Princess of Abyss Trailer – whose funeral is it? | Genshin Impact |

Genshin Impact Fan Trailer was made by Void(bilibili) is a masterpiece. not sure what they tried to tell in the video, but it still an awesome piece or art.

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47 thoughts on “Princess of Abyss Trailer – whose funeral is it? | Genshin Impact |”

  1. Bruh .. felt like every one is ded… The other Twin n his Companion… Every single one… Lumine realising she killed her own sibling with her own hands and after ruining her 2nd life she realised what she done and no one left… Truly a Code Geas feels.

  2. Paimon is the Queen, Archon, God or the Allmother of the Omni Element. She has the Omni Element Symbol on her chest and know how to teach the traveler how to use the elelemts without a Vision. Paimon Disappears and appears whenever she wants, she can control space and maybe even time. Who knows what she does in the meantime when she disappears, maybe she tries to find her memory again and find out what happened to her, why she lost most of her strength and why she shrank so much Or maybe she knows all this and just plays us something and knows that our journey is about to meet the unknown God.

  3. I feel like that funeral was for venti, due to the fact that by his stature says"GAte way of Celestia" or something kinda says something. My theory is that Venti dies and once he is ded a large current of wind blows the traveler up and the funeral is for VentiπŸ€”πŸ€”

  4. Why do i get the feeling that we the traveler is inside that coffinπŸ˜…. Cuz lumine is always the trailer abyss princess and it seems her eyes are very sorrowful and a hint of rage too? Please dont mind my crazy comment.

  5. This is really amazingg!! Plus the fact that the creator of this is also part of a big team that created a whole 56 min fan made genshin movie and i also believe this short video and that long movie is in the same series/connected πŸ˜€ you guys should check it out

  6. It's Paimon funeral. The first Twin traveled all over Teivant and at some point Paimon gets killed. Our twin blames Celestia somehow, which is why he joins (or creates) the Abyss order. Eventually he travels back in time to undo stuff, and our MC is released from the cube prison to stop him.

  7. Going based on some of the comments on the BiliBili video, my best bet is that this is a funeral for the people of Khaenri'ah. Like this is at the end of the game where everything is more or less solved, so they give a final farewell to all the lives of those that were lost or turned.

  8. plot twist: what if at the end of the teyvat chapter storyline preview, the "her" that dainsleif mentioned that loved "these flowers" is not lumine but someone else? and its the person in this video?


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