#GenshinImpact #Rosaria #Leak
Rosaria Gameplay Character Demo! Genshin Impact Rosaria Skill Leaks and Details. Rosaria looks AMAZING as a 4 Star unit set to be released in Patch 1.4 in Genshin Impact! The latest Genshin Impact Patch Leaks are for Rosaria, a 4 Star Cryo Polearm unit!
Genshin Build Guides: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTfbIrKHJaa205pPwzs4ij3FHVyiy-3bv
God Build Noelle: https://youtu.be/RiJabonJfWI
Abyss Slayer Noelle: https://youtu.be/9rQU8gEPMys
Best Noelle Weapon?: https://youtu.be/8OJCNbWISpk
Rosaria Leaks: https://youtu.be/oJRAGvXfiGI
Hu Tao Leaks: https://youtu.be/jzIkHuObBJE
Xiao Guide: https://youtu.be/J-nNwf6ztgk
Best Xiao Build for Math Kids: https://youtu.be/lwky0WWSQvk
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Music provided by Argofox https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC56Qctnsu8wAyvzf4Yx6LIw
I love these legs 😍
🌸😹I am absolutely dead, I read your title as Rosaria The Emo and was vigorously typing in contest! I perhaps April Fool myself😹🌸
Rosaria will be amazing with Fischl, Bennett and Xinyan. For superconduct and physical damage boosts.
Really hope the dragon spine works well on her
Bring back pre nerf Rosaria.
If i get her i plan for full cryo set and cryo dmg support with fischl is that will work?
I really like the side swipes in there autos. Looks like a decent little bit of AOE.
Why tf are ppl disliking this?
It's strange why they are releasing 2 phys centered characters almost back to back
Looked immediately to the comment section to know if howllzz be pranking us. Lol
i feel like the dragonspine spear was literally made for her
well hopefully i get her in Eula's banner. i would've pulled for her in Childe banner, but i have to save my guaranteed for a unit i'm actually gonna use
I'm thinking about pairing her with Ganyu, Noelle, and one other..maybe as a support build or sub dps. Any thoughts on if that will work? Should I use the Favinous Lance? Who should my fourth be?
Jade spear for her ?
I need her, I have an unused Level 90 Staff of Homa that's just rotting away
ravaging confession is very useful against the shield of mitachurl..
ty for making a legit video & not trolling us for 4PR1LF00Lz
Do you feel like Xinyan (high constellation) will synergize well?
I’m so ready for her. I’m planning on using her as a sub dps on my team comp of keqing, ganyu, noelle and rosaria. I hope this set up will be good. I have the crescent pike lvl 90 R2 with two polearm catalysts ready to refine it. Haven’t pulled since ganyu so leeetttssss GOOOOO
With Zhongli you don't need superconduct
You still got a new xinyan video in the works?
no need for those 5 star cryo if u have rosaria but still i think ganyu rosaria is a perfect cryo combo its gonna be called heaven and earth combo cyro ganyu – heaven and rosaria earth
is it just me or isee this demo rosaria using dragon's bane nc
Her and child 😏so cold 🥶
Shes a cryo and she chilling.
I …see what you did thar………..
will the jade spear be good for rosaria?
it hurts but I might get her next time and use kaeya for now while saving up for Ayaka I'm gonna have too many cryo now if I get her and eula
Not her constellation being called Spinea Corona, Oof.
Do you think she will work well with Childe? For freeze
i think im gonna wish for her but im terrified of getting childe, i got mona on hu taos banner and i have abt 20 pity rn so im kinda scared. i dont like the was childe attackd
Been a long time since I've played gotchas.. but I'm back and look for this unit to be on my team. Great to be back.
Going to be doing a physical build with her.
Shawty thicc
The charged attack looks exactly like hu tao, that's sad. I hoped they are different, cause they are different chars / persons