My Reaction to Character Demo – "Wanderer: Of Solitude Past and Present" | Genshin Impact

This trailer gave us more lore implications than you realize! OPEN ME (^_^)

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My Reaction to Character Demo – Wanderer Of Solitude Past and Present | Genshin Impact

#GenshinImpact #Hoyoverse #MurderofBirds


40 thoughts on “My Reaction to Character Demo – "Wanderer: Of Solitude Past and Present" | Genshin Impact”

  1. Arnold, probably by now you have done the interlude. Which means what you said about Alice is pretty true. She’s a descender, which explains why she narrated this miscellany since her memory is unaffected.

  2. A bit off topic but we as a descender made so much sense why Zhongli wants us to be his witness. So that everything in teyvat (liyue especially) cannot be erased by irminsul and will travel to the next world with us

  3. I wonder what name Arno chose for his ''Scara-Meow-Meow (according to the simps)''
    I personally went full Ars Goetia and called him Valefor, to be on level with Barbatos, Morax, Baal & Beelzebub, Buer, Focalors, ********, ********, and, of course, Paimon.
    Also bc he flies, and Valefor is my favorite aeon in FFX. Yuna is proud.

  4. I haven't touched the new quests, but I wonder if the Fatui Harbingers can somehow realize that Scara was erased from existence.
    They have numbers, they will probably notice that they jumped one no?

  5. Mans literally laid out the whole plot of the archon quest from his trailer.
    Also, I believe Alice is narrating Galileo's collected miscellany because shes a descender and remembers what happened before Irminsul incident.
    Edit: Welp should have waited to finish watching the video before commenting that lol.

  6. In the first Golden Apple Archipelago quest, Alice mention that there are tales in another World of Majestic Islands named after Golden Apple.

    So maybe she has visited/belongs to another world(s).

  7. I'm not pulling for him but from what I've heard from people who own him, he's like the Alarak (starcraft 2 / heroes of the storm) of the game
    Condescending, cocky, diminishing even towards the player
    It's refreshing to have one of those in genshin

  8. i may be going too far here but i think the bird might be a representation of scaramouche, you see Ei treats the bird gently and admires it for a while and then she sets it free just like she did with scara while miko on the other hand tricks the bird into her hand to let it be eaten by the fox and then laughs and shows no remorse for the little thing, which makes possible reference to how she wanted to destroy scaramouche

  9. I'm hoping arnold has done the quest by now because I have a question for the chat. Scara only removed kabukimono onwards right? That's how he is still made but not a harbinger. But ei and yae don't have voice lines on him anymore. So they forgot scara, then who made scara because someone has to make him. Like how something broke the vase at least

  10. bruh Arnold I like what you said with why Alice is the one narrating Wanderer's Collected Mischellany. already knew about Alice being Descender cuz I mean, she brought stuff in Teyvat that aren't from Teyvat xD but you mentioning it about the CM is good stuff 😂

  11. is very strange to me that people have not doubted at all why the fatui did not recognize the wanderer in the character demo, now after the archon quest we already know why

  12. He was so spot on with Alice. I'm so glad my favorite character is finally back to narrating these trailers… It really feels like Hexenzirkel is coming, maybe in fontaine. I think the voice is Mona's master 100%

  13. I mean…I don't think it would be too surprising for a character named Alice to be an outsider to a land full of wonder like Teyvat. Not to mention Klee having a stuffed animal that looks like a white rabbit.

  14. Alice is actually a descender!! Its why she knows how to make things like communication devices and she narrated this miscellany instead of dainsleif since she, us, our brother, aloy, and one other is the descender

  15. The only gripe I have with the implications of Scara's erasure from Irminsul is that they will not have an interaction with Ei or Yae in the context of what it was. Otherwise, I love the Wanderer and I love his entire arc


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