MATTJESTIC TERMINATED!? Teccy and Envi make up | This Week in Genshin Impact

This Week in Genshin Impact, we look at the recent MattJestic copyright strike situation, which might get him TERMINATED, as well as touching up on Teccy and Envi’s drama and how they made up. Booba Sword too, and some other things happening in the coming week!

0:00 Intro
0:07 MattJestic Terminated, Envi/Teccy Wrap Up, Most Viewed Game on Twitch
3:04 Free Primos are Leaving
4:09 Crickets…
4:28 My Wallet is in Pain

β€œOh I’m gonna roll for her” by Memorii:

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32 thoughts on “MATTJESTIC TERMINATED!? Teccy and Envi make up | This Week in Genshin Impact”

  1. I homestly for matt i dont feel pitty for him getting terminated but i feel sad for hes hard work, but he ask for it he was warn by hes own community to stop leak and he just amp it up well cant say he wasent warn.

  2. Great vid! You definitely serve a >2% sub rate lol (which I suspect isn't actually clickbait since your sub count is 10% of this vid's views).
    Also Memorii's vid was amazing lmao. It was like my exact thoughts.

  3. I feel bad for matt but Mihoyo isn't doing anything wrong . Infact leakers should just stop . Even mihoyo now gets that we need future character info and they themselves showed us a bunch of new characters . So i think its time leaks stops

  4. I can't get gold on two never ending battles. 😭

    I'm really missing a good Anemo DPS/support like Xiao, Kazuha or Venti. But I'm saving for Ayaka so not pulling on Kazuha. May be xiao on his rerun. 😎

  5. I really don't think that was a legitimate strike from mihoyo that Mattjestic received because it was all in russian. I heard that in Russia it is pretty notorious that some people take advantage of the copy strike law that other countries have because apparently they can get away with it e.g. the SPC wiki issue from two years ago.

  6. Something I don't get is all of the people saying that he deserved it. When growing up people seemed to embrace leaks. Are we now to just accept that all media now is basically PR? He started censoring any leaks he actually made and I felt that was a step too far. I thought that the west embraced freedom.

  7. Matt spread fake leaks and posted obvious reals ones then pushed everything in the thumbnail, i think they filed the strikes under the right pretense. I really didn't like this and i think it was justified that they finally struck his channel. His argument is this infringes his right to freedom of speech but he doesn't understand hes using other company's property and getting financial gain by posting unreleased information under his own channel publicly while claiming its his "news".

  8. I feel like after so long it’s unjustified they knew this man been doing it from the beginning, hit him then not now don’t let him build up and then Shut it down, at this point just let em be

  9. From a neutral standpoint Matt seems like a chill guy i am sad that he is probably gonna be terminated. From a player of said game standpoint however im really glad i wont be seeing spoilers in my recommended when just scrolling. I think its more than justified for mihoyo to strike him. He knew the risk he was taking by continuing and he was clickbaiting a lot of the time in his thumbnail/titles he wanted as many people to see him as possible and it just so happened that he got what he wanted. I feel bad for the guy going through it but not whats happening because he had it coming. If you play with fire you get burned simple as that.

  10. Majestic was the biggest leak channel in YouTube?? really? i tend to goto to Bilibi website for leaks, they tend to be more accurate and have nothing to lose when mihoyo teminate them they just respawn.

  11. Matt was one of my favorite genshin youtuber during the early stages of the game. I think he got greedy for views when the game slowed down and he started to focus on game leaks.

    The notepad archon went down a path most players cannot follow. Wishing him the best in his future.


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