Genshin Impact allows you to build characters however you please… So I decided to take my Kazuha and build him on a purely physical build, for science for course. Definitely how HoYoVerse intended…
This is on my main account with Raiden Shogun. I already had an Aquila Favonia, and it just made sense to give it to my 5 star sword user. Turns out, I actually like having a physical build on Kazuha more than one meant for swirl. As soon as I got Kazuha in his rerun, I began building him for this moment. Now that he’s crowned, I figured it was time to show him off.
#Genshin #GenshinImpact #kazuha
honestly i use him as a main dps with anemo dmg ever since last year, i never liked elemental mastery yet im a kazu main lol
I have Kazu on dps build since I got him and now I have been shown the right way. Thank you Java for your guidance
I built Yoimiya as Hoyoverse intended
Burst dps
That would be great video
kazuha and raiden are the best charecters in genshin impact everyone else sucks
please build eula….
0:21 i just noticed that his whole sclera isnt rendered. useless fact but weird how i noticed that
now do cryo eula
using soft, can't wait to get my hands on it.
I was tempted to build him like this but I didn't have the courage. You're a brave man, Java. Not afraid to stick it to the man and do the opposite of what guide videos tell you to do.
it may be worth it to say that resistance reduction is more valuable on enemies with higher of that resistance
Gambler kazuha
The song lets get physical physical started playing in my head
Since we got Physical Kazuha, why not Cryo Eula?
Yes officer, that's him right there
genshin is for you to do what you want but losing the ability to do big damage by jumping while dodging mid air takes quite a bit out of him
My kazuha is not phys or em support but I have him with 2 piece echoes of an offering and 2 piece gladiator 😅
Petition to make kazuha em builds illegal
-> 📃
shoutout to java constantly improving his editing with each video (i mean look at 5:52 bro)
5:54 obsessed with this transition
Physical Kazuha is so cursed
C'mon my cryo Kazuha, don't mind him. When I get Shenhe you gonna slap that abyss harder than a wet noodle
can confirm, is good build
The wind knockback triggered by Favona feels good on Kazuha… too bad I have R5 Freedomsworn ;/
Wait but when I tried it before I got shouted but when he do it okay?!
Your team:
The mommys+ a drug addict.
Hear me out..dps shenhe next?