Ver. 4.0 Genshin Impact Fontaine Reveal! | Genshin Official Livestream watch party


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22 thoughts on “Ver. 4.0 Genshin Impact Fontaine Reveal! | Genshin Official Livestream watch party”

  1. im hyped for the update! , i wished though that they focused a bit more on QOL changed than adding more GB on background for party screen visuals , cuz lets be honest we spend on that screen like 2 seconds and dont use it that often XD
    like we need more map pins, we need unlimited condensed resin craft, theres no logic into limiting it to 5 XD. || we also need them to reprogram liyue & mond common treasure cuz half of them do not give primos: while in other regions they give 2, for the start regions they should give 1. its baffeling that they removed primos from half the common treasure.
    we also need skill transperancy where we can lower the Q transperancy becuz its too bright for lots of players: theres no reason they cant do that. we also need laod for artifacts so we can swap build on characters easier, i mean at least for traveler that can change elements XD. and the best of all: resin QOL update, its time they went with the norm of grindy gacha gaming and gave us a bit more fragile resin. OR update the costs or drops we get for certain things like exp & talent books. and more importantly update the weekly boss thing: all bosses need to cost 30 and to have the same system HSR rails has, have a weekly limit based on the number of bosses genshin has (8 bosses as of now, so 8 rewards no matter the boss) but we can redeem boss rewards on the bosses we want based on the weekly limit: this will also help new players to catch up on all the mats they missed on weekly bosses XD (ive been sending it to them on their surveys for 1.5 years now, i guess they implemented it on HSR instead LOOOOOOL )

  2. some gachas has a pvp but in a pve style, it could work for genshin and they could implement trails characters only for it to make it fair. and to add a bit more co-op based perma gameplay and have some nice monthly ranked system that rewards us resinstamina, exp primos. while its open world game, its still a gacha game. they could even make TCG a pvp mode with ranking, since everyone can get any card, it would be up to players skill: low ranks will get at least 20 pulls monthly, while higher ranks will get 50 to 70 pulls a month (this is how every other gacha ranking system works: crk for example has a very great system that even f2p and newbies can rank high enough to get over 10k crystals monthly (which is 30 pulls). a pvp will keep players engaged at least for half of the player base between the long updates XD and it will be more appriciatvie from the company to give us some free sources for the time we spend on game

  3. Tenha, I really like how you would shut down those who would complain and make negative comments with no bases for their complaint… If you simply dont like the game, why are you attending a livestream about the game? For the people who dislike certain aspects of the game, and voice that concern this comment isnt for you… I do disagree with your point on if the world level doesnt increase then there isnt any reason to explore the world or gather chest… I do however see your point since you spend lots of money so you dont need anything from those chests. I wouldnt hate an increase of the WL, but i also like to see my percentage of world explored increase and I do like to just see the sights… So im good either way… I love this game, but would love to see co-op raids, co-op abyss and co-op endless mob waves gameplay… rewards could be an item that lets you reroll substats, craft an artifact with a selected main stat and/or reset an artifact back to enhancement +0 so you can try to get better rolls when upgrading… Maybe 1-3 of each per week.

  4. Childe was never my favourite character
    Pulled him on 50 50 early 10 wish
    Was not satisfied but hey he is the best dps in my arsenal and also if he becomes a electro ill main him.

  5. I watch these and feel tenhas statement of "I hit ar60, so all these mechanics are gonna seem repetitive "

    I want to return but it's just too much of the same

  6. Ok i admit those dancer robots are by far the most beautiful and smooth bosses in the whole game. I am genuinely looking forward to Fontaine now, i'm skeptical about the underwater exploration BUT it does look better and less limited than i expected so i think it'll be ok.
    I'm glad there will be a free Lynette but i am also worried she will suck but at the very least she has the skill sprint thing like Yelan so even if her kit is useless she will be decent for exploration and such tho that being said i do plan on using my guaranteed on Yelan so . . . .


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