odyssey questline for Version 2.8, a full story version recorded in HD quality. This specific story is also titled “Immernachtreich Apokalypse”.

TAGS: Summertime Odyssey, Part 4, Part IV, Full Story, HD, Golden Apple, Immernachtreich Apokalypse, Fischl, Domain, Version 2.8, Noxxis Gaming, Noxxis Genshin, Genshin Impact


42 thoughts on “Summertime Odyssey Part 4 Full Story | Fischl's Mirage Domain Appears | Genshin Impact Version 2.8”

  1. I was really excited for fischl's domain and now I'm frustrated with it. Ugh!!! Xinyan's domain was the best to me from A to Z. Even though kazuha is my fav I kinda got annoyed with the first half of his domain but the last half was stunning. I'm stuck in fischl's domain 🙂 and I don't have the courage to leave it after doing so many things😭

  2. I’m glad they revealed more of Fischl’s character in this story, I love her character cause she’s so unique, I hope Hoyoverse does more quests like this. Also the fact that Kusanali picked up the call and probably (?) has a child-like voice will maybe match with the child model that the leakers posted/leaked, I guess she really is the god of wisdom lol.

  3. Fischl has been my least favorite character by far up to this point, but this quest really made her one of my favorite characters in the whole game. I was almost crying at some parts, her story really hit home with my inner child and I have so much love for her now. I’m building her at the speed of light because she deserves the world rip

  4. Someone help 🙁 a problem I have with Fischls quest from the new summertime fantasia event believe its a bug since even after resetting my game its still not working. I died mid quest after I finish part 1 of her quest so I needed to get to part 2, I did a little bit of part 2 until I died but when I revived as usual and went back to where I was, it said that message in red that I cant take a picture, and I assumed it was because I already did that part, and I did but I cant proceed any further without doing that part to get the bridge. Even though I tried pretty much everything there is to do :/

  5. I really liked this events stories. Mona‘s and Fischl‘s were my favorites though and it seemed like all the budget went there with how the map changes and their domains. I really enjoyed the aesthetic they got with the shadowy castle.
    Personally I had lots of fun with the riddles and puzzles in both of them. Although I do prefer Mona‘s puzzles as they weren‘t so, I guess inconsistent.
    In Fischl‘s domain I often had moments where whatever I would do nothing is right with the gaze of the deep, then I back out and go in again and suddenly the same position I did before works.

    Anyway. This event is amazing so far. Sadly, as with the previous Golden Apple Archipeligo, it will be gone by the end of the patch.

    Also, Mona‘s and Fischl‘s interactions were amazing….that and Fischl constantly breaking her character she carefully tried to build around her

  6. haven't played genshin in a while and I have to say that the change in Mona's outfit is immaculate! the previous one didn't look good at all imo.


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