After nearly two years of uncredited ghostwriting, HoYoverse has finally paid off its debt by adding me into Genshin Impact as a limited-time NPC during the Golden Apple Archipelagos. Ask-Me-For-Directions Arnold is here! OPEN ME (^_^)
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Finally! I really wanted to see your reaction on that part xD
Aaand.. Thats definitely you Arnold, who they mention about.. lol
they gave you a secret character. also your name is quite common in my country.
no but like i literally thought of you when i was doing this quest last night lmao im like 'hold up ARNOLD?!'
Genshin Universe : Ask-Me-for-Direction Arnold
Our Universe : Ask-Him-for-Lore Arnold 👌😎
You were quite simply the first person that came to mind when I saw the name, so yes, it’s definitely you. xD
Arnold: exists
Murderofbirds: “YOOOOOOO IM IN THE GAME HYPE!!!!”
Seconds later
is a maidenless simp
“Bruh….that’s not me chat…right?”
The most gaoted genshin character no doubt can't wait for the Arnold banner the first ever 10 star character
I thought of you when seeing the bird too haha
i hope you appreciate the irony because you’re murderofbirds lmfaooo
Yae Miko is hearing the mora pour in over this novel idea. The Tale Don't-Make-A-Simp-Outta-Me-Mihoyo
I think you should create a mascot or an icon for this channel which the design must be like Ask-me-for-directions-Arnold
Ah yes..genshin is made only for arnold
I love how all of us thought of you 😂
Welp, my first name is actually Eula's surname and I have felt mixed reactions on that one, the same thing with that one KoF Guard in front of Mondstadt's Front Gate where he's with Swan.
You were the first thing that came to my mind when i met the bird 😆
Time to change the channel name!
1:53 I fucking died at the 4th reason why
Also, Ask-Me-For-Directions Arnold immediately reminded me of you and was so excited of your reaction because I knew you'd lose your shit cuz I did as well xD It is confirmed that you are a Mona simp. HYV really being sneaky for naming a raven "Arnold"
My name is pretty unique but really sad that I'll never have my name in a game because I have one of the most rarest names :'>
I always nicknamed that Arnold as "Simp-For-Mona-Arnold"
it is also crow (they are black)
see???!! u cant run anymore arnold, just accept it you're mona's simp lmao XD XD XD… anyway as long as we see you happy it's more than enough, thanks hoyoverse, u should rise up the salary for the ghost writers XD
I love this man
me when playing this part of the event: arnold? raven??? murder oF BIRDS ARNOLD???
"When the f did monstad crash into the golden apple" buddy that's how it was made Venti yetted some mountains and we got a resort
Hoyoverse finally acknowledging their ghost writer LETSGOOO
ask me for directions arnold":o trying to simp right there
hi arnold, Im new to the channel, Im wondering if your'e gonna upload the genshin manga reading session?
You are like 33 Years old?????? Wow i didnt know that.
Ask-Me-For-Directions Arnold Cosplay when????
Huh, I didn't think that Arnold would actually take the stage.
Congratulations! Well, you had very few lines, though.
Its a interesting way of doing that, i'm with u there, did't know u were a Mona simp(can't remember all the details) but its a nice nod to u(and all other simps) regardless 🙂
This is the closest other characters saying traveler's actual name. Not just Traveler, and our sibling just said the canon name Aether/Lumine
His biggest cameo was also his biggest roast🤣
No cause what the actual legend
Haha Arnold finally made it into the game! while my name been in the game even tho it's not as common anymore, and its been there 4 a while, still waiting to finally meet her tho… haha hopefullyAsk-Me-for-Directions-Arnold sticks around in the game 4 a while even tho its unlikely considering this is Hoyoverse…
MurderofBirds EXPOSED Simp!
I'm calling you Ask Me For Directions Arnold from now on and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
1st we get Arateccy Itto and now Ask me for directions Arnold. Wonder when Mtashed is gonna get his spotlight in the game
Finally simp Arnold
Did you get your salary yet? 🤣🤣🤣
Man, looking back at 1.1 reignites my hype for The Balladeer, I reeeeeeally wish he'll be playable soon.
They were like put that guy in the game,!! !!
lol i recently watched someone play through this i enjoyed watching it.
also side note there is a cartoon called Hey Arnold just saying 🙂
2:03 OH I GET IT NOW (I never realised that it meant like a murder (group) of crows I just thought it meant literally bird-killing and I just thought of Timmie's pigeons)
Simp for Mona a year ago and Hoyoverse has made it a permanent part of their game. You have to be careful about EVERYTHING you say Arnold.
I agree, “Arnold” is a pretty rare name. I’ve only heard of three Arnolds in 25 years, the actor, my family relative, and MurderofBirds. It’s a great name!
Asked to be a simp, he is now a canonical simp