Rolling for Kazuha! || Genshin Impact Gacha Summons

Today our 2nd admin Jimz and our friend sosad rolled on 1.6 Kazuha banner!!! We are both f2ps lmao, and we both tried to win our 50/50
Our first Inazuma character is finally here!!
Hopefully everyone who wanted Kazuha will get him too~
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Wishing on Kazuha banner
Roll for kazuha
Kazuha summons
Kazuha gacha

BGM used in this video:
– Persona 4 Specialist
– deadman 死人 – Omae Wa Mou (Tiny Little Andiatum Remix)


33 thoughts on “Rolling for Kazuha! || Genshin Impact Gacha Summons”

  1. I was rolling for Rosaria constelation and getting Benny boy but then Mihoyo decided to give me 2 Kazuha's for my 10th and 11th roll. I wish the best of luck to everyone who wants to get him.

  2. idk why but lmao i didnt log in for 3 days and today my friends got kazuha and my child (friend) got him in her first roll of this banner 👌 i mean she didnt really wanted him but yea — good luck everyone (i'm gonna try)

  3. i didnt pull any razor why wont he come home- I got c3 Rosaria, c2 bennett, qiqi and kazuha but no razor why does razor refuse to come home

  4. I got Kazuha even though I got Klee like five wishes ago. And then Rosaria from the standard banner, those were the only two I really wanted from this banner 😀

  5. uh guys I checked my history after doing like 9 pulls and the wishes I made on eula and klees banner didnt show up. Thats normal right? I didnt waste 73 wishes right?

  6. Kinda scared for my 50-50 pity cus just like your wish history, I won the pity once after the guaranteed pity so how about the second time? 😀


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