PEAK POTENTIAL F2P C0 Raiden! Is She Actually Good?! Genshin Impact

I demonstrate the Free to Play ceiling for a heavily invested Free to Play Raiden Shogun. Supports are normalized to a seasoned F2P player’s account.

0:00 | Intro
0:21 | Defining Peak Potential
1:37 | My Raiden’s Builds
2:36 | F2P Support Builds
5:10 | Peak Raiden Showcase
8:30 | Abyss 12 Showcase
11:17 | Closing Statements


31 thoughts on “PEAK POTENTIAL F2P C0 Raiden! Is She Actually Good?! Genshin Impact”

  1. Bennet and Kujou attack buff application at 6:30, did Raiden even benefit from that? Since Raidens burst is an instant cast, and cooldown starts before it goes off, all stats are likely decided as it is pressed, and you didn't even seem to have Bennets buff applied yet (you need to wait for fire to apply to character) + Also need to wait for Kujous bubble buff to explode.

  2. i have 66k on the catch r3 lvl 80 with a team comp of bennet 10 burst and zhongli E with a stats of 65% crit rate and 136% crit damge and ER of 256. im still looking for balance arti for her

  3. I've been doing full refreshes for this character for a while now just to get artifacts… and I can't break 50 crit rate while having 100 crit dmg. That's how unlucky I am. Sucks that I've been putting money into this character and a F2P player can stomp wall over me with better artifact luck.

    I've been playing this game since launch and I dont have a circlet in ANY set that's as good as the one he's showing and I am faaaaaar from F2P, lol.

  4. I actually got really lucky with the emblem set domain so I got decent artifacts which gives my raiden 1.75k attack,264%er,67% cr &106% cd
    Although I really wish I had a better er sands which is terrible annndd my cd is pretty bad indeed

  5. idk why my artifacts are good and even with full resolve with bennete buff (no kujo sara) i can only hit for something like 60k crit (55 crit rate 128 crit dmg) idk why the only thing I'm not using on her is the catch, basically bcuz i don't have it

  6. I think Raiden compares very favorably to other main DPS because she is very flexible and low-budget friendly. Eula can have cheap teammates, but F2P claymores are very meh, certainly not the Catch level. (Also I think a F2P C0 Eula will be very, very hard pressed to reach 300k on the burst, perhaps with both Bennet and Sara, and because of her energy issues Eula is doomed to bring more pure support teammates like Diona, where Raiden can easily carry Xiangling and other high-energy characters.) Same with Ayaka, again she can have cheap teammates, but the best F2P sword Festering Desire is very meh on her. Ganyu and Xiao both have expensive teammates. Ganyu needs Mona and really want Venti/Kazuha for perma-freeze, and would really like Zhongli and Kazuha for melt (and melt-Ganyu I think is quite an expensive team; if you can't do crazy numbers and kill things fast, the team has a lot of energy and survivability issues for long fights). Xiao needs either Zhongli and Jean, his team comp really isn't all that flexible. I suppose Xiao and Ganyu's problems can be overcome with a lot of skill, but the skill requirement is kinda high. Hu Tao actually works very well with four-star teammates without high constellations, and she can use the White Tassel if pressed, but that speaks to the lack of a decent four-star F2P spear for her.

  7. Indeed , i am more interested in this "fish" to play oriented video format than whale oriented format . This one contain far more informations of achievable level according to my budget. (english is not my natural tongue , i hope the comment is understandable)


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