I’m so lucky…
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Reaches lvl2:hopes on aqualia or keqing on Standard banner
(Also gets another diluc)
Meanwhile I think I’m at level 16 😂
Ahahahah nice I still haven't use mine cause I'm waiting for momy baal and sara
Mokermay’s legendary watermark
I didnt even realized this was a thing until i watched the vid lol, thanks anyway.
Oh, glad this showed up in my recommended. Never even noticed you could interact with the sakura tree.
me with level 17: 👁👄👁
Me waiting for one more time of such sweet experience while having 19lvl
[sweats in haven't even maxed out my mondstadt and liyue statues]
Heyy, wanna donate some primos😉
My AR55 belike….
this tree is one of the best thing ever added to the game they should continue the rewards like this in the future
Peopl: make videos about the new places, things and characters that are i Genshin Impact.
Me who is still in Liyue beacuse i haven't played the game in months: yes i know what you are talking about.
i’m still a gamer with a level 4 tree right, RIGHT🥲
I'm not touching any Inazuma chests or puzzles lol. I'm just doing the event and waiting for Baal and another story quest. Then I'm gonna dive in fully 🙂 pace yoself
I've actually have 20lvl, lol
ME who hasn't even got to Inazuma: 👁👄👁
i have gotten a 5star at level 10 and 20, and thats not even a joke
I am already at lvl 15
20% of the way of getting a nice purple weapon
When you have 9321 primogems 1730 of that other thing, and 13 of the other other thing, I don’t think you should be excited about 2 wishes
when you don't even have inazuma unlocked:
oh okay, i'll take notes.
yall really be speed running inazuma at this point
They took the rewards to a whole nother level
im at 20 now. ITS RLY TOOK ME LONG lol. anything for that free interwined fate 😥
those who have got lvl 20 sakura tree say hi xdd
jokes on you, mine is already level 20
I got ayaka in my first ten pull xD
I just only finished the first archon quest of inazuma. That ws already exhausting. 0 levels on tree
How many days of runtime the sakura tree has?thanks
Ma’am or sir- Or Person. I haven’t even got to inazuma yet 🤧
already level 17:>
I get Qiqi for that 2 pulls and im happy
I tried leveling up the dragon spine tree. Yeah tried
wait… you can level up a tree?? why was I never told this?? :,)
I am on level 1-
I’m at lvl 17 lol
well i already lvl 17
Me who's at level 0
👁️👄👁️ What a strage device
When u already have it at lvl 20
I got jean this tree
I just added that to my other 8 and did a 10 pull lol