The Genshin Impact Controversy Is Insane…

Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at what appears to be Genshin Impacts low rewards leading to an outlash from it’s community. That same community ended up turning on itself and all we can do is watch from the sidelines. Thanks for watching!
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40 thoughts on “The Genshin Impact Controversy Is Insane…”

  1. I like Genshin Impact but…I will never deny that it mistreats its customer-base. Gacha games are predatory, no ifs ands or buts about it. Forgetting all controversies with plot or characters, the anniversary rewards are always terrible. For how much people have spent on this game and how much it takes to even have an attempt at pulling a good character, including 4-star banner characters, they don't give enough. They don't appreciate the fan-base. Honkai: Star Rail did a much better job with releasing a free 5-star that is actually good, and another free character in serval who can be very useful. In many ways I much prefer Star Rail now (and I was never going to get into it originally because of Genshin).

  2. I've been playing genshin for around a year. Don't really follow any drama in the community and I just enjoy the game as is. I also play star rail and I really like the QoL in it. If we put the gacha mechanics aside, the games stories are completable without ever interacting with that side of the games. I only gripe with genshin is the AR requirements (for those who don't know, AR or adventure rank is how players level up in the game). A lot of the story is locked behind being a certain AR level which takes forever to grind. In my experience, playing casually will take months to grind to AR40, to get access to all story quests. Usually what ends up happening, you play for the story, but hit a brick wall, that requires you to explore the world. It kinda feels forced and no amount of money can get anyone around this. For me, the best content is in the last 2 regions, but to get to that you need to put a lot of time into the game. The resin (stamina) system doesn't help, since the fastest way to get AR experience is to complete domains (dungeons), but you don't get rewards or experience if you don't have resin. In star rail quests are also locked behind being a certain level, but due to the nature of game and the Power overflow system, you can play the story as far as you can and stop playing for a few weeks and do literally anything else in life. And when you come back, you have 11 days of grinding saved up and since it's turn based you have auto-battle, so you skip the boring grinding part. What I think the most important part of this genshin drama, at least for me, is the lack of quality of life in genshin, compared to star rail.

  3. CN games needs to do well in their own homeland to actually be successful. Even if they do better internationally, it's nothing if home base hates you.

    As for Genshin…honestly, they're suffering from middle child syndrome. HI3 – GI – HSR…they're sandwiched in between the Honkai games that is well-loved and favored by their CEO.
    And as for Doro, he literally just stays in his lane. But he also doesn't really draw a line on what's BS and what's not. Because 13 free pulls for CNY is a litttle meh when HI3 and HSR are going all out for it.

    Also, Hoyo isn't 'indie'. Genshin was just their biggest game.

  4. A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years, its truly crazy how stingy Mihoyo gets over a made up currency that cost them literally nothing, there are already modded version of the game where you can host your own server and play with any characters you want without spending money

  5. I remember my friends and I picked a random Twitch streamer and then popped into their stream. Seriously, we had maybe 10 people in their stream. Anyway, the change that came over this guy… It was like he got a hit of c0ke. The endorphin rush of people following/watching you is STRONG. I'm not sure human society in general was ready for the internet in general. 🫤

  6. I really love that something like this happens because it signifies to them that they had crossed a certain line and they'll need further correction or compensation to fix their trust again. Fir the longest time Genshin alone was the Blessed one among the Gacha games industry and we'll need a wake up call to tell them the gacha industry can be F2P friendly and still successful.

  7. The only thing i can't let go of this game is the MUSIC! As a musician i love how expressive and pump music in every battle/exploration music in every region they open up. If anyone curious about the music try "Die Mittsommernacht-Fantasie" its from limited event.

  8. I'm a long time freemium player in genshin, been playing since almost the start in 2020. Never spent a dime. Honestly, if you put aside all the online drama and just play the game as usual, you can get a character(guaranteed) from the current event banner, once per every alternate event banner if you just play the game. The company provides enough free rolls to facilitate that, throughout every patch. I feel the drama is uncalled for.

  9. Game play what game play open world doesn't mean game play bro if u really wanted u can strat playing now and finish in 4month or more it's cool at first as u continue playing the game u will understand the game just look good have good graphics some story are great but the game play is shit it's just a talking simulator and some time u are required to complete some story quest to participate in some events

  10. Before this even happened I unistalled Genshin. Now I just play Star rail. Yeah the rewards are better but I didn't even know about all this. Genshin is just boring at endgame. Nothing to do, no reason to build characters. Just wait around for new regions and open chests and button through redundant dialogue to get stuff, 90% of which you don't really need. Meanwhile, I build herta in star rail, and immediately get more stars in pure fiction. Even though she is one of the low tier characters. Genshin could never. Imagine building amber and she carries you to more stars in abyss? Imagine abyss combat actually feeling different from the rest of the game because of the buffs?

  11. In the age of people getting arrested over mean tweets, why don't these people just gather their evidence and make cases against eachother? Is it because clout chasing on Twitter/X, and fake internet points, are more valuable to them? Trully a terminally online gang I have no sympathy for 🙂


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