Moving On From Genshin Impact Lore

It’s time to open new doors to more opportunities. Genshin Impact (and the lore community) has been a blast and thank you for supporting me through the years. But I think it’s time to finally to expand my horizons and start expanding into more games.

So what changes?
Well, I’ll be posting about Genshin Impact less unless it’s a topic that I really, really love. Or it’s a project that I’m in collaboration with, of course. I’m also going to post more about other games that I’m passionate about or just didn’t have the opportunity to since I was scared that it would compromise my channel or something wild like that.

But after careful thinking and also just what I want to do as a creator (and what I think would be for the best for my channel), I’m going to move on from being a Genshin Lore Content Creator and become a Variety Video Essayist. I don’t know where that will take me, I don’t know what will happen, but I’m excited.


34 thoughts on “Moving On From Genshin Impact Lore”

  1. Don't worry about me completely leaving Genshin, I don't intend to do that nuh uh im seeing the AQs til the end. I'm too deep into the main Quest and nothing will stop me.

    Just moving on from being a "genshin lore content creator" (100%-ish Genshin), but rather being more of a variety essayist – covering other games or stuff that I find generally interesting story-wise. For July-August, I most likely will post the scripts I have cooking (Like my Wanderer and Dain Video) alongside the new content I want to make (Dissecting the X character and a short video on the Beginner's Guide)

    But let's see where the wind leads.

  2. Making a video about this basically every month since january has become very annoying, if you wanna move on then just do it. Don't make constant videos about it and continue making simular content, it feels attention seeking move on or don't, but dont keep saying you will and not do it and then make another video basically saying the same a month later.

  3. Hello aster, I am an old fan of your content. I would like to say that I support you for this change, but you must know that with this change you will lose a large portion of your audience and you will have to build it again. I am not trying to frustrate you or scare you, but you must understand this well

    but this doesn't mean that this will be entirely negative because the new audience will watch you for your personality, and I believe that you can do it because I believe that you have the qualities of a good content creator

    but you must make some changes if you want to succeed, such as trying to use vtuber model, etc.

  4. As long as you're happy with yourself and your work as a content creator, I'm fine! This channel has helped me a lot in a lot of ways and I'll continue to support you anyway, regardless of anything, so don't worry and I can't wait to see what's to come, even if it may take some time~

  5. Always loved your Genshin theories. Glad you're moving on to something more comfortable because even I stopped playing Genshin lol but still loved the story behind it in that sort of aspect.. Wish you luck! <3

  6. This may sound blunt or harsh, but… To me, this sounds like fantastic news. I've been playing Genshin since 1.0 and I had been watching your lore videos since the beginning, up until about a year ago. To frame this correctly, just know that I am on the spectrum (autism); high-functioning, but particularly emotionally sensitive and quick to absorb the emotional states of others. For about the last year, I haven't been able to sit through your lore videos because there has been something akin tiredness, distress, and exasperation coming through, along with a kind of checked-out distance or, how do you say it… kind of like a disassociation from your own content… a little bit forced. And again, I am particularly sensitive so these things may be much more subtle or unconscious than I make them seem in text, or my mind could have been misreading altogether and I could be completely wrong… But for me, i absorb those things and they make me feel sad, distressed, and uncomfortable, because my brain wants everyone to be happy or at least to enjoy what they are doing, and it started to feel like you weren't / didn't anymore in relation to your lore videos. However, I've continued to watch your research / poll / player analysis videos because they have still been filled with that energy and joy and genuine interest that I'm sure drew many more like me to your channel in the first place. I don't know if it's just due to my sensitivity or not, but to me, there has seriously been such a stark contrast between those two types of videos in this regard.

    So I guess what I want to say is, I hope you won't feel too overwhelmed with pressure to continue making specific types of content even when your heart isn't in it. I'm sure most of us will just feel happy knowing that you're focusing on your own interests and making the content that you enjoy making, even if it's for games that we don't play. Genshin may have given a lot of creators their start, and a lot of your viewers may have found you because of Genshin, but remember that your returning viewers are here because they enjoy your style, presentation, vibe, energy, and the effort you put into your content, NOT because of the game you cover. All the value lies in your own efforts and work, and that will shine through whatever content you choose to cover.

    Best wishes from us all!

  7. I've been watching your videos pretty much since you started making them, and i feel like you've often said you're going to branch out and then dont. If that's really what you want to do, then go for it!
    I myself have been drifting away from genshin. When i first started playing, i was mentally unwell and pretty much stayed in my room playing the game all day. But now i realize the real world is a much more fulfilling place to be. So while i enjoy genshin, i cant help but feel like its unhealthy for me. All the tactics that they use to take advantage of people and make them spend too much of their precious time and money.. its disturbing.
    So its a good thing that youre stepping away, theres certainly much better games than genshin.
    A game thats caught my attention recently is Hades. Tbh, i havent played it and dont know much about it but looks really cool! It might be your thing with the greek mythology themeing and characters, idk it just looks cool.
    But whatever happens, i wish you well! ❀

  8. Given how good your genshin content has been I'm confident that anything you tackle in the future will be just as good if not better. Passion goes a long way. Keep up the good work I'm looking forward to more.

  9. Doing more variety with things you like will eventually gather people who like not only genshin but those other things and even interest those who don't know them. We all have times where our interests go to and from and that's normal, God forbid the amount of times I've changed my mind on what I wanna do for the future πŸ˜‚

  10. Honestly I was amazed how you can manage this despite having classes, it's pretty cool. I enjoyed your genshin lore and I also enjoyed the other games you tackled (Reverse 1999 and Wuthering Waves). Looking forward to more variety!

  11. I'd love lore about more games! Your style is good regardless of the game you cover and while genshin will always have more stuff for you to hit on in the future, it doesn't have to be your only content if you feel like you can research and spend more time with other games also!

    I'm excited! When I see you post genshin lore it makes me happy cause I know you'll give quality content – and now I can be excited that you'll bring that to other games and that I can be surprised about what you cover next!

  12. It's because that lore has become vast right now, and reading the texts will not necessarily hasten the conclusion of the lore. And since the world Teyvat expands, so do the lore stories, and these lore stories sometimes are not easily accessible, you have to explore and dive for more, and not everyone can do it, so the community has a low chance to understand one another because they cannot always relate to what is being said. For example if I say "Amoria", no one can relate, because they haven't read the texts in Remuria.

  13. Just do what you want to do. There is no need to cater to some fans. Not everyone only focuses on one game. I play both Genshin Impact and Wuwa. Sometimes I play LOL with my friends on weekends, but now I play more casual games. I am also looking forward to the release of ZZZ soon. I will also download and try it. Maybe you can create some experience videos of different games.

  14. I'm really glad for you honesty, cause last 6 months it was noticeable what something changes! I'll stay with you, to discover more interesting topics even if it's through other games! Nice to hear what you will give some your thoughts about Natlan!

  15. I'm admittedly a little sad since whenever I felt like listening to some Genshin Lore I just searched up your channel and by now have pretty much watched every single of your Lore related videos I think. But I wish you success and happiness in whatever type of content or even other things you will be doing from here on! I'll make sure to drop by from time to time and see if you've cooked up smth that seems interesting πŸ˜€ Good luck!!!

  16. YES, please do make lore videos on games like Portal and such!

    And it makes me very happy you will not become another SunnyV2 channel since that guy's content is unbearable for me x.x

    Anyway, you're still young! So take your time, take risks, and find a rhythm that works for you.

  17. Im glad you're diversifying, but… Didn't you already make this video a year or two ago? You already told your audience that you were diversifying at the end of sumeru, i believe.


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