NO WAY! I’ve been playing genshin impact since version 1.0 but never get a death animation like this! Maybe this is a new update in Fontaine or perhaps it is a very rare death animation. Can anyone explain?
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Where is the outro with your cute voice?
Confused why you're using yelan on the hydro boss 🤨🤔🤔
As a Hutao main I can confirm that this death is accurate ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Imagine whaling for a weapon like Staff of Homa, you R5ed it, and now you lost it just by the character's death 💀
That's not weird, that's a unique detail
You Vietnam's
You died while the e skill animation is playing, it also spawn a weapon in your hand as an attached object. The time you died, the weapon become a ragdoll object.
That should answer your question
I have seen both animations, it isnt very rare. At least i don't think the second one is very rare. But maybe its different for every character.
Thank you for the content m1s3n! 🙂
your zhongli gets killed too fast what did u gave him, 3 stars artifacts?
She just didn’t want to waste the money spent on the staff of homeless
i will take that if i join in another coop😂
Try it with Cadance, during her Burst she holds her spear i think
If uou didnt get an achievement then that was probably ur wifi glitch lol
bro im going to hell for thinking that the title said rasict deaths in genshin impact 😭😭😭😭😭
this animation isnt rare it happens when the character takes out their weapon at the same time of dying its easeir to do with xiao after using his burst and plunge at the same time of dying this happens
I didn't see that before…interesting
It’s bc u used ur skill before dying, and hutao threw it in the air but since the character wasn’t there anymore, it just fell on the ground like a weapon u can pick up (or so I assume)
stop making hu tao say watashi no oppai again and again
-1 staff of homa
Bwoah, i'm don't understand what happened hahahahah, but i never leave my Hu Tao dead, because, i don't like see her dead 🥺. But this bug of the weapon desapear, hahahahahahahahaha, wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Hello from Brazil 😄🇧🇷. I'm big fan of Hu Tao 😍😍
Hu tao tired of this boss she surrender
There should be achievement for this
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