Neuvillette HP vs Hydro Goblet | Genshin Impact #neuvillette

Neuvillette HP vs Hydro Goblet | Genshin Impact #neuvillette
In this video i showcase c0 Neuvillette HP vs Hydro Goblet damage side by side i personlly use hydro goblet with furina.
I dont have hes signature weapon it has 542 ATK and a massive 88.2% CRIT DMG at Level 90 so if you have that he would do more dmg then my f2p showcase.
My artifact set is marechaussee hunter genshin goblet set.
Good Luck if you Pulling for him✨

neuvillette build
neuvillette weapon comparison
neuvillette pulls
neuvillette build f2p
neuvillette team
neuvillette furina team
neuvillette weapon comparison
neuvillette goblet hp vs hydro
neuvillette goblet hp or hydro
neuvillette tome of eternal flow vs prototype amber

#genshinimpact #neuvillette #hoyocreators


14 thoughts on “Neuvillette HP vs Hydro Goblet | Genshin Impact #neuvillette”

  1. i've been using Neuvillette on same weapon since 4.1, and have tried both hp and hydro goblets from time to time, so here's my advice –

    1) prefer hp goblet, if u have lots of dmg buffers to buff u, like kazuha, barbara c2 or widsith dmg bonus passive etc… perfect scenario is Kazuha+Furina+Lost prayer/widsith….then totally go for hp!

    2) prefer hydro goblet when u use him on teams that don't have furina+kazuha, becoz even with lost prayer stacks, or just furina's buff, neuvillette deals more dmg with hydro goblet

    overall….. use hp when lots of dmg bonus already present…………. and hydro goblet whenever else!

    ( Neuvillette has free 30% hydro dmg bonus when hp is above 80%, but it fluctuates a lot…….. lost prayer stacks also take a lot of time to stack full 4…… and Kazuha's buffs only last 8 seconds until u reapply…… so in ideal situation, he would have 30+32+40ish=100+ dmg bonus already, when hp is more better…… but its so specific and not so easy to manage, hence just straight up go with hydro goblet regardless!! )

    Good luck building him!!! He's awesome!!

  2. Help me out –
    I have C0 nuvi just got him. Now I need a weapon for him.
    I have a R1 kaguras verity and lost prayer to sacred winds R1. Shall I forge prototype amber instead of using these above or what shall I do

  3. مستحيل .. يجب ان يكون الفرق على الاقل ستة آلاف (6k)
    دائما كأس الهايدرو افضل من كأس HP
    في حال كان البناء صحيحا.


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