Paimon said that Aether will find his sister, BUT… || Genshin Impact

#shorts #GenshinImpact #Genshin #Mihoyo #Mobilegame

I really want to see more of the story, but it’s going so slow :_)
well the last archon quest was not that good, it felt like I’m watching a filler episode or something but it was cool XD
what do you think?
do you want to see more videos like this? lemme know your opinion about this video in the comments ;D

Song : Experience by ludovico einaudi


39 thoughts on “Paimon said that Aether will find his sister, BUT… || Genshin Impact”

  1. Everyone else: Uses the Traveler

    Paimon: ride or die, best being that’s super cute and a little shit

    Amber: helped cus she wanted to

    Venti: constantly sending pretty wind boys to help us in big battles

    Dains: 500 mora and talks like a fortune cookie

  2. The story is confusing and isn't built very well at least for aether and lumine he said they used to travel to different planets and point to their next journeys locations in the sky while sitting together at night how could that be possible that they travel between planets while lumine's target is to avenge for khaenri'ah. it is said it lies in a location deep down near someru so does that mean the twin are khaenri'ans and didn't come from a different world or planet ?!
    But that's the opposite of what Aether said "our journey ended here" meaning that this world was a destination not their home

  3. Also if you guys said that every archon is been using athere nahida is wiling to help athere even wanderer and amber, like man why are we countinue at least nahida,wanderer, xiao,amber,shenshen,thoma,kazuha and paimon are care of athere well being

  4. Does this game ever have any mf end, I’ve been playing a since it’s first released, I’ve collected everything and not even upgrade half the bastards, I’ve haven’t waste no money in this game and I’m still wondering where’s the end of the game

  5. I feel like the way that when you play as traveller, your sibling has already seen everything youve seen, since youve all been on the same journey. If you play as Lumine, for example, thrn i think the people who playe as aether display him as the enemy, though hes already seen all of the world, and we have not. I have a feeling, in the end of genshin impact, we will come to join with the abyss order. Just like our sibling. Maybe the fact that we can play as which twin shows that both experience the same thing.


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