Pulling for Hutao and how I will be testing her | Genshin Impact

Pulling for Hutao, checking out her animations and going over how I will test her for day 1.

Thoughts and Review Videos:

Razor Series:

Updated Noelle Series:

How I get Nvidia Overlay to work with Genshin Impact:
Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings, Program Settings, Add Genshin to the list

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:24 Hutao’s Banner
01:12 Pulls
03:00 Attack Animations
04:16 Constellations
06:00 Leveling her up
07:02 Test Gear
09:24 Test teams
11:09 Quick gameplay

UID: 900110083
Region: HK


26 thoughts on “Pulling for Hutao and how I will be testing her | Genshin Impact”

  1. Sacrificing 15% pyro damage from crimson witch, to get another 35% from 4 pc archaic petra.

    Well played man. It opens doors of possibilities to use archaic petra to non geo, elemental dps carries.

  2. Hm, I like playable spear users and I like people who use magic to enhance their melee weapon. But I'm f2p and I already have Diluc (who also fits the second category) and my Noelle isn't C6 yet… Though it doesn't actually say she enhances her spear, it says she enters a mode, like Xiao.

  3. I got Hu Tao yesterday. And looks like her best combo with Xingqiu burst active is spamming Charged Attack and cancelling it when the second hit of the charged attack connects, that's 5-6 Vaporized Charged Attacks before Paramita Papilio ends

    And the best sands of eon for her should be HP% because it gives more total ATK during Paramita Papilo than ATK% sands

  4. Could you please test Hu Tao and Ganyou team? Hu Tao should be applying pyro for Ganyu after her E spam, was wondeirng if you can use that Pyro for Ganyu melt comps (Hu Tao E Charge spam, skill ends go to Ganyu for the CD, swap back).

  5. C6 Hu Tao is broken and its for whales 😂 I just C1 my Hu Tao and she actually changed the time clear record of my Spiral Abyss 12, She out dmged my Diluc, Xiao and Ganyu in terms of Speed running… literally I can say that Hu Tao is a BURST dps much BURST than Ganyu since My Hu Tao can 2 hits those 2 bosses in 12 🤣 sometimes 1 hit lol, shes clearly broken

  6. Excited for your follow up video! A lot of unreliable reactions every time a character comes out, I’m willing to wait for a quality on from some like you who I know I can trust! Thanks Krush!

  7. my reaction comp trial team tonight was hutao, ganyu, razor & noelle… tried a few combinations of toons but found the best rhythm with this setup… only had enough resources to get hutao/homa both to lv 7 w/lv 5 talents.

  8. I like that she is really strong but focused on a single target while Xiao is much better at AOE

    I hope next character is more support instead of DPS, I have too much DPS already I can't even build them fully and play them smh that said I still want Who Tao just cuz she cute

  9. I would really like to hear your thoughts on white tassel since it the only other weapon I have for my hu tao other than favonious. So I going to be using that untill I can get something better.

  10. I've been trying her with an EM sands, and I've been surprised to see that the dmg is pretty similar to that with a HP sands, even with Staff of Homa. I'm playing her with Xq, ofc.
    Maybe you should look into it? I suck at math, so I could very well be wrong :p
    But if EM sands is indeed better with XQ, even with Staff of Homa, it should be miles better with any other weapon.


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