Genshin Impact v2.6 Trailer Analysis [for lore and story]

The Chasm is FINALLY HERE!! Along with Kamisato Ayato, a fun new event around books, and the return of Dainsleif! Let’s take this trailer apart bit by bit and see what kind of information we can get!

**Neat Links**
Japanese Wood Joinery –
Husk of Opulent Dreams –
Raiden Gokaden –


40 thoughts on “Genshin Impact v2.6 Trailer Analysis [for lore and story]”


    – I know the seal was put in place by the Liyue Qixing but that bit of information didn't come out until after I made the video… T^T
    – It was also stated that the festival was put on by the Yashiro commission and apparently I missed that so, sorry my bad!

  2. Something I just thought of: why is the artifact set called Vermilion Hereafter? It's clearly tailor-made for Xiao, both in the set-piece designs and effects, and even the color scheme. Xiao's color scheme is purple, green, black, and white, while the set pieces themselves are purple and black.. but Vermilion is a shade of red 🤔🤔
    Much to think about.

  3. I dont have childe so correct me if im wrong, but if i recall correctly childe fell into the abyss fissure thing bc he was chased by wolves.
    What if the wolves were rifthounds, then the weird abyss fissure thing (as you said we dont really know???) would sort of make sense?
    Yeah the rifthounds supposedly only started resurfacing only recently, but maybe they were slowly trying to pop out even when ajax was a child, maybe a tiny few managed to actually get into teyvat back then somehow, but not noticeable enough so people found out. Plus we already know the rifthounds lore wise arent limited to being just in inazuma, since razor's story quest (and the three lonely rifthounds near boreas' place) are proof that they're also in mondstadt, so they could've also yeeted to other places. I know regular wolves are common in countries with colder climates, but I always thought it was oddly specific that childe was chased by wolves in particular, and then coincidentally falling into the abyss

  4. The "WHAT IS HAPPENING" feeling this stream gave me is similar to the one Shadows Amidst Snowstorms gave me and I have a feeling it's going to be another one of those days Hoyo decides to abuse our brain juices qwq

  5. 25:55 huh… yeah as soon as you made the note about mushrooms, my thoughts immediately went to mycelium networks. And thusly, ley line networks. (which, since I just paused the video to write this, I'm suspecting you may get to)

  6. I dont think that the gem thingy that the lector uses is traveler energy because traveler energy only shows up in moments when there connection to gods like the adepti or visions or something, so maybe it is a some kind of crystal that has connection to morax because morax first landed in the chasm from celestia

  7. I really love your content @Ashikai!
    I hope you make some speculation vids too of what to expect for 3.0, cos I've noticed
    version X.0 – the main archon quest storyline
    v X.1 – conclusion of archon quest storyline
    v X.2 – new area with lore subplot
    v X.3 – filler story arc
    v X.4 – festival arc
    v X.5 – archon's story quest chapter II
    v X.6 onwards – prologue chapters to the next archone questline, with intro to new mechanics of the next major version. Like how waveriders were introduced in 1.6 but ultimately integrated to 2.0 in Inazuma as a means of getting across the islands, so as the other puzzle mechanics.

    I hope you can make a speculation video of what things in 2.6, 2.7, etc will be part of 3.0

    Thank you and more content to come!

  8. When you mentioned the light coming through the water at the end, what I was reminded most of is the room with the perpetual mechanical array, the underground ruins in tsurumi and the hydro boss room in watatsumi. All three of them are underwater, yet have these openings in the ceiling with light coming out of them, that too with absolutely no sign of any such thing at the surface. This just unfortunately might be one of those events.

    And yes, I did try to go up through those openings but there's an invisible wall keeping you in.(that's two hours of my life I won't get back)

  9. You might've noticed this already, but I think all of the cubical rock structures we see in and around the Chasm (at 18:25 21:50 23:38 and especially 28:03 onwards) are related to our sussy Miss Susty. The arrangements of the rocks just don't feel "natural", on top of how they are able to mysteriously defy gravity.
    29:00 We know that Susty's powers manifest as floating cubes of varying sizes, traveling in these sinuous controlled "streams". The pattern of these streams matches up very closely with the cube rock arrangements. They stack and mesh together in clear lines.
    I imagine the reason why Susty's cubes have turned into rocks is that they were petrified by accumulating Geo in the Chasm. (Or it's something similar to the formation of the Guyun "spears"?) The cubes have also somehow retained their ability to float in spite of this, maybe Susty is just that powerful so that these effects can linger on

  10. it seems like the weird swirly light energy exclusively appears in places that have ties to the celestial gods (mostly istaroth) and the chasm does have what looks like Another skyfrost nail… highly suspicious 🤨

  11. Someone may have pointed this out already, but I think it's basically been confirmed that Dainsleif's connection is with the Husks rather than the abyss lectors. In the description/lore (from Honey Impact) for the Black Serpent Knight: Windcutter it says this

    "A guard of some standing in the court, sundering the foes of the nation's rulers using a sword art known as 'Truthseeker.'

    The Twilight Sword was once one of their number. That realm's glory has been extinguished, never again to be reclaimed."

    Also part of the Shadowy Husk: Defender description says "All shall decay in the end, and this is all that is left of the Black Serpent Knights amidst the merciless march of their sins, curses, and time itself." One of the other Husk's description seems to indicate that they were all part of the royal guard of an "underground nation" so I think it checks out? In any case, this is all SO interesting and I'm so excited!! Thank you for making these videos that break everything down so clearly it makes my lore-loving heart very happy 😊🥰

  12. I wouldnt be comparing the light effects or whatever to each other on lore perspective because this is a game and game developers tend to reuse assets to shorten time on the development of stuff.

    Also about SuStainer part, Sustainer cutscene was made in the early beta of Genshin and whatever Mihoyo had in mind back then well they just modelled her after Herrscher of Void, the square patterns on her arms and her power is just identical to her. I belive Mihoyo havent set the story in stone from the beggining, maybe some most impartants things but not the entirety of it. They actaully work and develop the story on the go, off course they are months ahead of the current patch but its not so far off. That might be why they reused some models they love. This is more of a Mihoyo bias thing not actual lore importance. This is something that happened to Honkai back then, Mihoyo created Honkai as the sequel to gun girls z first, thats why they the same characters, the same clothes and story was entagled at first, they eventually abonded that idea and decided to go on completly different path, thats why Honkai early story might be so confusing , because it didnt really set itself back then, especialy with the external sources like the manga that some people debate if its even canon because its confusing. I personaly thing that Sustainer look is just a smile to Honkai fans, fanservice. They tend to do that a lot in their games. I dont think if people who werent Mihoyo fans for years get it but Genshin wasnt really a safe decision from Mihoyo. Genshin development cost them a lot and they were not sure of the game succes so they at first tried to drag in their already aquired fans , Mihoyo at that point was reallty close to being sold to Tescent. Tescent made several attempts to buy whole Genshin IP and part of company before official release. Genshin release was something they put everything on, that was a masive gamble, no chinese game before was released globaly in same time as china market. Mihoyo had advantage of having their global network with other games but it was masive cost and especialy if they made it crossplatform from the beggining.

  13. I’ve honestly thought for a small while that the husks are what happened to the guards of Khaenri’ah that didn’t get the chance(?) to maintain their consciousness, leaving a ‘husk’ with only a faint memory of their original purpose (which was protecting the people.) As for why might Dain looks like a normal human… I guess it has to do with his “immortality” and how it made him unable to loose that ‘humanity’ completely? No idea.
    Also I didn’t even notice the water detail on the trailer! That’s so interesting…

  14. about the leylines theme of blue and gold, aren't those also the colors of traveler and the other twin? aether for gold and lumine for blue. OMG.

  15. also about the irminsul trees, i think its appearance varies on where it is rooted/planted. just observation. so it can look like mushroom in chasm, then the tree in narukami shrine has a shape of a fox, etc, or it could look just like an ordinary tree.

  16. Dainsleif and the Lecter writhing and holding his face is exactly what I'd do if I was in a dark tunnel and suddenly had bright light in my face. They must have achoo syndrome like me

  17. that dark abyssal corruption from the 3 realms gateway event has a negative effect on beings from the human and light/elemental realms, so what if that light energy is similar effect but on monsters and beings from the abyss and the abyss lector has some kind of sigil that protects it from the effects of the light energy and the reason as to why dainsleif is effected by it is because of he's blue black power, I believe that it is similar to the abyssal power our twin used in the we will be reunited quest but it might have been slightly purified that's my thoughts on the topic let me know what you think about it maybe it will help you with other theory vids in the future

  18. About Dainsleif !
    Ok so the blue irminsul trees are petrified trees, by giving them resin we revitalise them, and they turn gold
    So we know that Dainsleif was cursed with immortality 👀
    Idk just, the link between petrification/immortality (since being petrified is a state of preservation Kinda? Like obv fossils are dead but we can paraphrase that …)


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