PREPARING FOR CYNO! (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re preparing for the upcoming hero, Cyno. Become a Channel Member! Twitch: …


21 thoughts on “PREPARING FOR CYNO! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. so! cyno scales a lot of em so the em on the piece you show at the end is indeed good for basic reaction but for him as well!
    talent wise, i saw that you don't really need to focus on basic as much as the other talents. his burst has a 18sec duration while it has 20 sec cd, so you'll be in burst mode most of the time with him and his na during his burst are like raiden, they are considered as burst!

  2. Are you ever gonna even use those ascension boss materials again? 30 of some of them lol. As we get further away you won't need then when the new characters require new materials. The crystals are worth it I guess to be able to trade boss drops! Interesting

  3. I got CYNO and bout to have his weapon and got both skyward harp and elegy for the end within 3 pulls so got my guaranteed staff of scarlet sands I have r3 pjws but hate how it doesn’t match him even tho the damage with it is great I’m an aesthetic person that has to match everything lol


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