NEW UPDATE!! ALL FONTAINE Characters Numbers, Snezhnaya & Dornman Port Information – Genshin Impact

Version 3.6 started last week and with that beta testing for version 3.7 also began. We have a lot of information regarding version 3.7 and future regions and upcoming characters. We all know that the next region that will be available in genshin impact is fontaine. But now we also know the number of characters who will be released in fontaine. Nine characters with five star rarity will release during fontaine update, 7 female characters and two male characters. We will also get some new characters from liyue, which includes a five star cryo female character and a four star male character.
The cryo female character is expected to be a DPS Character just like Ganyu.

We also have some new info regarding Dornman port in Mondstadt. This port is not too big and borders with Snezhnaya. It is currently under development.
According to the new info, Snezhnaya is not far away and borders the northern part of Mondstadt. So we can see the snowy mountains of Snezhnaya from Mondstadt, just like Dragonspine. This region will be added during the fontaine patch.

We also got some new information about the next playable fatui harbinjer. According to team china, Arlecchino is going to be the next playable fatui.
Whether Dottore will be playable or not, we dont have any information. But according to team china, most of the fatui harbinjers are playable.

We also have some new piece of information about Natlan. Natlan will have a plot related to reincarnation and has a culture similar to maya culture. Which could also mean that La signora can be reincarnated and become a playable character but that’s just my assumption.

fontaine characters, All fontaine characters, next playable fatui, dornman port location, snezhnaya genshin, natlan storyline leaks, genshin impact upcoming characters

#genshinimpact #genshin #原神 #fontaine #arlecchino


46 thoughts on “NEW UPDATE!! ALL FONTAINE Characters Numbers, Snezhnaya & Dornman Port Information – Genshin Impact”

  1. Pantalone doesn’t have vision, unless he went through the same thing as Scara then he won’t be playable. My money is on Capitano honestly. Going to pull for the blond hair girl and the male characters. Maybe focalors too but I’ll see later about that.

  2. I fell in love with Pantalone the moment I saw him in that trailer. I know that the possibility of him being playable is lower than others because he doesn’t have a vision, but nothing is stopping me from hoping. I also wanna pull for Focalors.

  3. very thanks dude you're not like those other annoying yotubers that adversities Nord Vpn you don't put clickbates share real information and the most important don't "GET THIS WITH A BIG GRAIN OF SALLLLLLLLLT" thanks for good cotent

  4. Hearing about the possible reincarnation plot in Natlan I hope it’s Kazuha’s friend that gets reincarnated instead of Signora, they’ve been really stingy about details surrounding him so it makes me (hope) think that he will have a bigger relevance later on :3

    Oh and the Fatui harbinger who I want to be playable is Columbina, if she had powers related to singing it was be amazing and I would pull her instantly :0

  5. I rly hope we get Capitano, Arlechino, Pantolone and Pierro as playable characters most of all, Sandrone and Damselette i can rly live without, Dottore and Pulcinella i rly dont care if we get them, I rly dont expect we'll get dottore and asuming some will have to die, i hope Dottore is one of them.

    I feel like Capitano is one we're likely to kill but i think he has one of, if not the coolest design so i want him to live.

    A Re-Incarnated Signora would also be nice too but i'd gladly take Capitano over Signora, he could even be Geo for all i care, I dont want Capitano to get wasted, especially if we end up getting a terrible person like Dottore.

  6. It doesn't make complete sense at this point to have all of the Harbingers playable. However, if we are eventually going to side with them, then I guess it makes sense. I just hope their "redemption arcs" aren't too forced.

  7. Since the Natlan Chapter had the title; Incandescent Ode of Resurrection, and if it's related to the cycle of life and rebirth then, possible Signora would reincarnate but for that to happen, why? Actually, I am much more curious about the story plot of Natlan than Fontaine since we don't have any information about that region in the in-game and we haven't encounter any locals from there.

    The Fontaine's Chapter title; Masquerade of the Guilty. From the word itself and based on my own understanding, it seems like the God of Justice herself/himself is guilty about something and he/she is trying to cover it up by saying that he/she is doing this for the sake of Justice. But the question is…. what is the true meaning of the word "Justice"?


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