Will the real xiao main please stand up ?
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Patch Version : 1.5
Current Banner : Eula, Xinyan, Beidou, Xinqiu, Song of broken pines
genshin impact xiao
#Genshin #OkCode #Xinyan
Valkyrja and Zy0x says hi🌚
I run 140 ER. But now with jade 66 186 127er. With homa > 50hp , 2600atk, 75cr 190cdmg and 122 er
I see someone w/ a name of "AiUehara"
a man of culture right there!!
Me: have 60% CC 169% CD 2k4 atx and 140% energy recharge
My xiao ratio 75% CR 215% CDmg atk 1900-2000
My xiao 75.6% CR 210.2% CD 2k2 atk only 116 ER
strongest xiao cool and all but gimme eula now
Ooof not me playing xiao solo ameno cuz I don’t need the recharge 🤡 my stats aren’t the worst
i really run xiao with 2 noblesse + 2 bsc
Still waiting for a 5 star spear Smoge
I run Xiao solo carry cause favonious Diano
I have the best xiao 😼
Diano build showcase when?
tbh the last one is almost perfect besides missing some ER.
whats the point of commenting on rng?
My xiao team is solo anemo….
I use xiao single. He charges as soon as jump Attack ends as long as there are enough enemies to gain particles.
Mine is almost 300 crit dmg, man. Need a 30+ crit dmg artifact.
2665 atk,63% c rate,113% c dmg with crescent pike,talents 9 8 9
I know I know,I SUCK
my xiao is 2360atk , 71 crit rate, 220 crit dmg, 126 er and i a walkin moon f2p, i have been working on my xiao for a long time since i got him as i had only xiao and jean as 5 stars, and best part is i got extreamly lucky in the wepon banner and got staff of homa which is the major upgrade in my xiao
I run my xiao solo anemo kek i have 2600 atk 67cr 191cd and 141ER
How do you know if an artifact did a high roll or low roll?
Imagine having xiao
3:32 It's because the sub-stats are much more important than set effects . You already know that for sure so I don't know why you're surprised. That can very easily be a xiao build.
None of my main DPS have ideal set-effects either.
Like, my Hu Tao should be rocking a 4-piece Crimson or Bolide, but I'll probably never get a set of those that are better than the best combination of 5 artifacts I can make from all my 100 +20 artifacts on my account.
what does it take to be 10/10 lol
I think you should do more of this, good easy content mr. Sticker
You know, when I saw the youtube notif, the video's title was "Searching for the strongest Xi…." and I for some reason thought you were looking for Xinyan mains Smoge
I mean I'm pretty sure mr code has the strongest Xinyan but it would be cool to see other Xinyan mains ngl
"I don't think anyone runs Xiao as solo anemo carry right"
My spiral abyss team: Xiao Zhongli Bennett Xingqiu/Xinyan
Why? My Sucrose isn't built (no 4pc vv, no sac frag) and Jean is my DPS, so I need her for the other team
Yes I am dumbass 🤡 but hopefully I can get Kazuha to battery and help Xiao lol
My Homa Xiao has 2104 atk (2258 at full HP, 2450 below 50%)
74% crit rate 210% crit dmg and 140% ER
Talents 10/8/8 and c0
so your telling me my xiao ive been farming for almost my whole genshin career is just a 8/10?????
My xiao is a god bro. Lvl 90 C6 with triple crown talents, r4 jade with 2300 atk, 82 Crit rate and 207 crit damage and 123.3 ER
C6 R5 jade spear 72:206 crit ratio, 10 13 12. Gonna keep farming for him until servers close.
1900 atk nearly 63% crit rate and 245 cd% with blackcliff polearm 2 piece glad and 2 vv
……Oh shit I missed this in twitch rip me I have stacked f2p strong xiao too
8:30 Smoge my xiao clip has been skipped
Stat requirements for 10/10 xiao ?
6:57 WYSI
My xiao has 75 cr and 180 cd 140ER 2.4K attack 10 – 9 – 9 talents pretty much takes less than 40 secs on 1.5 version's floor 12.
I don't understand how high or low your roles can be.
You didn’t give anyone 10 so let’s see your xiao!!!
these mf people and their luck with the artifacts 🥲
Yep !
Can you do one of these for Hu Taos so I can see how good her stats can be?