by @gematsu
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the flashing is kinda too much
i can already tell that this game will not kill genshin and it won´t surpass it ever. My bet is on genshin and wuthering waves will lead the market
Imagine Asumon-papa playing this game with his daughter.
So a bunch of loli characters Genshin clone. Trash
There's no use in saying Azur Lane is more generous than other games without explaining how their monetization works. Yes, it's a gacha game, but the currency to roll the gacha is farmed in-game, and you only ever use money to buy skins. That's it, the end. Now, will this game follow Azur Lane monetization of free gacha and paid skins? I highly doubt.
It looks like a game that provides little more value to the existing formula than every other game like it. Only thing that stands out is the use of the animals to farm mats and the riding of them.. of which is really just palworld stuff. Will it be trash? Maybe not, but it doesn't seem like itll provide anything better than any of the games its taking from
Edit: other than the smol chibi-like lil girls. Their animations are adorable and i quite like that aspect
Palmon Impact
china is way too quick at copy and pasting games wtf
Take the visuals and feel of combat
Add character creation
Turn all the extra characters into mixes of talent trees and classes
Shove it online (Or hell, instanced online)
Boom, an easy PVE mmo
Trailer in Japanese… gameplay in Chinese.. ?????
As If its not another fucking gacha that doesn't release any proper content for year…
"The characters are ok, but not that cool", yeah I wonder why, almost like they are not trying to go for you as the target audience.
Its not going for "sexy" or "cool", – which is usually the mainstream male audience,
its more like going for something along the lines of "cute",
which is proven popular with female gaming audience – the same kind that usually (originally, typically) went for games like genshin or ffxiv.
And yeah, there will still be elements of the former, but thats clearly not the main focus point the game is designed around.
Trash another copy of another copy
This game looks so good that it enrages weeb haters, lmao. Those are REAL losers are for even getting so mad.
This looks good especially the characters that look more fantasy like and thats one thing genshin and wuthering waves struggles with but i do agree with hoyo being good at character models
this game is digimon + genshin ~
The character designs seem really lame compared to azur lane and I don't understand why?
Agree that Genshin excels in character designs which is their best strength atm. Except from that aspect, Azur Promilia totally has me. I'm sold.
To be fair it's impossible for them to copy Palworld this fast, they must have been making it for quite some time
It's likely just they unfortunately got the same ideas (copying Pokemon and Ark) but Palworld was faster
sun bright too much it's reflex too much
i will try before judge, i am not fans of genshin though but not because of gamepley but because they apply china's law into global version.
As games like these continue to take the best elements of their predecessors we will eventually get the best gaming experience possible so i hope they continue doing this
The anti-christ of games
Sad asmon doesn't know what generous means in azur lane.
For me, who started a couple days late in azur lane, have unlocked all the boats aside from three collab boats that don't matter. And how much did I spend on the gacha system? 0 bucks.
I'm sure there are other people like me too who are extremely f2p here and still have all the boats in collection.
It only takes three or four banners of good luck and you'll be loaded with pulls to carry forth. It helps that you only need one pull and the rest can be upgraded with fodders. Compared to hoyo's constellations and eidolons. Imagine only needing to pull once for the character and the rest u can grind for their constellations and eidolons. That's azur lane.
He hasn't seen shit regarding GB Fantasy characters.
I don't want to like it…but I do like the idea of an anime Palworld
so sad that this game don't have any male characters
Oh yeah! There is some "gameplay" alright! Big bouncing gameplay
I feel like ppl have a very common misconception of why and how anime open world gacha game, or GI mainly with 60m+ concurrent players and making $3b+ annually, are still relevant and doing better when comparing that to every typical "free" mmorpg outside of the anime genre.
Diablo immortal made $1b in a year at its peak so it sales despite vids of ppl spending over $100k on the game, is still losing to GI in revenue.
blizzard players can cope all they want but that's the reality.
for Jensht for example, a couple of 4* characters are so OP that they basically deleted the whole hard content for you, and that is without the need to pull for a 5* unit on any gacha banner.
making it so much more casual and "F2p friendly", you don't need to spend to progress at all.
So "free" open-world gacha games don't technically need to be p2w considering that they need to appeal to as many players as much as possible even if they're a bunch of f2p players since they need to keep the game and the community populated for long-term relevancy and giving p2w players a proper reason to spend money on a PvE game.
I thought this game was cool until I saw that you can only play as female characters. Nah, I’m good
Looks better than palworld/genshin already. Also asmon has no idea about azure lane and its rep
Reverse 1999's designs are slept on. You can play as a radio. You can play as a shard of glass. one of the top S rank characters is an empty suit of armor. Just don't use the English voice acting – the original Chinese seems to have gotten the most love.
…thinking about it, Peria Chronicles would have had these pets…
…and Nexon scrapped that game…
Only to have Pal World go viral… while Peria Chronciles with more depth and potential got scraped. x_x
the world and environment looks stunning ngl, it's probably the closest to genshin quality if not on par
21:00 he means this literally. You never have to spend to get a character in Azur lane if you play it regularly. You only spend when you need more dock space, want to make them wear even skimpier outfits, or want to buy a wedding ring to marry them. The last two are optional and you get enough free premium currencies to buy dock space over time.
Looks cute. Looks smooth. Looks fun. Gonna try. Azur Promilia, don't squander your chance.
This style of game is very played out. Would have preferred the Azur Lane style. Having girls with not just ship/aircraft weapons, but also armored fighting vehicle types. Would also have been cool to have island, ocean, and underwater combat. Character design is also not memorable.
I definitely want the hammer girl. She looks so wholesome and I love big hammers, so this makes me happy.
When i say a gacha game is generous i mean that i believe it to be less predatory than some AAA studio games.
And also if you can play the entire game F2P on a reasonable level.
No male characters, so sexist. ;D
Looking like another giga greedy gacha garbage bag of game that'll get bent over and blasted wide open by overwhelming corporate greed.
I no-lifed genshin until I realised I was rotting my brain, gacha games are the fentanyl of gaming
I love azur lane, and it is probably the only gacha game that can go head-to-head against genshin in character design, so I don't know why the designs in this game look so mid
I really miss mounts in Genshin, so I'm looking forward to this.